The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The HQ / Glorantha Website Link Sticky Thread
Started by: Christopher Kubasik
Started on: 7/2/2003
Board: HeroQuest

On 7/2/2003 at 6:44pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
The HQ / Glorantha Website Link Sticky Thread


I've just volunteered to set up a Sticky Thread for Glorantha links around the internet. This way, if anyone wants to provide a link to their site, or someone finds a cool HQ / Glorantha site they want to share with others, they can put it on the sticky thread and anyone checking out HQ via The Forge can find it.

However, I've never done anything like this before, so I'm opening the floor up to discussion for a while.

A few questions:

1) I'm now officially culling suggestions for the Glorantha sticky thread. Possible lines of attack are:

a - One post that's updated, with links and short descriptions a al the terrific "New to the forum? Look here first." thread on the Riddle of Steel board. This would entail links being emailed to me, and then me editing the Big Link Post.

b - A series of posts, with folks simply adding links via each post. No criticism or comments about posts -- just enthusiastic links and that's it.

c - A free form thread about HQ / Glorantha links. (I'm already getting shaky just thinking about possible flame wars on this one -- but I really don't know the Glorantha fan base temperament that well yet.)

d - things I haven't even though of yet. We might want to cull the best sites, or note the really good ones in some way. We might want to just say, "Here are the posts," without comment. I have no idea. Post your thoughts here.

2) Depending on how we set this up, I'm going to need some help, um, technically. And my that I mean, I know how to click on my internet link icon, type my password, and type words into post reply windows. I've got a long way to go on HTML, setting up stickys and so forth. I'm assuming Clinton will have my back on that. I just want to make it clear that you should make your suggestions about layout and such as cool as possible, but that I may not know technically how to respond right away.

First things first though. We've got a thoughtful, engergetic community here. How can we best help serve a really great new game by providing internet available material about this whacky world of Glorantha.


Message 7046#73608

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On 7/2/2003 at 7:28pm, Nick Brooke wrote:
RE: The HQ / Glorantha Website Link Sticky Thread

Bugger. I must have pipped you at the post.

There's a new message in the Lokarnos thread which includes four useful links. Two of these (Issaries' Glorantha Tribe Links and my Etyries' Gloranthan Mailing Lists info) are no-brainers for inclusion. The other two are more debatable - the Top 20 vote had a restricted electorate and fairly low turnout, while I can hardly be impartial about the Lokarnos hub's manifold and ever-increasing virtues.

I think you'd be best off using a sticky thread to link to existing lists of links, rather than encouraging a sectarian free-for-all here (although the Gloranthan community is very warm and cuddly, in a non-threateningly affectionate kinda way). Unless the needs of the GNS clan of the Glorantha tribe are different to the rest, that is... but somehow, I doubt that very much.

Just my $0.02...

Cheers, Nick

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On 7/2/2003 at 7:37pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: The HQ / Glorantha Website Link Sticky Thread

Hi Nick,

Good suggestions... Though a link of links is a little less than I'd like to offer, I think.

I want someting that people new to HQ can look at a get an idea of what links might be helpful for their particular needs. A lot of link lists are lists and nothing more.

But anyone else with suggestions, please keep them coming.


PS... just to be clear, because it's an issue of some importance around here, The Forge is not GNS, and GNS is not The Forge. So, this isn't a GNS Tribe. It's a Forge Tribe, with some GNS shaman who can be seen, once in a while, moving about the hill in the background.

Message 7046#73621

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On 7/2/2003 at 9:07pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
Re: The HQ / Glorantha Website Link Sticky Thread

Good idea Christopher!

Christopher Kubasik wrote: 1) I'm now officially culling suggestions for the Glorantha sticky thread. Possible lines of attack are:

I strongly reccomend a) -- one post that's updated. Don't add many links. Do what no Gloranthan fan has ever done before: Keep it brief and aim it at the absolute beginner. Those who really want to read what the Trekkies … eh, I mean the Gloranthan community … are doing with their free time should be pointed to or some of the other linklists provided by Spock … eh I mean Nick …

More later.


/Peter N

Message 7046#73641

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On 7/2/2003 at 9:41pm, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: The HQ / Glorantha Website Link Sticky Thread

Hi Peter,

The more I think about it, the more I think that's the direction I want to go. A link list for beginners.

Because the Forge is dedicated to play -- How did your game go?; How best to set up games; What techniques facilitate better play... and so on, I'd really like to have a list of links that will help people, especially beginners (like me, frankly), find tools and ideas that will help them organize their thinking for play.

Then I'd add a few links for sites like Lokarnos and Issarie' where you can really dig down into the nitty gritty of everything.

I don't think developing or codifying Gloranthan cannon is something The Forge as a community will delve into. There are already sites for that. Here, we're about the game. This is what I meant about making this a link list that makes sense for this Web site.

Anyone who wants to post thoughts on what links might be of value for beginners (and why!) are welcome to post them here, or, if you want to avoid public discourse on the matter, send 'em PM.



Message 7046#73647

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