The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Gencon Aftermath: Forged
Started by: abzu
Started on: 7/28/2003
Board: Publishing

On 7/28/2003 at 2:28am, abzu wrote:
Gencon Aftermath: Forged

So I'm home after a whirlwind weekend at Gencon -- my first, by the way -- and all the way home, the merry-go-round of my thoughts kept coming back to the Forge.

It was a small, underdog community at its utter finest. Mutual admiration and support to a, perhaps, ludicrous degree.

So I wanted to be the first to say to Ron and Jake (our "sponsors" this year):
Your help, insight and support were (and are) beyond the pale.

Lastly, I wanted to start this thread for the Forgies who were at the booth to vent spleen and start wranglin ideas about The Forge, community, support, and indie games at Gencon. I for one have quite a rodeo runnin round my little head now.

But first, SLEEP.
::collapses in exhaustion::

Message 7319#76606

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On 7/28/2003 at 2:50am, drozdal wrote:
RE: Gencon Aftermath: Forged

Yes dat was a blast!!! Great atmosphere (in Forge booth of course) suppoer all around, ton of demo games, lot of discussion, loads of sales :))) I havent enjoyed myself so much in a long time. We selled games thru day, played, and talked thru the night - atmosphere was just awesome - no doubt i'll be there next year. Now i just have to submerge into books that i bought - and yes my backpact at plane was stamped - HEAVY :P


ps. Jake Norwood knows secret language!!!!

Message 7319#76610

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On 7/28/2003 at 4:23pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Gencon Aftermath: Forged

Actually, I forgot a huge THANK YOU:

Paul Czege of My Life with Master. Not only was he just a plain old great guy, designer of a great game and an enthusiastic promoter of other people's games, but he built our display rack.

Paul, you realize that without that display rack we would have been at sea. That beautiful wooden tower became the utter focus for all those grabbing little hands. And probably sold more game than any of us did!

So, The Burning Wheel thanks you from the bottom of its smoldering heart.


edited for spelling

Message 7319#76651

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On 7/28/2003 at 10:41pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Gencon Aftermath: Forged

Luke, you are 100% right about Paul, his game, and his mad carpentry skillz. But now I'm gonna get all, like, wise and stuff, as if going to GenCon twice with the Forge makes me an expert or something - you brought one ton of enthusiasm (dare I say "burning" enthusiasm?) with you to the con, and that's right up there with a rad display rack in terms of what's needed for a successful booth.

Luke sold every copy of Burning Wheel he brought with him.

Lesson: (and valiant attempt to keep this post Forge-appropriate) Enthusiasm sells games. Enthusiasm is what the Forge is about. Enthusiasm is what GenCon is about (or at least should be). Enthusiasm is what RPG publishing (Forge style, anyway) is about.

And Luke has learned that lesson well . . .


Message 7319#76750

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On 7/29/2003 at 2:19am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Gencon Aftermath: Forged

abzu wrote: Not only was he just a plain old great guy, designer of a great game and an enthusiastic promoter of other people's games, but he built our display rack.

Paul, you realize that without that display rack we would have been at sea. That beautiful wooden tower became the utter focus for all those grabbing little hands. And probably sold more game than any of us did!

Did anyone take pictures of this?

Care to post links to them?


Message 7319#76776

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On 7/29/2003 at 2:49am, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Gencon Aftermath: Forged

There are pics of the booth at

,Matt Gwinn

Message 7319#76779

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On 7/29/2003 at 6:37am, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Gencon Aftermath: Forged


It was a great show. We were at the Twilight Press booth next door to the Forge which I felt was very fortunate. I had a great time meeting everyone for the first time and look forward to teaming up with you guys next year. Everyone was cool and I appreciated Jake, Gordon, and Mike always checking in at our booth to see how we were doing. Picked up 3 new books and have began devouring them. Looking forward to coming out of deep lurker mode and participating at the Forge.



Message 7319#76798

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On 7/29/2003 at 7:30am, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Gencon Aftermath: Forged

It was fantastic finally getting to meet everyone at GC. Like I told Ron, I literally got goose bumps when I first laid eyes on the Forge booth. It's extremely inspiring to see the "indie movement" (for lack of a better term) manifest itself like that.

The Forge booth was just teeming with activity every single time I stopped by. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to spend much time there due to my pimping duties and running demos.

That said, I'd like to give a big round of aplause to all those who tirelessly worked the Forge booth. You did a bang-up job.

Message 7319#76807

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