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Topic: Playing the Empire
Started by: MarkAdri
Started on: 7/29/2003
Board: HeroQuest

On 7/29/2003 at 9:25am, MarkAdri wrote:
Playing the Empire

With the iminent release of HeroQuest and the release of the first Imperial Lunar Handbook, is the Lunar Empire going to be the place to play.

If it is where would you want to play in the empire and do you think that it will replace or challenge the current focus on Dragon Pass and the Orlanthi troubles.

Thank you


Message 7346#76820

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On 7/29/2003 at 2:27pm, simon_hibbs wrote:
Re: Playing the Empire

MarkAdri wrote: With the iminent release of HeroQuest and the release of the first Imperial Lunar Handbook, is the Lunar Empire going to be the place to play.

I hope it will be 'the place to play', but I doubt it will be the place where most people set their games for some time.

If it is where would you want to play in the empire and do you think that it will replace or challenge the current focus on Dragon Pass and the Orlanthi troubles.

Many games are already set in the Dragon Pass area, and it's surrounds, so there's an 'installed base' of users in that area, so to speak. For new games though, I think it's going to be an exciting place to set games.

At the moment, I honsetly don't know where the best place to set a game. There are so many great places in the Empire to game.

I have a few ideas for games set in and around the Empire, and so I'd probably go with one of those, but if I could find a GM running a game I'd play anywhere in the Empire quite happily. I'd love to play a game mainly setin Glamour, for example.

Here's a campaign concept I've been toying with, but it's mainly on the periphery of the Empire.

Return to Balazar: The PCs are children of Balazaring tribal cheifs that were taken as hostages by the Lunars 20 years ago to guarantee the peace. They have been brought up as good Lunar citizens, and are now sent back to the region as emmisaries and expedition commanders to help sort out some local problems - troublesome tribes, incursions of trolls and elves, whatever. They must balance loyalty to the Empire against re-establishing family ties and responsibilities in a wild and lawless frontier region. Sections of the game will be set in Mirrin's Cross and even Glamour as Imperial politics influence events in Balazar, and in fact the game would begin in Glamour.

Simon Hibbs

Message 7346#76835

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On 7/30/2003 at 4:28pm, MrWrong wrote:
RE: Playing the Empire

I reckon the the Lunar Empire will become the place where people with a love for Ancient Civilisations, especially the Classical Civillisations, will hang out.

Personally I've never really jelled with the Orlanthi. In my Ralios game in many ways they are the bad guys (yes even though Glorantha should be above this sort of tame morality).

However I ran a con game set in Pavis with an all Lunar group of heroes, and was hooked. Now with the the release of th e Lunar Empire Handbook, I'm really getting into it and starting to develop the Home city of the heroes from my con game into something that will sustain at least a small story arc of adventures. A potent mix of intrigue, murder and magic, using Steven Salyor's Roma Sub Rosa books as a inspiration

Message 7346#77104

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