The Forge Reference Project


Topic: mildly disappointed
Started by: joshua neff
Started on: 10/5/2001
Board: HeroQuest

On 10/5/2001 at 1:34am, joshua neff wrote:
mildly disappointed

I just popped over to the Issaries website. Their revised production schedule has pushed the Lunar sourcebook back to next spring. Bloody hell! The one book I was looking forward to.
Eh, maybe I'll just make up my own Lunar Empire. I mean, I used to do stuff like that back in the "good ol' days" of junior high. Why not now?

Message 722#6175

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On 10/5/2001 at 1:49pm, pacific_steve wrote:
RE: mildly disappointed

....probably because Glorantha has been canonised to a degree. I feels almost scary to dabble in the buildng of a world which is officiated.

Message 722#6190

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On 10/14/2001 at 1:31am, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: mildly disappointed

Yeah, Josh, now that you're in High School, I think that you can probably take a stab at making your own stuff up. :wink:


Anyhow, just pick up some old RQ stuff and work from that. Has to be piles of the stuff lying around somewhere. Check the "old supplements" bin at your FLGS.


Message 722#6383

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On 10/14/2001 at 1:39am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: mildly disappointed


The only trouble is that just about all of the Lunar material from RQ has to be inferred from references about Dragon Pass. It's pretty hard to get a Lunar point of view, except from Cults of Terror (even that's pretty oblique), reprinted in part in Lords of Terror.

So the promised Imperial Handbook (I preferred the original title, actually, She Guards Us) was a real plum to me. I even found, scrawled in pencil on a response form in the back of my old "RuneQuest Companion," the phrase "More Lunar Empire info!"

Part of this, too, is that the Thunder Rebels book was astoundingly inspiring. You'd think it would just be another pseudo-Celtic retread, but it really centered me and my players in the culture, even to the extent of being able to critique and build upon its internal flaws. I have a lot of Lunars in our game and would like to have another sourcebook about them with the power of Thunder Rebels.

This is maybe the one instance I can think of for which I really do want a sourcebook ...


Message 722#6384

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated HeroQuest
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...from around 10/14/2001