The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Writer looking for friends!
Started by: Emily_Dresner
Started on: 7/17/2003
Board: Connections

On 7/17/2003 at 2:34pm, Emily_Dresner wrote:
Writer looking for friends!

Boy, I feel incredibly, scathingly lame. But here it goes:

After ~2 years of refusing to write anything for anyone and burning out extremely hard on all things that had to do with nouns and verbs, I'm starting to get the itch again in a big way. I'm largely looking for smaller projects to get ramped up on (no full 50K books). I'm not looking for money, just an outlet. Free is fine if it's interesting. Articles for online zines are fine; just send me your submission requirements and I'll take a look at your offerings.

If left to fend for myself, I will start producing very strange and bizarre things, many of which will involve secret architecture, the freemasons, and pirates. Perhaps all at the same time.

Er, I've written on 11 books and been published in ladies home journal. I've been slashdotted! A full dossier is available on request. Contact me at

Message 7208#75511

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...started by Emily_Dresner which Emily_Dresner participated Connections
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...from around 7/17/2003

On 7/17/2003 at 10:15pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Writer looking for friends!

Emily Dresner is trolling for projects? Give me 24 hours and I'll send a few along to see if you're interested.

By the way, welcome back to the Forge, Em. It was your "Crunchy Bits" articles that brought me over here in the first place.

Message 7208#75600

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...started by Jonathan Walton which Jonathan Walton participated Connections
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...from around 7/17/2003

On 7/18/2003 at 4:34pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Writer looking for friends!

Well, on the totally selfish end of things, you know you want to come up with a morally-ambiguous conflict-ridden background I can use for the final version of Unsung or some sort of trippy take on "supernaturals in the modern day" for Pretender. (The plan is, if I ever do anything more with Pretender, that I want some "ready made" backgrounds in case people want to skip the world-making steps of the chargen system. And Unsung just cries out for interesting backgrounds, IMHO.)

Message 7208#75723

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...from around 7/18/2003

On 7/18/2003 at 6:41pm, Dave Panchyk wrote:
RE: Writer looking for friends!

Emily, it sounds like what you'd produce if left to your own devices would be much cooler than anything I could think of. I'd like secret architecture, Freemasonry and pirates rolled together! Think of the alternate history of the Chesapeake Bay, maybe, or something like a Mary Gentle novel only not as tedious.

And Marvel Comics has an open call for submissions...

Message 7208#75752

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...from around 7/18/2003

On 7/18/2003 at 7:13pm, Dave Panchyk wrote:
RE: Writer looking for friends!

...and I should note this thread is pretty much over. A zombie monkey has stolen Em's heart! Check the link to her blog in her sig.

Message 7208#75760

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...started by Dave Panchyk which Dave Panchyk participated Connections
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...from around 7/18/2003