The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Just ordered TROS.
Started by: mrgrimm
Started on: 7/23/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 7/23/2003 at 2:38am, mrgrimm wrote:
Just ordered TROS.

Long time lurker, first time poster (for any Bob & Tom fans out there)

I just ordered TROS. Should be here in a week. Woo Hoo!

I have a story to tell.

Last September I saw this game at a small convention in the city where I live. I had seen some little blurb on it earlier from somewhere (can't remember where though) so I was familiar with the name. I picked it up and looked at it. To say I was intrigued was really an understatement. I was very, very interested, but at the time I only had $50 dollars to spend and was already set on buying a new Superhero game and some more dice (can never have too many dice ya know!), also I tend to be a plotter. I have to investigate things in depth. I usually end up buying anything I look into (good or bad). So I put it to the back of my mind as something I would look into.

Well needless to say I forgot about it (Bad Grimm! Bad Grimm!), that is until recently. I was bebopping around the web looking for something that would keep my boredom at bay for the day when I came upon this game at a indie RPG awards page (best support mind you! Congrats!). I remembered it and quickly found the site (now set as a bookmark/favorite). Started reading everything I could. Needless to say I was hooked within the first five minutes. So I called every stupid Hobby shop in Michigan. Not One and I do mean NOT A SINGLE ONE had this game. "What kind of universal travesity is this?" I thought to myself. Why is there not a presence of TROS here? This just will NOT do. Not at all. This needs to change! I must pull out my Long Sword of RPG Justice and and swing it mightily at the foul beasts known as "Clueless Hobby Shop Owner"!

So to make a long story...well....even longer I ordered it and am going to do what I can to let people know about this game. If it takes lobbing heads, well so be it. ;-)

(Boy, do I ramble or what?!)

If you can't tell I can't wait for this game to arrive. Just thought I'd put my thoughts down in words.

Mr. Grimm is here. Hide all your fingers cause I tend to be a bit clumsy with this Bastard Sword. They don't call me Eight Toes Grimm for nothin'.

Message 7282#76279

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On 7/23/2003 at 2:51am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Just ordered TROS.

Gidday, and welcome to the forum (and, well, the game too, I guess).

Shops not knowing about TROS is possibly one of the greatest hurdles Driftwood faces. I went through similar experiences when I visited Australia a few months ago and tried to "spread the word". Hopefully some of the retailers in Sydney kept their promises and ordered in copies, although a couple already had the game. Auckland/NZ retailers = same story but they stock it now at my insistance (and they keep selling copies or so I ak told) :-)

Anyway, always good to have another fresh face on the forum. Make sure you let us know how it goes when you get into playing TROS, and of course feel free to throw any questions etc to the forum. You'll find that the folk around here are pretty damn friendly and helpful and you'll get answers very quickly in most cases.

Also feel free to check out the webpage (, where you'll find a lot of very cool play-aids; character sheets, errata, assistants, masterscreen style GM screen sheets, and some windows software like a combat simulator and character generator etc.


Message 7282#76280

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On 7/23/2003 at 3:17am, mrgrimm wrote:

Thanx for the welcome. I really value good support and perusing these boards and hearing many people praise the support for this game, I am assured that any issues or problems I have will be taken care of. I'm just disappointed it took me this long to buy this game. Bad Grimm! Bad Grimm!

Message 7282#76284

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On 7/23/2003 at 3:20am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Just ordered TROS.

*cough* *cough* Ahem, well, there's always the new suppliment you could buy too... :-) :-)

And yeah, the support is fantastic - Jake (the writer) hangs around these boards all the time, and if he's not around someone else will pick up the slack real quick.


Message 7282#76285

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On 7/23/2003 at 3:23am, mrgrimm wrote:
Supplement is already a scheduled purchase this Friday.

Yes the Supplement will be bought this Friday. Once I gets me more monies! Now who's head can I lob to get more monies? hmmmmm...

Message 7282#76286

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On 7/25/2003 at 4:58pm, mrgrimm wrote:
Woo Hoo!

I just received it!!! Had enough time to read through the first few pages before going to work. Needless to say I took it with me. Never know when there might be a lull in work and I will need to keep myself busy! hehe...

Message 7282#76484

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