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Topic: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.
Started by: Jake Norwood
Started on: 7/18/2003
Board: Publishing

On 7/18/2003 at 10:17pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

I would really like to know how to get your games listed here. Anyone know who I need to contact?


Message 7234#75843

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On 7/19/2003 at 1:05am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Just PM James "RPGHost" here at the Forge, or use the contact info over at RPGMall. He's pretty prompt responding.

You're already sold through RPGShop I believe.

Message 7234#75877

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On 7/19/2003 at 5:30pm, GMSkarka wrote:
Re: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Jake Norwood wrote: I would really like to know how to get your games listed here. Anyone know who I need to contact?

James handles the business end, I handle customer service.

The information you need can be found here:

If you have any more questions, email me at my RPGMall address:


Message 7234#75930

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On 7/19/2003 at 7:41pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Thanks so much.


Message 7234#75940

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On 7/19/2003 at 8:57pm, rpghost wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Let it be known I'd prefer an email to "" (where XXX= host, mall, shop, now, etc) instead of a PM here... but send mail to "" if you have questions about working with - after all that's what I pay him for :)

Hey, since this is an RPGMall thread. let me take the chance to point you to a cool catalog we had printed (yes printed) up in full color for GenCon to hand to retailers we meet (it's sweet):

Thanks to Phil Reed for his layout work on it :)


Message 7234#75943

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On 7/20/2003 at 3:46am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

That IS very sweet.

Message 7234#75976

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On 7/30/2003 at 10:41pm, Hardpoint wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

The catalog looks awesome. bravo.

Message 7234#77207

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On 7/30/2003 at 10:58pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Hi there,

I should like to point out that I was very impressed by the RPGmall setup, the catalogue, and games at GenCon. I bought a whole ton of games there and planned to start a thread on RPGmall in general. However, (a) I'm kind of sick (you may have noted my unfocused, piecemeal posting over the last two days), and (b) this thread started. So let's do it here, or someone, start a new thread.

What I bought, by the way: Hidden Legacy, some dice for Hidden Legacy, Possessors, Red Shift, Lazer, and Center Space.


Message 7234#77211

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On 8/4/2003 at 5:45pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

I found the whole process at RPGMall a tad confusing for my game Lashings of Ginger Beer. This is partly because I have also been dealing with RPGNow, for a pdf version of the game and I did not realise that you need a customer account at each - i.e. there is no recognition at the RPGMall that you are also a customer/publisher at RPGNow.

I was also a bit confused by the print ordering worksheet, not knowing anything about printing myself. I know what I wanted the finished book to look like, but what this means in terms that a printer understands I have no idea (for example 'bleeds').

Still, James is very helpful and has even changed his printing order/worksheet to cater for the digest-sized booklet I wanted to put out for LOGB.

The whole thiong looks like a reasonable option for us indie designers and without it, Lashings of Ginger Beer would still be sat gathering dust, instead of being 'out there', which it now is at RPGNow and soon at RPGMall.

Beyond Belief Games

Message 7234#77929

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On 8/4/2003 at 6:00pm, Hardpoint wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Thanks Gideon for the anecdote, I'm sure many of us considering RPGMall and RPGNow can benefit from your experience. Are there any other experiences people wish to share? Or is this best left to another thread?

Message 7234#77932

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On 8/4/2003 at 7:21pm, samdowning wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Well, I don't recall signing up twice for RPGMall and RPGNow, though I may have. I have the memory of a small soap dish.

I had a little trouble with the ordering at RPGMall, but I got it sorted out in the end by talking to James. He's really good at explaning things to idiots like me, and only occasionally gets fed up with us asking the same questions over and over again. And it's not like anyone else would notice him getting fed up, either - I'm just overly sensitive. :)

Getting set up at RPGNow used to be difficult, but now it's really really easy. And getting a new product up takes only a few seconds, then long enough for the file to transfer. Very slick, if you ask me.

Message 7234#77941

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On 8/4/2003 at 7:30pm, Simon W wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.


ahh, well you obviously know what you are doing!

I definately needed two accounts one at RPGNow and one at RPGMall - unless I did that wrong too!

Beyond Belief Games

Message 7234#77942

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On 8/5/2003 at 3:07pm, rpghost wrote:
RE: Getting in contact with RPGMall, etc.

Originally when we setup RPGMall we copied over the vendors from RPGNow... so since Deep7 was already an RPGNow vendor at that time, their account was copied over. But now they are seperate databases on seperate servers. I realise it can be confusing, but for the most part thing of the two sites as two seperate companies. The don't communicate much between eachother except the cross linking.

Hope that helped. Oh, and for the fed up comment :) I may get rushed and email is hard to convey emotion/feeling - so don't take it personally if it sounds rough, it certainly isn't meant that way.


Message 7234#78059

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