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Topic: A New Campaign....
Started by: Morfedel
Started on: 7/21/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 7/21/2003 at 2:11pm, Morfedel wrote:
A New Campaign....

Well, I've started a new campaign, and we just made characters. The made:

Two brothers from Angharad, both having SAs that pretty much focus on battle and fighting. Things like "Become a legend from his battles," "Loves barroom brawls," "Drive to become greatest duelist in the world" "Faith in Riddle Seeking," etc. Rather single minded troublemakers, and for the most part their flaws match (Minor troublemaker, for instance.)

One made a knight from Stahl, who has a passion for his wife, drive to become a knight (currently he is a low freeman), to become a greater knight than the one who rebuffed him from joining the knightly brotherhood he wanted to join, and Destiny: To save the King's life (I actually liked this one a lot).

The last made a character from the Seat of the Xanarian Empire. He is the only one who didnt make a Low Freeman (took unlanded noble), drive to discover his wife's murderer, and destiny: to rebuild the xanarian empire.

So... I havent worked out all the details yet, but I'm probably going to be linking this last character's wife's murderer in somehow with the stahlnish knight's king's life being threatened, in a plot that involves a threat to threaten Xanar, etc etc.

In other words, I'm going to be creating an intrigue with several different plots going on at once. Should be lots of fun!

And the Angharad brothers are just along for the ride, looking for trouble where ever they can find it. :)

Message 7263#76082

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On 7/21/2003 at 3:12pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Sounds cool
Q: What is keeping the brothers tagging along? If the answer is a metagame one, like "The players don't actively look for party conflict," then that's fine.

Literally half the Shadowrun games I was in devolved due to a lack of consensus on party unity. :)

Message 7263#76089

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On 7/21/2003 at 3:25pm, Morfedel wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Well, we havent had our first session yet. This was all character creation, and it took longer than I'd hoped - a combination of indecisiveness on their part, learning a new system, and having only one book. Although one of the players, by the end of character creation, decided to order one!

Infact, he left the table, went to the counter (we were playing at our FLGS), and made the order then and there. Yah! :)


So yeah, its prob going to be megaming issues, but I am gonna work some into it. I'm going to intro these two by having them dragged in front of a magistrate for bar room brawling... while the other two PCs are present. During this time, I am going to have an obvious link between these two and the men the other two are hunting - as in the first two have information. I havent decided what yet, though. I have 3 weeks, as the next two game sessions I'll be out of town. :)

Message 7263#76091

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On 7/22/2003 at 12:56pm, Gary_Bingham wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

You're not playing in Taveruun .... but ... but ... I'm shocked !!!!

Message 7263#76159

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On 7/22/2003 at 4:00pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Don't worry... they'll end up there :)

Message 7263#76180

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On 7/22/2003 at 4:11pm, Morfedel wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....


Sorry guys, I let them make their characters, and start them out where at least one of their homes is. Who knows? Maybe they WILL end up in Taveruun, heh.

One of the characters chose "to die on the blade of a foreigner." One of the Angharad. Mean ing if I take the SOB anywhere out of his homeland, and BOOM! during combat. I really like the concept, but it does mean any travelling and he will trigger that in almost any fight, heh.



Message 7263#76187

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On 7/22/2003 at 4:23pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Morfedel wrote: HAHAHA!

Sorry guys, I let them make their characters, and start them out where at least one of their homes is. Who knows? Maybe they WILL end up in Taveruun, heh.

One of the characters chose "to die on the blade of a foreigner." One of the Angharad. Mean ing if I take the SOB anywhere out of his homeland, and BOOM! during combat. I really like the concept, but it does mean any travelling and he will trigger that in almost any fight, heh.


It actually sounds like it's the other way around: NOT traveling would be safe.

Let's say he's fighting another guy from Angharad. As a result, he's not fighting a foriegnor. This means that if the character is killed, that would deny him his destiny, so the SA is activated. Likewise, if a Gelurois could be wrestling him. Because no blades are involved, his death would again deny his destiny, so the SA is activated.

Let's say he's in mortal combat though with a swordsman from Taveruun. This guy has all the requirements to fulfill the destiny, which means the SA won't activate. It's a paradoxical situation where activating the Destiny SA will actually decrease the chance of his destiny coming true.

Of course, he could use that SA all the time to hunt down the swordsman from Taveruun, as he's potentially marching toward his death & destinty.

So, staying in Angharad would mean he could always use his SA, but leaving it would mean he could increase its value.

Message 7263#76190

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On 7/22/2003 at 6:40pm, Morfedel wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Hm. I had interpreted it the other way around. Basically, that when he would be fighting a foreigner, he would trigger the SA because he knew of the prophecy, and therefore would fight harder to avoid it....

Message 7263#76212

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On 7/22/2003 at 10:13pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Morfedel wrote: Hm. I had interpreted it the other way around. Basically, that when he would be fighting a foreigner, he would trigger the SA because he knew of the prophecy, and therefore would fight harder to avoid it....

Ah, well, it's your game & your player. :)

It's funny how we can not only have different interpretations of the same SA in use, but exactly opposite ones, huh?

Message 7263#76254

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On 7/22/2003 at 10:58pm, Morfedel wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Very true! And since I already told him thats how it works... hm....

I may have to make sure he gets into a LOT more fights to "pay" for that destiny, haha!

Message 7263#76264

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On 7/23/2003 at 1:19pm, Nick Pagnucco wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

well, my work here is done.
I'll just take my Seeds of In-Character Ickiness and be on my way

Message 7263#76322

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On 7/23/2003 at 7:35pm, Lebo77 wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Destany is the one SA type that realy confuses me. I can often not make sense of when it activates and when it does not. The description seems to indicate that this SA is the one that should activate less frequently then the others, but with more powerfull effects.

Lets say I take the SA "Destany: Live to old age and die piecefully in bed, sorrunded by my loveing family." When would this trigger? Whenever I was in combat, because hey, if I die I can't fufill my destany, right?

This is kinda cheezy, and I would not actualy DO this, but when would this trigger, and what actions would earn SA points?

Message 7263#76354

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On 7/23/2003 at 9:57pm, Morfedel wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....

Yeah, Destiny is kinda tricky. And that example you just gave makes it trickier.

Message 7263#76370

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On 7/25/2003 at 1:42am, buddha wrote:
RE: A New Campaign....


Destany is the one SA type that realy confuses me. I can often not make sense of when it activates and when it does not. The description seems to indicate that this SA is the one that should activate less frequently then the others, but with more powerfull effects.

Don't have the rulebook with me, but if I remember correctly, Destiny does act differently from the other SAs. I think you get to sort of deal it out while your Destiny SA is activated, and it refreshs every round. In other words, unlike Passion, which applies to each and every roll while activated, Destiny is "spent" on seperate actions during a round. In that way, it's less powerful than a Passion, but can apply to many more areas, like "living to old age and dying in bed, surrounded by loving family". This might apply to fights, but I might rule that it only applies to rolls to resist dying of anything but age. Of course, it might also apply to social rolls involving family arguments and fighting to protect family members...

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that Destiny is less powerful in round to round combat situations, but more useful outside of combat since it can apply to many different situations. Of course, a totally combat oriented Destiny is clearly possible, but wouldn't provide as many dice as a Passion for combat.

Anyway, that's my take on it, if I'm remembering the rules correctly! :)


Message 7263#76436

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