The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Gen Con.
Started by: mrgrimm
Started on: 7/28/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 7/28/2003 at 9:56pm, mrgrimm wrote:
Gen Con.

Since I couldn't go, Derned Real Life interceded into my fantasy one, Bummer! How was Gen Con for the people who did go? This question is for anyone who went, but Particularly Jake.

Mr. Grimm.

P.S. Yes I do still intend to buy OBAM, the wife just has to put money into the bank account to do so. Once that happens BAM! (to use a phrase Emirel coined) I'm there.

Message 7335#76740

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On 7/29/2003 at 4:08am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

I had a great time. We playtested a scenario for Sorcery and the Fey, in addition to a bunch of other really great gaming.


Message 7335#76786

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On 7/30/2003 at 3:43pm, grot wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

Poor Jake. Me and my buddies managed to get a 4 player demo from him, made him sign all our books and everything. It seemed like EVERY single time I went past the Forge booth, he was running a demo. I don't know how he had time to do anything else.

This was the first year I *didn't* work the show, and all I can say is that it was bliss. Wonderful bliss. Gamed my ass off.

But that one hour demo was probably the best part of the show for me.

Message 7335#77087

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On 7/30/2003 at 10:48pm, mrgrimm wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

Well It looks as if not many made it to Gen Con. I would have enjoyed the TRoS demos though and probably spent my whole check there if I went. I'd be running around

"Gotta have this and this and this and this. Oh yes, must have this, Don't forget this and this Oh and most definitely this. This is a given as is this and this and this and this. Anyone have a pallet jack handy? Oh yes this and this......"

Well you get the picture.

Message 7335#77210

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On 7/31/2003 at 12:01am, Bogie_71 wrote:
Re: Gen Con.

mrgrimm wrote: "Gotta have this and this and this and this. Oh yes, must have this, Don't forget this and this Oh and most definitely this. This is a given as is this and this and this and this. Anyone have a pallet jack handy? Oh yes this and this......"

Well you get the picture.

I sure do. That is exactly what happened to me. I didn't get to play any Riddle of Steel demos though. Next year we should sign up some official DM'd slots for a good four hour game, or a bunch of us just get together and start a pick up game.

Message 7335#77225

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On 7/31/2003 at 1:53am, mrgrimm wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

That sounds like a crackin' good plan Gromet!

I'll plan for it this year. Set aside 100 clams each paycheck till it's time and I may have enough spending money.

Message 7335#77243

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On 7/31/2003 at 5:36am, abzu wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

Jake Norwood wrote: I had a great time. We playtested a scenario for Sorcery and the Fey.


It was a good scenario, too. Much Fey Glamour and strange faerie motivations. Jake's descriptions of the fey and the unseelie and their homes were very evocative. Very engaging. So for all of you who raised an anticipatory eyebrow at the thought of ROS Sorcery and The Fey, raise the other one: It's going to be good. Have no doubt, whenever it happens, however it happens, it will be good.

Blood lillies... ::drool::

And in case anyone had any doubts, Jake is a great GM.

Message 7335#77262

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On 8/5/2003 at 6:46pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

Man, I went to gencon, but I missed the playtesting of a Sorcery and the Fey scenario. That must have been quite a blast!
I have the books now, and I must admit, I am still trying to figure out what the Ancient Troll is doing in "Of Beast and Men"
The story connected to the monster is fabulous though. I recommend the book, it's a great read!

Message 7335#78114

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On 8/5/2003 at 8:40pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

tralese wrote: I have the books now, and I must admit, I am still trying to figure out what the Ancient Troll is doing in "Of Beast and Men"
The story connected to the monster is fabulous though. I recommend the book, it's a great read!

I put the Troll in there just so people could have a reference as to what's responsible for the various trollspawn (assuming the scholars are right in their theories that Troll blood created (or was used to create) anything but Abominations).

Using one in a game? Well, sure, but probably not in melee combat...

Glad you liked the story. My family don't, since the three other soldiers named (and nastily killed) in it are the names of my father and two brothers. :-)


Message 7335#78151

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On 8/6/2003 at 8:27pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

My family don't, since the three other soldiers named (and nastily killed) in it are the names of my father and two brothers. :-)

Fantastic! I'm sure they will keep reminding you about it every now and then.

I wouldn't really even consider unleashing a thing with a sorcery pool of 60 and all known vagaries on the world. The results would be catastrophic!! But of course it is up to any other sceneshal to decide. I like the idea of having it be in there to explain the origin of the troll spawns. Indeed it would explain a lot.

Message 7335#78374

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On 8/6/2003 at 10:23pm, spunky wrote:
So Cal Gen Con

With Jake's current travelling plans, will Driftwood have a precense at So Cal Gen Con?

Message 7335#78393

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On 8/6/2003 at 10:49pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

SoCal GenCon was cancelled.

Please don't tell me they uncancelled it. They wouldn't like me when I'm angry...


Message 7335#78398

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On 8/6/2003 at 11:12pm, Charles Smith wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

It's cancelled? It's CANCELLED?!?

No way.

Actually, just checking on their website, it states that they've pushed preregistration back a couple of weeks but I couldn't find anything about it being cancelled. It says we can register starting October 10th... and the date is still in mid December...

Please tell me you're joking. I've been looking forward to going out there for a while now (I'm in San Diego) and I need it to not be true else all life as I know it halts and flips upside-down.

Okay, half-way joking (rereading that makes me sound a little overzealous. I'm not, really). I don't know html at all so I'll cut-and-paste the address here:

Keep me posted on any info you find out that's contrary to this.


Message 7335#78402

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On 8/6/2003 at 11:28pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

Hmm. Well, last time I looked, the webpage said it was cancelled. It would appear they have, in fact, uncancelled it.

Smeg. I was originally going, but I cancelled when they cancelled (if you follow me), and it's too late to change my plans now.

Oh well. I'm going to the Indy GenCon next year instead, and that's likely to be a lot bigger/better anyway :-)


Message 7335#78405

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On 8/7/2003 at 12:15am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

I'm looking to go to GenCon SoCal.. I'd definitely be up for a game of Riddle, but I don't think I could account for an official presence. Esp. considering that I intend to be trying to push ReCoil if it's complete enough by then.

Message 7335#78412

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On 8/7/2003 at 12:24am, Salamander wrote:


I have been a gamer since I was 12, back in '79 and I used to live in Ontario as well, right near a major GenCon centre... and I have yet to go to one!

Oh well, I will just buy swords and that new mountain bike instead...

Message 7335#78415

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On 8/7/2003 at 8:14pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

TROS will not be at SoCal. SOrry.


Message 7335#78542

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On 8/9/2003 at 2:30am, spunky wrote:
GenCon So Cal

Not officially, anyway. I may run a TROS adventure; something simple, without using the sorcery rules, along the lines of Beowulf...

Message 7335#78788

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On 8/9/2003 at 6:55am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Gen Con.

Call me "there"!

Message 7335#78810

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