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Topic: Post your spells here!
Started by: MonkeyWrench
Started on: 8/2/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/2/2003 at 9:39am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
Post your spells here!

I've searched the boards high and low for spells people use in their games. I'd like this to be the place were people can post the spells their PCs and NPCs make use of.
One of my players is dead set on playing a sorceror, but is having trouble thinking of uses for his vagaries. I've tried to help him out, but it's be great if I could present him with a short list of some useful spells. (other than the ones found in the book of course)
I'd start out by posting my own, but I'm having trouble grasping the system myself as well, which could possibly be why I can't explain it to him...oh well. Sorry if this has been covered before, but I couldn't find any hint of it. Thanks.

Message 7402#77661

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On 8/2/2003 at 10:37am, Salamander wrote:
I don't have any, buuut

One of my compatriots, Spartan, has a mess of 'em...

Message 7402#77665

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On 8/2/2003 at 10:57am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

I would love to get my hands on a list if it's at all possible. It doesn't even have to be hard and fast rules, just vagaries used and the effects. I love the free-form magic system, but I'll be damned if I don't love lists of spells as well.

Message 7402#77666

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On 8/2/2003 at 12:43pm, Spartan wrote:
Re: I don't have any, buuut

Salamander wrote: One of my compatriots, Spartan, has a mess of 'em...

I'll post them tonight. :)

Message 7402#77668

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On 8/3/2003 at 5:03am, Spartan wrote:
Rulf's Formalized Spells

Rulf tends to use spells of one due to their low CTNs.

Repel (Spell of One) (Inspired by Jedi flinging droids about in the movies ;) )

CTN 8 (Base) If Formalized: 6

T) 3 R) 2 V)2 D) O L) 1

Vagaries: Movement 1
Effects: Speed 1, Maneuverability 1
Duration: Instantaneous

Causes target creature to be hurled in a direction chosen by the caster. If hurled into very solid objects, damage to target is 8 plus casting successes.

Clairvoyance (Spell of One)

CTN 0 (Formalized)

T) 0 R) 0 V) 0 D) 0 L) 1

Vagaries: Vision 1
Effects: Clairvoyance 1
Duration: Instantaneous

Allow the caster to see any area within one mile of his location, at 10x magnificatin if desired. This spell requires no dice to cast or maintain due to the "Formalized" CTN, and there is no risk of aging. It's almost an "innate ability", though gestures and/or dialogue would be needed by most beginning Gifted.

Aim (Spell of One)

CTN 6 (Base) If Formalized 4

T) 1 R) 2 V) 1 D) 0 L) 2

Vagaries: Movement 2
Effects: Maneuvarability 2
Duration: Instantaneous

Gives caster 6 (+ casting successes) extra MP dice to use in his next attack, provided it occurs in the next 6 (+ casting successes) seconds upon completion of the spell. It allows the caster to mentally nudge the missile towards it's target somewhat.

Summation: Low CTNs, Formalization, and Spells of One are your friends. Obviously, those that use them should not be counted among your enemies if you can help it. ;)

I'll post more as I invent them.


Message 7402#77759

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On 8/3/2003 at 8:38pm, Caz wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Here are my first attempts at making spells...

T)3 R)2 V)1 D)0 L)3
sculpture 3
composition 3
Causes a clot or lump to form in the victims brain

Wither limb
T)3 R)1 V)1 D)0 L)3
Sculpture 3
composition 3
This spell turns the effected limb to leather and bone by withdrawing all moisture. Can destroy limbs, or kill if cast on the head or body.
(a higher volume on this spell could completely mummify a man)

Message 7402#77830

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On 8/3/2003 at 8:51pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Hey Caz,

Those are fine, but note that the L component of both of your spells should be one higher. The formula is (highest vagary level) + 1 per extra vagary used, so 3+1 instead of just 3 in both cases. In the case of your blood clot spell, I would also (as Seneschal) require Vision 3 to be able to see inside the brain to know ehere to form the clot, which then ups the CTN again by 1.


Message 7402#77833

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On 8/4/2003 at 12:29am, Caz wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

I was thinking I might need vision for either, but I figured it wasn't required after looking at rapiers of bone. I had more in mind you'd just make a lump in their general brain area than a precision clot.
I don't quite understand what you mean about the L component. Isn't there just one vagary in each of those?
Thanks for humoring me. I'm taking my first look at the magic, and it's pretty fun.

Message 7402#77852

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On 8/4/2003 at 1:32am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

He's right Brian. Only one vagary each.

That's why it might be a good idea to actual list the vagary, like so:

T)3 R)2 V)1 D)0 L)3
Vagaries: Sculpture(composition 3)
Causes a clot or lump to form in the victim's brain

Still, sounds to me like someone caught Brian out...

Message 7402#77857

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On 8/4/2003 at 2:12am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Ah shit, yeah, you got me. Sorry, I read sculpture and composition and my brain saw two vagaries. Lance is right, better to format it as in his example to avoid stupid people like me getting confused.

As for the vision thing, yeah, that's why I qualified it by saying that was what *I* would do as Seneschal. Different folks have different views on TROS magic and how some things work.


Message 7402#77862

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On 8/4/2003 at 2:20am, Caz wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Vision makes sense to me though. But I'm on the right general track with making these then?
Thanks guys

Message 7402#77864

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On 8/4/2003 at 4:53am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

A warrior wizard decided to try this one out to increase his meager combat pool.

Warrior's Blessing
CTN 4 (Formalized CTN 2)
T) 0 R) 0 V) 2 D) 0 L) 2
Vagaries: Movement (Speed) 2

Causes the caster's Reflex to double as they move with a supernatural speed.

Of course he maintains it throughtout whatever combat he is in.

Some ideas for spells I've had....
-Combine Aim (see Spartan's post above) with Movement (Speed 2) and Vision (Clairvoyance 1) to make an archer that can hit most anything he can see within a mile. Speed would possibly increase the range factor of the arrow/bolt/etc...
- Add a Vision (Telepathy and Divination 1) to the spell above to create a spell that allows the warrior to predict his opponents next movement, possibly decreasing the opponents CP. Telepathy to read the surface thoughts and Divination to try and predict the actual movement. Of course this could be useful for a variety of non-combat situations as well.
- A Glamour (all 3)/ Conquer (Implant 1) effect that creates a near real duplicate of the caster while making him seem invisible. Using Conquer would allow the caster to additionally cause people to ignore him meaning that he could move about and remain invisible.

I've found that in trying to make spells I have a hard time deciding the details of their effects. I suppose this is supposed to be vague, meaning that magic can be as powerful or weak as I (the Seneschal) wish.
On a side note does anyone have any ideas for changing the weather or calling down lightning? Thanks.

Message 7402#77872

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On 8/4/2003 at 9:02pm, Spartan wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

MonkeyWrench wrote: - Add a Vision (Telepathy and Divination 1) to the spell above to create a spell that allows the warrior to predict his opponents next movement, possibly decreasing the opponents CP.

Just the Vision component alone could increase one's CP... nice idea!

Anticipate Defence/Attack (Spell of One)

CTN 1 (0 if Fomalized)

T) 0 R) 0 V) 0 D) 0 L) 1

Vagaries: Vision 1
Effects: Divination 1
Duration: Instantaneous

Allows caster a glimpse into the future of the combat he's in in order to anticipate his opponent's moves. Caster gains a CP/MP bonus equal to his casting successes to a maximum of his own PER (?) +1. This bonus drops by one each round as the fight progresses differently than it would have due to the sorcerer's actions.


Message 7402#77963

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On 8/4/2003 at 10:50pm, spunky wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

MonkeyWrench wrote: Some ideas for spells I've had....
-Combine Aim (see Spartan's post above) with Movement (Speed 2) and Vision (Clairvoyance 1) to make an archer that can hit most anything he can see within a mile. Speed would possibly increase the range factor of the arrow/bolt/etc...
- Add a Vision (Telepathy and Divination 1) to the spell above to create a spell that allows the warrior to predict his opponents next movement, possibly decreasing the opponents CP. Telepathy to read the surface thoughts and Divination to try and predict the actual movement. Of course this could be useful for a variety of non-combat situations as well.

RE: the more intricate version of the spell, instead of reducing the opponent's pool, perhaps the sorcerer could increase his own pool by his opponent's.

Another variation of any spell that grants precience would be to allow a replay -- the spell is cast before combat. If the combat goes poorly for the caster, he can, at any point, declare that the combat was, in fact, his vision, and play returns to the point at which his spell was just cast. Now he can avoid the fight, or try a different strategy.

On a general note, the most effective sorcerers in AH RuneQuest cast long term spells that boost their strength, dex, and armor, more than making up for limited combat skills. An experienced RQ sorcerer almost never had to cast spells during combat, and if they did, their armoring enchanted made sure they didn't take damage during the casting. All of these strategies apply to Riddle Sorcerers as well.


Message 7402#77984

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On 8/4/2003 at 11:23pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

spunky wrote: Another variation of any spell that grants precience would be to allow a replay -- the spell is cast before combat. If the combat goes poorly for the caster, he can, at any point, declare that the combat was, in fact, his vision, and play returns to the point at which his spell was just cast. Now he can avoid the fight, or try a different strategy.

Actually, I quote like that idea, but I can see a great potential for abuse. It would need to be controlled by the GM, perhaps only working for as many exchanges as the number of successes on the spell casting roll. If you go past that number of exchanges and have not declared the fight "your vision" then it just carries on and the spell is no longer in effect (in game terms, the spell had only told you up to that point in the fight, which was not enough to determine the eventual outcome).

spunky wrote: On a general note, the most effective sorcerers in AH RuneQuest cast long term spells that boost their strength, dex, and armor, more than making up for limited combat skills. An experienced RQ sorcerer almost never had to cast spells during combat, and if they did, their armoring enchanted made sure they didn't take damage during the casting. All of these strategies apply to Riddle Sorcerers as well.

Absolutely positively. A TROS sorcerer who is relying on casting spells once he's in melee combat is a very unprepared and very about to be dead one. There's no excuse to enter combat without a plethora of boosting and protecting spells already in effect, plus of course a few embedded spells to redirect damage back at an opponent who has just hit you, or melt the weapon that strikes your shield, or close wounds as they appear, or...


Message 7402#77988

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On 8/5/2003 at 12:04am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Those are some great ideas. I'll definetly have to make use of them against my players. You could use Sculpture and/or Growth to increase the density of your muscles and bones, making you stronger and tougher. You could embed spells to make magic swords or armor. But what about for non-melee combat spells? What about displays of real power....earhtquakes, lightning storms, hurricanes, etc...

Message 7402#77989

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On 8/5/2003 at 6:27am, kenjib wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Here is an idea I had for a non-combat curse spell:

It can be used to drive the plot and complicate relationships between characters.

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Message 7402#78018

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On 8/5/2003 at 7:54am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

That is a genius idea. Can I ask how the Conquer 2 vagary is used in relation to the actual curse?

Message 7402#78028

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On 8/5/2003 at 3:41pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Here are some of the ones I had come up with when I played a sorcerer.

Formalized Spell of One
CTN = 5 (5 seconds)
T) 3, R) 2, V) 0, D) 1, L) 1 (-2 for being formalized)
Vagary: Conquer 1
Effects: Control 1
Duration: 1 Hour

The target considers you his best friend and won’t take any aggressive actions against you.

Formalized Spell of Three
CTN = 8 (80 seconds)
T) 1, R) 2, V) 2, D) 1, L) 4 (-2 for being formalized)
Vagary: Movement 3, Summoning 3
Effects: Speed 3, Maneuver 3, Magic 3
Duration: 1week per success

The sorcerer uses his magical power to reanimate a large automaton. The corpse will move as per directed by the sorcerer for as long as 1 week per success. In order to maintain his Golem, the sorcerer must maintain eye contact.
There is a more complicated version of this spell that includes Vision and does not require line of sight.
Stats on the Golem are up to you, but it is suggested for the Golem to have a combat pool equivalent to the CTN + successes. The Golem does not feel pain, and can only be stopped if dismembered, level 5 wounds on either both legs or both arms. The strength of the Golem could be 3+successes. And the toughness is dependant on the material used (Wood 6, Metal 9, Rock 11)*.

* These are just suggestions.

Formalized Spell of One
CTN = 4
T) 1, R) 2, V) 1, D) 0, L) 2 (-2 for being formalized)
Vagary: Movement 2
Effects: Speed 2, Maneuver 2
Duration: Instantaneous (But maintainable)

The sorcerer holds up in his opened hand up to as many pebbles as he has in his MA. Through the power of his own mind he hurls these pebbles at a tremendous speed towards up to 5 different targets. The sorcerer may use his missile pool + 6 + successes to determine if he hits his targets (due to increased maneuverability with mind control). The pebbles have a base damage of 6+successes.

More to come.

Message 7402#78066

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On 8/5/2003 at 5:07pm, Stephen wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Some variations on an old favourite:

T1, R1, V1, D0, M2 = CTN 5 (3 Formalized)
Casting Time 5s, 3 if formalized, in addition to time taken for Lockpicking roll (see below)
Vagaries: Movement 2 (Animation 2)

By touching a lock, the sorcerer gains the ability to manipulate the internal components and undo them; however, it's no good if the sorcerer doesn't know how to pick locks in the first place! Basically, this allows a sorcerer-thief to use his mind as the lockpick, thus allowing him to make a Lockpicking roll using MA/Lockpicking instead of AG/Lockpicking -- usually a benefit, as sorcerers tend to have higher MA than AG, and also neatly avoiding any traps that a manual lockpicking might risk. By increasing the Range to 2, the sorcerer no longer has to touch the lock.

A variant allows sorcerers to undo the lock without having to know how, by being able to see into the lock:

LOCKMASTERY (Spell of Three)
T1, R1, V1, D0, L3 (2+1) = CTN 6 (4 if Formalized)
Casting Time 60s, 40s if Formalized
Vagaries: Movement 2 (Animation 2), Vision 1 (Clairvoyance 1)

This version grants the sorcerer the ability to see the inner workings of the lock, obviating the need for prior knowledge. As with Psychic Lockpick, increasing the Range to 2 allows the sorcerer to undo the lock without having to touch it.

Message 7402#78090

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On 8/5/2003 at 5:34pm, kenjib wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

MonkeyWrench wrote: That is a genius idea. Can I ask how the Conquer 2 vagary is used in relation to the actual curse?

The conquer effect was there to control the person's mind, and negatively impact their behavior. The vision was there to effect the target at a range. I'm not sure why the summon was there though, since the spell needs to be maintained from the SP (even duration 3 isn't long enough for a curse, which should possibly last a lifetime rather than just weeks). Hmm...

Getting rid of summoning would lower the CT to 9, but the formalized CT wouldn't change.

Message 7402#78097

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On 8/6/2003 at 10:27am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

kenjib -
I was thinking that perhaps a variant would be to actually implant a harmful spirit into the persons body. It wouldn't be a full possession, the spirit would act as the curse. The CTN would increase but would it need to be maintained?

Formalized Spell of Three
CTN = 8 (80 seconds)
T) 1, R) 2, V) 2, D) 1, L) 4 (-2 for being formalized)
Vagary: Movement 3, Summoning 3
Effects: Speed 3, Maneuver 3, Magic 3
Duration: 1week per success

The sorcerer uses his magical power to reanimate a large automaton. The corpse will move as per directed by the sorcerer for as long as 1 week per success. In order to maintain his Golem, the sorcerer must maintain eye contact.
There is a more complicated version of this spell that includes Vision and does not require line of sight.
Stats on the Golem are up to you, but it is suggested for the Golem to have a combat pool equivalent to the CTN + successes. The Golem does not feel pain, and can only be stopped if dismembered, level 5 wounds on either both legs or both arms. The strength of the Golem could be 3+successes. And the toughness is dependant on the material used (Wood 6, Metal 9, Rock 11)*.

* These are just suggestions.

Formalized Spell of One
CTN = 4
T) 1, R) 2, V) 1, D) 0, L) 2 (-2 for being formalized)
Vagary: Movement 2
Effects: Speed 2, Maneuver 2
Duration: Instantaneous (But maintainable)

The sorcerer holds up in his opened hand up to as many pebbles as he has in his MA. Through the power of his own mind he hurls these pebbles at a tremendous speed towards up to 5 different targets. The sorcerer may use his missile pool + 6 + successes to determine if he hits his targets (due to increased maneuverability with mind control). The pebbles have a base damage of 6+successes.

Two awesome spells! I especially like your "magic missle" spell.

Some other ideas I've had....
-Using movement and vision to cause someone to spontaniously combust by using the friction caused by rubbing molecules to create fire.
-Using movement and vision to slow down water molecules in a living creature and have them turn partially to ice.

I am still stumped as to how to bring about storms and lightning. Apart from the spell of none Lightning of the Soul there are no examples.

Message 7402#78247

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On 8/6/2003 at 6:20pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Part of the issue about bringing about storms and lightning is simply that the sorcerer need something tangible to create the spell. I would suggest that it's a limitation of the magic in this system.
You cannot create something out of thin air. Now granted lightning is electricity, which is technically something tangible, well sort of (Electrons!).
In reality lightning is nothing but static (similar to static with clothes but to a much higher degree).
So if you really want to stretch the rules, you could say that with structure 3 you can manipulate the electron in the air to create an overcharge of static energy and use maneuver 3 to propell this stack of electrons towards your target. Let's see this would be...

Spell of Three
CTN = 10 (100 seconds)
T) 3, R) 2, V) 0, D) 0, L) 5
Vagary: Sculpture 3, Vision 3, Maneuver 3
Effects: Intricacy 3, Clairvoyance 3, Speed 3
Duration: Instantaneous

With this spell the sorcerer can accumulate enough energy in one spot within eyesight and propel it towards an oponent creating a large deflagration that will inflict 10+successes damage Minus the opponents TO score. This spell is very powerful, but takes forever to cast, so sorcerers beware!

Message 7402#78345

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On 8/6/2003 at 7:02pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

I can see that spell. The Sorcerer waves his arms, small discharges start to accumulate around him, hair begins to stand on end, a smell of ozone becomes noticeable, people start to feel kinda funny as the air becomes more and more rarified, a moment of silence, and then suddenly:


Crispy critters.


Message 7402#78359

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On 8/6/2003 at 7:14pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

If what Jake stated about igniting a candle is true (he said it would only require Movement 2), then the spell would become a spell of one, with a CTN of 7. It is up to you to decide though. I would definitely require sculpture 3 and vision 3 in order to really control the energy and not have it explode in your own face, because you can't see the accumulation.
Although I'm thinking the energy build up would end up being visible after a few seconds of accumulation. So it is really debatable...

Message 7402#78362

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On 8/6/2003 at 9:29pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

I think there is far too much of a jones to add a vision component to spells. I think with the "light a candle" spell, you wouldn't need vision. Think of it like so..

The sorcerer has noticed that when two things are rubbed together at high speed, they get warmer. This is true from things like your hands when they're cold, or two sticks to start a flame. He also notes that when you run for long periods of time that your body warms up. He comes to the conclusion that heat is a by-product of motion, so as an experiment, he decides to concentrate some motion in the vicinity of the wick of a candle. He's moving molecules, but doesn't think of it that way, because he's a sorcerer, not a scientist. Suddenly, his theory pays off as the wick ignites.

I'd imagine it would go through a little trial and error as he gets the exact speed required down, and the distance from the wick needed to ignite it without ripping it off, but it would work without the vision component.

Not every spell requires vision.

Message 7402#78384

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On 8/6/2003 at 11:50pm, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

I think there is far too much of a jones to add a vision component to spells. I think with the "light a candle" spell, you wouldn't need vision. Think of it like so..

Not every spell requires vision.

Thank you! I know I have a tendency to want to add vision to alot of the spells that I cast. But your explaination makes much more sense and also allows for the sorceror to roleplay experimenting with spells.

Message 7402#78408

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On 8/7/2003 at 2:55am, AnyaTheBlue wrote:
No, no, no -- all wrong

You see, lightining is carried in clouds. Every cloud is full of lightning, just as it is full of rain. So all you have to do is use motion to pull it out of the cloud and into a person. Of course, first you might have to make a cloud.

Likewise, everybody knows that flammable things are flammable because they have an overabundance of phlogiston inside them. So all you have to do is use Motion to pull out some of the phlogiston, and it'll ignite the rest...

Or is that too goofy? If anybody does go with this idea, I would personally require you to use Vision on the lightning spell, since the cloud would (presumably) be waaaay up in the sky...

Alternately, at least with fire, you could argue that Sculpture allows you to affect composition, and since Fire is one of the four basic elements that everything is made up of, all you would have to do is alter the composition of the wick to have a bit more Fire than it would otherwise, thus igniting it. That doesn't help with lightning, though...

Message 7402#78430

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On 8/7/2003 at 3:05am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
Re: No, no, no -- all wrong

AnyaTheBlue wrote: Alternately, at least with fire, you could argue that Sculpture allows you to affect composition, and since Fire is one of the four basic elements that everything is made up of, all you would have to do is alter the composition of the wick to have a bit more Fire than it would otherwise, thus igniting it. That doesn't help with lightning, though...

Heh. Nice angle, I like it.

Of course, Lightning is just one of the quasielementals, right? :-) (Between the elements of Air and Fire you have the paraelemental Smoke, Between Air and Smoke you have the Quasielemental of Lightning. Or something like that anyway :-))


Message 7402#78432

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 8/7/2003 at 7:26am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

I really like the ideas around objects containing phlogiston and lightning-bearing clouds; combined with the Curse idea, which is superb, theres the seed of a whole new approach to magic emerging.

Message 7402#78446

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On 8/7/2003 at 2:00pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Ah, but now you are moving slightly away from the real scientific and going into the Fantasy Scientific involving Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind as the basic elements, or having things like "phlogiston" in all things.
Mind you it is quite alright to go with this approach seeing as there are sorcerers and there is Magic and Fey and all the things that make up a fantasy setting.
I just thought that in the case of Riddle of Steel the magic was trying to remain "reality" scientific in it's delivery.

I do like the whole idea of lightning being gathered in the clouds and being able to use vision and movement to draw them down on people. This is really making things interesting. I'll post more about that in a bit.

Message 7402#78472

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On 8/7/2003 at 2:37pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Spell of Three
CTN = 11 (11)
T) 1, R) 3, V) 3, D) 1, L) 3
Vagary: Movement 2, Vision 2
Effects: Maneuver 2, Clairvoyance 2
Duration: 1 hour per success

With this spell the sorcerer uses his vision to find all the clouds within a 100-mile radius and brings them all in one spot using Movement. Then using movement, the sorcerer will start to stir the clouds into a furry bringing upon the world below a nice little storm.

This spell combines really well with the following Lightning spell

Spell of One
CTN = 7 (7 seconds)
T) 3, R) 2, V) 0, D) 0, L) 2
Vagary: Movement 2
Effects: Maneuver 2
Duration: Instantaneous

This spell requires an existing storm within eyesight of the sorcerer. As the sorcerer looks up to the clouds in the storm he can summon the lightning built up in there and have it shoot down upon a single target. The damage done will be 7 + successes minus the target’s TO attribute

There you go. Seeing as the Call Lightning actually requires an existing visible storm, it would not require the vision vaguary to activate. However, without a storm there is no Call Lightning...
The reason I have for not adding the vision is that we have had quite a few storms lately here in Ohio, and I have seen many bolts of lightning shoot down, or simply the clouds flair up with a discharge of energy. So I asuume that a sorcerer could easily wait for the opportune moment to cast the Call Lightning. Given that the storm is nasty enough, you will see a lot of energy built up.

Message 7402#78484

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On 8/7/2003 at 3:01pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

And more...

Spell of One
CTN = 5 (5 seconds)
T) 3, R) 0, V) 0, D) 0, L) 2
Vagary: Sculpture 2
Effects: Sculpture 2
Duration: Instantaneous (but can be maintained)

With this spell the Sorcerer transforms his arm into a metal weapon of his choice that he can use as a melee weapon using his CP. The damage done by the weapon is equal to the equivalent weapon employed (see weapon charts for details).

Spell of One
CTN = 6 (6 seconds)
T) 3, R) 0, V) 0, D) 0, L) 3
Vagary: Sculpture 3
Effects: Sculpture 3
Duration: Instantaneous (but can be maintained)

The sorcerer can use this spell to have thick hard hair follicles grow out of his fingers and feet, which he can then use to climb up any surface.

Message 7402#78488

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On 8/7/2003 at 3:24pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

And again...

Spell of Three
CTN = 11 (110 seconds)
T) 2, R) 2, V) 2, D) 1, L) 4
Vagary: Growth 3, Sculpture 2
Effects: Maturing 3, Intricacy 2
Duration: 1 hour per success

Another really hard spell to pull off due to the high CTN, and it requires the use of actual seeds from known prickly bushes such as black berry bushes. The sorcerer uses growth at level 3 to make the seeds grow really quickly and then uses sculpture to shape the brambles into a wall. The wall will spread for 30 feet across and will take 11 + success man rounds to break through (i.e.: should the sorcerer have 2 successes it would take 13+ men to tear through the wall in minute, or 7 men to tear through it in 2 minutes, or 1 man could tear through it in 13 minutes).

Spell of One
CTN = 6 (6 seconds)
T) 3, R) 2, V) 0, D) 0, L) 1
Vagary: Glamour 1
Effects: Realism 1
Duration: Instantaneous (but can be maintained)

With this spell the sorcerer can choose up to his MA attribute in targets. Each of those must attempt to resist the spell using their PER at a TN of 6 + successes. If they fail to resist their vision becomes blurry and they will have a hard time focusing on anything effectively reducing their CP by 6 + successes – PER.

Message 7402#78492

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On 8/8/2003 at 12:58am, Salamander wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

tralese wrote: Ah, but now you are moving slightly away from the real scientific and going into the Fantasy Scientific involving Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind as the basic elements, or having things like "phlogiston" in all things.
Mind you it is quite alright to go with this approach seeing as there are sorcerers and there is Magic and Fey and all the things that make up a fantasy setting.
I just thought that in the case of Riddle of Steel the magic was trying to remain "reality" scientific in it's delivery.

I do like the whole idea of lightning being gathered in the clouds and being able to use vision and movement to draw them down on people. This is really making things interesting. I'll post more about that in a bit.

I think that it would be best of we had the "scientific" explanation available for the players to use as to describing the effects of the spell, but I think the idea of using the elements/phlogiston/humours etc could be how the Character would look at it. So while we would know the er... REAL reason, the characters would notice such minor empirical concepts such as Wolfen so wonderfully described or use the "scientific" concepts of the time to put paid to the spell they are making.

Message 7402#78589

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...started by Salamander which Salamander participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 8/8/2003 at 8:19am, Irmo wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

tralese wrote: Ah, but now you are moving slightly away from the real scientific and going into the Fantasy Scientific involving Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind as the basic elements, or having things like "phlogiston" in all things.

Actually, there is nothing wrong in this context with using phlogiston. Mind you, it has of course been debunked in the meantime, but it was believed to be the key to combustion by reputed chemists for quite a while. That was, until the role of oxygene was demonstrated.

Message 7402#78619

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...started by Irmo which Irmo participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 8/8/2003 at 1:16pm, tralese wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Actually, there is nothing wrong in this context with using phlogiston. Mind you, it has of course been debunked in the meantime, but it was believed to be the key to combustion by reputed chemists for quite a while. That was, until the role of oxygene was demonstrated.

Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't know about that fact. I guess it's hard to make heads or tails of it, seeing as air is not something that you really see, and neither is oxygen. So I guess it's up to the Sceneshal to decide whether one can manipulate something you cannot see with the naked eye without the use of the vision Vagary.
Jake seems to think it is plausible, and if that is the case then starting a fire or creating lightning should not require vision, but simply movement at level 2. If you find it overpowered (which by the way all magic in this system is overpowered and is intended to be that way) then you can always say it requires movement 3 to up the CTN a little more.

Message 7402#78633

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...started by tralese which tralese participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 8/8/2003

On 8/8/2003 at 9:19pm, Irmo wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

tralese wrote:

Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't know about that fact. I guess it's hard to make heads or tails of it, seeing as air is not something that you really see, and neither is oxygen. So I guess it's up to the Sceneshal to decide whether one can manipulate something you cannot see with the naked eye without the use of the vision Vagary.
Jake seems to think it is plausible, and if that is the case then starting a fire or creating lightning should not require vision, but simply movement at level 2. If you find it overpowered (which by the way all magic in this system is overpowered and is intended to be that way) then you can always say it requires movement 3 to up the CTN a little more.

Yeah, I agree that it is an issue that can be left to the individual Senechal's taste of how much science he wants to include in his campaigns, and how much current state of the art knowledge that is supposed to be versus historic scientific opinion. Mind you, as a scientist, I find a whole bunch of square pegs hammered into round holes in the 'scientific' explanations in the magic rules. I mostly roll my eyes and accept that the effect describes happens, regardless of the explanation :)

For a brief overview of the Phlogiston theory, cf. eg.
And for a lengthy defense of Phlogiston by the discoverer of oxygen (some of the funniest trivia in science history that the discoverer of oxygen died convinced of the phlogiston theory) at

Message 7402#78733

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...started by Irmo which Irmo participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 8/11/2003 at 7:04am, Rick wrote:
RE: Post your spells here!

Good point. Hint: Spin a square and get a circle. Better yet, spin a cube in all three Cartesian planes and get a sphere.

Message 7402#78931

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...from around 8/11/2003