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Topic: Kudara
Started by: Sir Mathodius Black
Started on: 7/11/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 7/11/2003 at 12:10am, Sir Mathodius Black wrote:


Im not sure if there has been a previous post on Kudara, the country/territory south of Tzaul and east of Otamarluk with no description in the book, but have there been any threads here describing it or is another one of those completely open countries for us to make up stuff for? If there was a thread on it before, a link would be appreciated.

Sir Mathodius Black

Message 7135#74580

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On 7/11/2003 at 3:56am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Kudara


Here is a recap of my (completely unofficial) write up on Kudara, which may completely contradict anything anyone else, including Jake, may have in mind for it....


The Red River that runs through the midst of Kudara brings all things good and bad. It’s regular flooding has allowed the people to grow abundant crops, but once every decade or so, it floods beyond normal and causes serious damage.

Serious mountains line the north and east, cutting off most trade and travel to and from Otamarluk. Woods, jungles, rolling hills and open plains make up the giant mixture of available landscape in Kudara.

Most people of Kudara have a form of ancestor worship that is sufficient to their needs. Rarely is religion a cause of tension or strife amongst the people. Some influences from east and the north have created a poly-theistic people who are generally tolerant and tend to respect(or at least fear enough) all gods.

Kudara is broken into 5 major city states with several smaller ones, almost always at some form of war or conflict. The tension levels have been high for almost a century with various states rising and falling according to the military might and genius of their leaders.

The various states have always managed to repel any incursions from Shiragi in the past, and Tzaul hasn’t been stable until just recently. Kudara is a mess, and unless united, may become prey to Tzaul’s need to expand.

The soldiers of Kudara are experienced and practical after years of warfare. The general warfare has made them expert at large scale combat, but there has always been a tradition of “wandering heros” which has led to several masters of individual combat.

Legal system:
Generally varies from state to state. Some rulers are incredibly harsh, while others are fairly lax. The only common thread is that village law rules where there is no troops, and that is usually a stoning or exile if the crime is serious.

Trade is healthy within Kudara(at least among allies), along with solid trade to Tzaul and Shiragi. Due to the constant turmoil, social classes tend to be malleable, with poor peasants able to become leaders of men in a day. Exports range from food to spices to crafted materials, and precious stones such as jade.

The people never suffer from poverty, except in the face of war. It is possible to gain wealth quickly, but with the constant raiding, pillaging, and bandits, it is also possible to lose it just as quick.

Inhabitants range from very pale to a middle brown tan going from north to south. The people are usually slim and height also decreases the further south you go. The common thread is black hair and brown almond eyes amongst the Kudarans. There is also mixed blood from those who live along the borders to Tzaul and Shiragi.

Most people are farmers, but usually well fed and living pretty decently for the lower classes, able to do weaving, pottery, or some trade on the side. The upper classes are usually either military or associated wtih them.

Traditional clothing is usually loose shirts(either long sleeve or sleeveless), and loose trousers made of cotton or silk. Basic colors are the rule, but complex embroidery is often used to embellish upper class garments. Hair styles range from long ponytails to bald or near bald for men. Women almost always wear either buns or braids. All manner of beards are common, although usually only to men over 30.

Most people speak Kudaran, and only Kudaran.

Places of Note:
Ubeda is the trade capital of Kudara, and possibly one of the largest cities in Weyerth. Trade from Svarastra, Tengoku, and Savari make it a key point of trade between Kudara and everywhere else. Criminal Triads and Associations battle for control of trade and smuggling, and have kept Ubeda free of the warfare that wrecks the rest of the country.

Player Bonuses:
The general abundance of food and plants have allowed the Kudarans to live rather healthy(+1 HT), and the general state of warfare has given most people experience with warfare(+1 Proficiency Pt.). But by the same token, they have declined in education(-1 MA), and aside from traders or border folk, few if any have bothered to learn any other language(only traders or border people may learn a new language).


Message 7135#74603

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On 7/11/2003 at 4:01am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Kudara

I have almost nothing in mind for Kudara. Sounds great.


Message 7135#74605

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On 7/11/2003 at 4:28am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Kudara

Hi guys,

Basically, think Warring States China, and you've got a good grasp on what I'm thinking. Break out Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Heroes of the Water Margin/All Men are Brothers, play some Dynasty Warriors, and there you go. This write up was made with a write up for Tzaul, and a big scenario/campaign idea where the PCs attempt to unite Kudara(or at least as much as possible) in order to repel or resist an invasion by Tzaul.

If anyone's interested in those notes, let me know.


Message 7135#74613

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On 7/11/2003 at 9:14pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Kudara

I have an opposing opinion of what Kudara is like to Chris'.

What I see is Southeast Asia, filled with jungles and Valley Empires. Think Ankor Wat. Vast, monolithic yet ornate cites, some over-run ruins, some thriving with life. Think Apocalypse Now and Kurtz's city. Spooky people with strange traditions. Lush, treacherous, deadly poisonous terrain and fauna encroaching on massive carved temples. Ape-man things living atop mist-covered peaks. Vast chasms and miasmal swamps writhing with titanic serpents.

Yeah. That's the Kudara I want.


Message 7135#74776

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On 7/11/2003 at 10:08pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Kudara

Yeah, I'm more along that preference myself. Korea or Vietnam, not China.


Message 7135#74792

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On 7/11/2003 at 10:20pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Kudara

Hi Mike,

That'd be really cool too. Especially since I'm studying a SE asian fighting art. What country recommends itself as feudal China though?


Message 7135#74795

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On 7/11/2003 at 10:23pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Kudara

Imjia, I think.


Message 7135#74797

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On 7/11/2003 at 10:47pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Kudara

Hi Jake,

Definitely think you're mistaken, "...all of the military is castrated...". Youch! That'd definitely not fit into Chinese themes :P

On note of Kudara as SE asia, I could definitely see the Svastra and Otamarluk relgious themes coming together, much as SE asia become a hot bed for Hindu, Muslim and Buddhism all together. It'd also be a great place to pull out all kinds of pulpy Howard/Lovecraft deep dark jungle beasties.

Of course, if you follow the mythology, sorcerers are not too uncommon either! Which just makes things a little more freaky.

On note of the culture, you'd have a "main culture" built on a caste system, with probably multiple dialects of a language, and an "High" language being spoken by the royalty. A good model to follow is the Hindu Warrior-Priest-Freeman-Untouchable model. You'd have several smaller mountain or jungle tribes, who are more into animism and shamanism, and probably discriminated and at war with the larger group.


Message 7135#74805

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On 7/12/2003 at 4:20am, Sir Mathodius Black wrote:
RE: Kudara

my homebrew description is much like indochina/vietnam ect... except its very mysterious and contains alot of wierder sutff that the rest of the TROS setting didnt have like those 50 ft. snakes form the movie Anoconda, strange ancient temples that no one can explain...ect....i have a full write up on it even in the form of the ROS book if ud like it.

Message 7135#74838

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On 7/14/2003 at 8:30pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Kudara

Write, write. :-)


Message 7135#75127

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