The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Mini Combat Tourney at Gen Con
Started by: Valamir
Started on: 7/29/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 7/29/2003 at 6:14pm, Valamir wrote:
Mini Combat Tourney at Gen Con

Warning: this post contains pointless bragging and celebratory dancing.

A few of us decided to do a little TROS combat tourney during a lull in the booth at GenCon. We modeled it on the Silent Death "Fly till you die" tourneys, and used some of Jake's demo characters sans SAs.

First up yours truly against the man himself Jake Norwood.
Jake thoughtfully provided me with a character with 2 fewer CP. And while I did have some armor, it was far from a complete suit.

Finishing Move: I launched a beat which Jake tried to defend against with a minimal number of dice. I won by a large enough margin to drain the rest of his pool and finished him with a cut (bumping damage by 1 for good measure) which left his intestines pooling on the ground.

Up next, Jared Sorensen who decided to wield a flail. Given the huge damage of the flail, my armor was largely ineffective, so I took it off and recovered the CP.

Finishing Move: I won a Red Red exchange, and took off a leg at the knee. Unfortuneately I had overestimated the effect of shock and Jared was left with a single die in his pool, after I had spent all of mine...that was overly reckless on my part. I should have either saved 1 die so I could keep the initiative or struck a more vital and instantaneously deadly location. Jake ruled that since it was red red, that Jared could make a 1 die attack on me before having to suffer the automatic knockdown from losing the leg. With +8 Damage vs my TO of only 4 (and no armor) that could have been a simo kill. Fortuneately, he missed...lesson relearned...don't get cocky even against open foes.

Final match vs. Mike Holmes who chose a staff for a weapon. I left my armor off for this one so I believe we had even CP.

Finishing Move: IIRC I used a stop short in the second exchange which I won costing him several dice (I think 3 or 4) in his refresh, while I refreshed to full. With my first attack of the next round I removed his left hand, in the second exchange I took his right arm at the shoulder. A more effective Disarm I can't imagine :-)

At that point, after 3 victories in a row, I retired at the top in order to enjoy a years worth of bragging rights ;-)

After doing an annoying little happy victory dance, I informed the esteemed Mr Norwood, that I never wanted to hear about the boy with a stick again ;-)

...I *believe* that Jake actually tried the same nasty die trick on me this time that he kicked my butt with last year...fortuneatly I didn't fall for it.

Message 7347#76890

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On 7/29/2003 at 7:53pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Mini Combat Tourney at Gen Con

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All dice, man, all dice.

Yer tost nextime.


Message 7347#76919

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On 7/29/2003 at 7:56pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Mini Combat Tourney at Gen Con

TRoS is very cool and I'm surprised at how much I liked the combat system -- it felt like I was swinging a big ol' war flail!

Message 7347#76920

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On 7/29/2003 at 8:22pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Mini Combat Tourney at Gen Con

Ha! From Jared! Ha!

I'm so happy.


Message 7347#76922

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