The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Daedalus e-zine prospectus
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 7/17/2003
Board: Connections

On 7/17/2003 at 7:20pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Daedalus e-zine prospectus

I'm seeking articles and content for a new e-zine dedicated to RPGs as a hobby.

The HTML & PDF e-zine will be titled Daedalus, and it launches in October 15. It will include articles on game play and game design that make for a fun, entertaining activity. (Knowing well the difficulty in getting something like this to take off, perhaps I should call it Quixote instead!) Hopefully, it'll include complete, playable games as part of the publication, as well as supplemental material for existing games.

This is not an "official" Forge enterprise, but likely will include "Forged" content from regulars here.

Authors will not be paid. However, they will retain rights to their content.

Currently, the e-zine will be a quarterly.

The PDF e-zine will be offered for free. I will gladly accept PayPal donations to alleviate the small costs involved, and arrange a payment button for that purpose on the Web site.

Also, I am looking into a humble fee for advertising within Daedalus from RPG publishers or entities. If you are interested in that, please contact me. I'd be happy to help design some ads for you as added value.

Here's my wishlist of articles for the first issue. The deadline is Sept. 30..

* Cover story -- I want someone with a reasonable level of knowledge about Hero Wars / HeroQuest / Glorantha (you don't have to be a Gloranthan savant, just know about the game/setting a bit) to do a Q&A with Greg Stafford and/or Robin Laws.
* Iron Chef game design -- I'd like to feature some winners from the Iron Chef Game Design competition, and even host a new round in Daedalus.
* Interactive content from the Forge -- "Appropriated" content from good threads here on the Forge. If you have some great threads in mind, let me know.
* Artist profiles -- If you're an artist (or play one on TV), I'd love to feature your work in a zine portfolio.
* Sneak Peaks on RPGs -- A round up of games "in-the-pipe". If you're working on a game, this will be a good opportunity to market a bit.
* Coverage of the Indie's at Indy -- Since I won't be there (damn!), I'd love to have someone cover the Forge booth specifically, and GenCon (and new game releases) in general. If anyone feels like writing up a report amid all the Indianapolis goodness, please share with Daedalus!
* Reviews -- I'd love to have any reviews of games. I'm especially eager to get a review of the upcoming HeroQuest (since I want to feature that as the cover story), but I see that may be challenging given release dates. Actual Play reviews preferred.
* Games and supplement material -- I'd LOVE to have a working game in each issue of Daedalus. Supplemental material for any existing games would be fantastic as well.
* Game design notes -- I want to see some designer's notes, kind of step-by-step, "behind the music" material. This might also apply to artists or graphic designers in a step-by-step, how-I-did-it format.
* Editorials -- If you have something to say about RPGs, Daedalus will be a good place to put that forth. I'll be writing an editorial in each issue, and I'd love other viewpoints. Don't be shy. If it's provocative but thoughtful, bring it on!

Other article ideas gladly accepted. If you think it's useful, and in any way makes RPGs a fun activity, then it belongs in Daedalus.

Final Word

Content will be selected by yours truly. This is an editorial undertaking, and I aim for a distinct voice and identity to the e-zine. I don't mean to scare anyone off; I simply mean to say that I want well-written, thoughtful content that has authority as an editorial product.

Contact me at matt @ or chimera_matt @

Message 7214#75557

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On 8/5/2003 at 1:44am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Daedalus e-zine prospectus

I've gotten several Forgers to contact me regarding Daedalus content, but I'm always eager to have more.

If you have any playtest reviews of ANY game, please consider submitting those to Daedalus.

I'm still eager to find a someone who's at least somewhat Glorantha literate to either review upcoming HeroQuest, do a Q&A with Greg Stafford and/or Mark Galeotti, or both. (Robin Laws informs me these really are the guys I should be talking to about HeroQuest. What Robin says, I's does.)

See the list above for other content I'm looking for. If you can contribute, please fire me a private msg or email:

Message 7214#77992

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