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Topic: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours
Started by: Matt Wilson
Started on: 7/17/2003
Board: Connections

On 7/17/2003 at 3:13pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Jeff and I both have games in progress, which we'd like the opportunity to share with any and all GenCon goers some evening after the show.

The idea is we'd run maybe hour-long demos of our games in our hotel room, and fill our bathtub with beverages for people crazy enough to try the games out. Forge-goers are especially welcome, as there's a good chance that something you said shaped the design of one of these games.

Jeff will demo his new game, Blackbirds, a pirates game full of swag and voodoo.

I'll demo Primetime Adventures, a game of melodramatic TV action.

We haven't picked an evening yet, but it'd probably be a 1-2 hour thing that'd leave eough time for you to get out to do some karaoke and play some other games.

Message 7209#75517

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On 7/17/2003 at 3:15pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Ima sucker for pirates, and Blackbird has sounded pretty cool. I imagine there's going to be about a billion things going on after hours at GenCon, but hopefully we can hook up.

Message 7209#75518

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On 7/17/2003 at 3:54pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Did someone say voodoo? Count me in.


Message 7209#75528

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On 7/17/2003 at 6:51pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Paul Czege wrote: Did someone say voodoo? Count me in.

Bonus points for the player who brings me the shrunken head of Johnny Depp ;)


Message 7209#75551

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On 7/17/2003 at 7:36pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours


Bonus points for the player who brings me the shrunken head of Johnny Depp ;)

Unobtainable. Instead I'll be bringing Jack White's semi-decomposed finger, with all its unearthly creativity still intact.


Message 7209#75562

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On 7/17/2003 at 8:35pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Hi there,

Matt, you're describing what we do almost every night at the big cons, in the hotel rooms. Last year the rooms resounded to wild games all night long ...

This year, I'm bringing demo material for Otherkind, Violence Future, Wuthering Heights, InSpectres, My Life with Master, and a few others, in addition to my own games.


Message 7209#75576

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On 7/17/2003 at 8:41pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Hey Jeff...

If you want to nail down Blackbirds plans for a specific evening, I'm all for it. Thursday? Friday? As Ron says, opportunities for after-hours gaming have been known to arise and sweep folks up; if there's something you really want make sure doesn't get edged out, it's not a bad idea to make plans.


Message 7209#75582

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On 7/17/2003 at 9:27pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Paul Czege wrote: Hey Jeff...

If you want to nail down Blackbirds plans for a specific evening, I'm all for it. Thursday? Friday?

We're planning on Friday night being optimal; can we mark you down for a chair at the table, and your choice of pegleg, eyepatch, or hook?


Message 7209#75591

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On 7/17/2003 at 9:37pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Ron Edwards wrote:
Matt, you're describing what we do almost every night at the big cons, in the hotel rooms. Last year the rooms resounded to wild games all night long ...

Excellent. Since neither of our games is ready to sell in the booth, we wanted to have some sort of "sharing our stuff" opportunity. And hopefully I'll have that opportunity as a player as well.

Paul, Ralph: Jeff and I are thinking Friday evening post prandial.

Message 7209#75593

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On 7/17/2003 at 9:54pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Is there any way we could "organize" after hours gaming at the con?

In the past at least a few of us went home disapointed that we didn't get the chance to game with certain people. Having everyone gather in Ron's room then split up seemed kind of awkward. Maybe it's because I got stuck playing card games with the stragglers (people not quick enough to join a game) when I would have rather been gaming.

Maybe we could have sign up sheets at the booth or something.

,Matt Gwinn

Message 7209#75595

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On 7/17/2003 at 10:21pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Pirates - har, now that's some fun! Now, where'd I put that shrunken monkey head . . . ?

I'm all in favor of organizing after-hours stuff, best as we can, but it's worth acknowledging the likleyhood that some of it will end up a wildly disorganized but hopefully incredibly fun muddle.

Last year, I think a big issue was too few game-runners, and the mere existence of this thread argues we'll be better off this time round. With any luck, I'll even have something I can run in playtest mode myself.

Looking forward to seeing y'all,


Message 7209#75603

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On 7/18/2003 at 12:34am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Hey Jeff,

We're planning on Friday night being optimal; can we mark you down for a chair at the table, and your choice of pegleg, eyepatch, or hook?

Yes, Friday is perfect. Count me in.

My girlfriend Danielle is an accomplished gamer, who's run Wuthering Heights, and played The Pool, SOAP, and Sorcerer, to name just a few. Do you have room in the game for her as well?


Message 7209#75619

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On 7/18/2003 at 1:10am, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Both Paul and Paul's Girl are welcome as far as I'm concerned.

If PTA doesn't pique enough people's interests, I'll be standing by to run a second game of Blackbirds. We'll be flexible.

And what Gordon said! An inconspicuous sign-up somewhere in the booth would be cool. There's heaps of games I'd like to play.

Message 7209#75621

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On 7/18/2003 at 1:42am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Both Paul and Paul's Girl are welcome as far as I'm concerned.

Okay...then this is what I have planned for after hours:

WEDNESDAY: Maybe a spontaneous game of something. Maybe just chillin' and talkin'. I'm keeping it open, because I'm not sure how wiped I'll be after the trip, and getting the game display all situated.

THURSDAY: I'm planning to run a playtest of Nicotine Girls for three or four people, hopefully including some I've never gamed with. What I'd like to do for an hour or so before that is maybe casually mentor a group through Master creation and setup for a game of My Life with Master that they could then go on and play through to completion while I turn my attention to Nicotine Girls.

FRIDAY: Blackbirds! I'm looking forward to it. Paul's Girl is too :)

SATURDAY: Danielle and I have a tradition of just the two of us going out for wine and a nice dinner on the Saturday of GenCon. It keeps me sane.


Message 7209#75624

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On 7/18/2003 at 2:32am, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

I am planning to run My LIfe with Master on Friday night for anyone interested.

,Matt Gwinn

Message 7209#75634

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On 7/18/2003 at 3:18pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Hey Matt,

I am planning to run My LIfe with Master on Friday night for anyone interested.

Very cool. For those who don't know, Matt Gwinn was a player in the multi-session playtest I ran last fall, which produced many of the fine examples of play that appear within the game text.

Matt, you're planning to do Master creation and everything? Are you wanting a commitment from people in advance, or play-it-by-ear on Friday night?


Message 7209#75707

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On 7/18/2003 at 3:33pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Matt Gwinn wrote: I am planning to run My LIfe with Master on Friday night for anyone interested.

,Matt Gwinn

Hey, can you arrange to do that before or after the Parasite stuff, so's I can get in on it? I'm pretty intrigued by MLwM.

Message 7209#75713

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On 7/18/2003 at 4:22pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

I plan to do Master creation at the con. I think the game plays better when the players participate in master creation.

As far as when we will play...I'm flexible and will likely stay up really late gaming this year. When will the other Friday night games start? I'm open for a Wednesday or Thursday night option as well.

,Matt Gwinn

Message 7209#75720

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On 7/18/2003 at 5:00pm, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: GenCon: Parasite Games After Hours

Paul Czege wrote: Hey Jeff,
My girlfriend Danielle is an accomplished gamer, who's run Wuthering Heights, and played The Pool, SOAP, and Sorcerer, to name just a few. Do you have room in the game for her as well?

As long as people are wanting to play, I'll be running games. :)


Message 7209#75731

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