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Topic: Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round
Started by: ejh
Started on: 7/14/2003
Board: Connections

On 7/14/2003 at 1:05am, ejh wrote:
Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round

I've been thinking it might be fun to make a site/blog/something like that where I offered art under a creative commons license ( ) that would be amenable to indie RPG designers who wanted to use it in their games. I might be able to take requests and stuff, who knows.

It'd be kinda like having a clip art resource file, but with much worse selection. On the upside, I do some nice art sometimes.

Has anyone done anything like this? I think it'd be cool...

Message 7172#75009

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On 7/14/2003 at 2:16pm, Urandal wrote:
am I doing something wrong, or should this be moved to spam?

After I used the link, I was sent to some promotional site of legal stuff, dont now wy is that relevant

Message 7172#75051

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On 7/14/2003 at 5:41pm, ejh wrote:
RE: Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round

Well, I said "under a creative commons license" and provide a link to the license I thought would probably be most appropriate. What's so hard about that? What did you expect to find at the link?

Spam? Why the hell would I spam the forums with a link to a creative commons license? If you bothered to check my username you'll see I've been a poster on this BBS for a while, and am not a random drive-by-night spammer.

If you don't know what a creative commons license is, you can follow the link at the top of the page.

In the meantime, either learn to read for content, or try not to read people's posts in such a mean-spirited fashion.

Maybe what I suggested was a stupid idea, and you're welcome to tell me so, but it wasn't spam.

Message 7172#75086

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On 7/14/2003 at 7:19pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round

Hi Ed,

It's the guy's second post. No need for hard knocks, eh?

About your proposal - I can only gaze in awe and happiness. That is an excellent service and idea.


Message 7172#75111

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On 7/14/2003 at 7:51pm, Menace wrote:
RE: Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round

wow...touchy. Just kidding, don't yell at me. I forget what company does something similiar....but their service isn't free. You pay a price for the CD-Rom and it has a bunch of artwork that's copyright free. It's all really good stuff.

Message 7172#75120

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On 7/15/2003 at 2:08am, ejh wrote:
RE: Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round

Many apologies. Ya caught me on a rough day. :)

Message 7172#75162

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On 7/16/2003 at 3:52pm, Urandal wrote:
Please accept my apologies

being new to all of this I did'nt notice the time You allready had at the forum, nor did I notice how usefull it was to have those kinds of license that were on the site, and I supose that even in a harsh way, you gave a god advice, sorry abbout that wont happen again

Message 7172#75344

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On 7/24/2003 at 3:41am, Pelinderian wrote:
RE: Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round

This sounds like a great idea. One of the major worries I have about Eldritch Legends is the fact that I have no artwork at all! I couldn't draw a stick figure without screwing it up...

Message 7172#76390

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On 7/24/2003 at 8:14pm, Hardpoint wrote:
RE: Free Art for your Game! some ideas I'm tossing round

Your idea has a lot of merit. I am paying for art for my game, Realms of Wonder (see my sig for link), and I ended up finding most of my artists through Elfwood.

If there was a sort of gamer clipart library for things like weapons, armor, and even characters, that might make it easier to at least see your vision in motion, even if the art you place is not what you end up using in the final product.

I'm a very visual designer find that having art on hand helps me better see what the final product will look like, even if that art is just temp stuff.

Message 7172#76418

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