The Forge Reference Project


Topic: The Forge Out of the Box
Started by: abzu
Started on: 7/30/2003
Board: Publishing

On 7/30/2003 at 6:01am, abzu wrote:
The Forge Out of the Box

Check out Ken Hite's column about GenCon:

scroll down to the 2nd paragraph after City of Goths!

Congrats Vincent, Paul and Greg!!


Message 7357#77027

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On 7/30/2003 at 7:13am, Jeffrey Miller wrote:
RE: The Forge Out of the Box

Congrats yourself!

"...and what bids fair to be an interesting contender for Best New Idea Of The Show, Luke Crane's The Burning Wheel..."

Message 7357#77037

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On 7/30/2003 at 1:45pm, abzu wrote:
RE: The Forge Out of the Box

Um. Yeah.
Don't quite know what to make of that.
Hurray for me?
I dunno, but it sure does sound good.


Message 7357#77068

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On 7/30/2003 at 8:52pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: The Forge Out of the Box

Yes, hurray for you, Luke, and all the other booth members that got mentions. Note that cumulatively, we scored almost as much space in the article as D20 or Wizards did. More than WW, or any other system. I suspected we the Forge might be so honored when I asked Ken what the coolest thing he'd seen at the show was, and he pointed to our booth saying, "This".

That's just extrordinary. I think it's a testament to the individual designers abilities that they be recognized so by the inestimable Mr. Hite. I'd like to say how honored I am to just participate with such quality people here.

OK, enough with the admiration! Let's get to work so that next year Ken has to give us half the article! Who'll be next to step up? :-)


Message 7357#77173

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On 7/30/2003 at 11:03pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: The Forge Out of the Box

Hi there,

Don't forget the awesome mention Ken made of us, sight unseen, in his article in the GenCon con-book. He essentially endorsed us wholeheartedly, with special reference to several games, preparatory to the con itself. Such a mention is a big deal too.

I have come to know Ken a little over the past year or two (ever since he showed up at my booth in 2001 and I basically said "Who?" in a kind of laudable snot-punk, but also kind of stupid way), and he doesn't hand out candy to babies. If he recommends something, he means it.


Message 7357#77213

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