The Forge Reference Project


Topic: New Wastelands
Started by: Gordon C. Landis
Started on: 10/1/2001
Board: Wicked Press

On 10/1/2001 at 11:52pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
New Wastelands

Hey! Did I miss an annoucement somewhere? There're a number of new chapters of "The Wastelands" up at Wicked Press! I'm off on vacation soon, so it's unlikely I'll add any substantive comments for a few weeks, but . . . I'm happy to see 'em. Interesting reading.

Gordon C. Landis

Message 710#6063

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On 10/2/2001 at 5:35am, John Wick wrote:
RE: New Wastelands

Thanks Gordon.

A new chapter (as yet untitled) should be up in a few days.
Hope everybody's enjoying it. I'm having a blast.

Take care,

Message 710#6068

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...from around 10/2/2001

On 10/2/2001 at 2:21pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: New Wastelands

This is more about Honor Among Thieves, but here goes. John, have you read "God Stalk" by P.C. Hodgell? I think it's one of very few decent traditional-fantasy novels from the 80s. I didn't like it's sequel "Dark of the Moon" very much, but God Stalk is good stuff. The best "thieves guild" fiction since Leiber.


Message 710#6075

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On 10/2/2001 at 2:56pm, tldenmark wrote:
RE: New Wastelands

Started out as a Fantasy Campaign Setting that got too ambitious, but the ideas were just too cool to leave alone.

I'm glad John is keeping it alive, I really like that place. Wouldn't want to live there, though.

Message 710#6079

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