The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Status Reports (from YOU)
Started by: Nathan
Started on: 10/12/2001
Board: Publishing

On 10/12/2001 at 12:35am, Nathan wrote:
Status Reports (from YOU)

So, how is everyone doing in your projects/project or daydreams? Anyone have any major success lately, or new creations that they are giggly about?

Currently, I am excited about the Thousand Setting Project (, stoked about how well Mystic Ages Online has taken off (, and am getting artist stuff worked out for my OGL Superhero Apoc game.

Nathan Hill

Message 741#6331

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On 10/12/2001 at 8:24am, Matt wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Hey, nice idea for a thread.

Lost Gods and Agency 13 are both approaching a vaguely finished level, and are getting some good responses. Other projects are languishing in, "nice idea needs better implementation" stage.

I've also just decided to rewrite the system for my pet project, a game set in a pseudo 18th century world, based on some ideas I've picked up from the Forge. I'm quite excited about that.


Message 741#6338

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On 10/12/2001 at 4:13pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

What the heck, I'll bite...

Mike Holmes and I are finishing up "Geek Season", a supplement for Jared / Memento-Mori's InSpectres RPG... Should get the final touches on it this weekend!

Dead Meat 2 has a lot of extra text, and some great ideas / additions, but needs editing, and I need a PLAYTESTING GROUP! I'm also trying to figure out if I want to do a printed version, or just go with a 'for sale' .pdf file. The new version moves a bit beyond just Zombie Horror Movies too, includes bad-ass monsters and giallo setups as well...

And I keep thinking about making a Mexican All Star Wrestling Horror game. Not sure if I want to use cards or make it an RPG...

Message 741#6350

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On 10/12/2001 at 4:37pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Alright ...

Clinton and I are working on a cool retro rpg ... and we're probably going to publish it in the future (currently in pre-playtest status)

I'm currently trying to push out one free game a month at Harlekin Maus ... Sitcom went out Sept. 28, so I've got some time left. I'm currently toying with the following concepts: A) Hello Kitty, B) Wild West (with a GOOD poker mechanic), C) Sea Monkey game always involving 3 dice with NO addition, D) Competitive Bug's Life, E) Roleplaying incarnations of the same basic person (a specific person:, F) Card Game ("Dragon Party")

My 4-year old Sea Monkey RPG may be published in the Ultimate Guide to Sea Monkeys sometime soon! I'm not super excited about it, since it's pretty old-fashioned and doesn't incorporate what I've learned since discovering the Forge. But hell, there's no such thing as bad press, eh?

And, um, I have a 112 page book 1st draft due Oct. 31st ... Word of the Keepers for Dream Pod 9's Tribe 8 game line.


Message 741#6352

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On 10/12/2001 at 6:28pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

I'm not currently working on my "Wuthering Heights Roleplay" ("René le jeu de rôle romantique" in French), because I'm busy with another RPG job (a translation into French) and will soon be busy with another RPG job (a chapter in an official supplement for a French RPG).
The future looks bright, anyway, because after a successful distribution by a 'zine (, I've found publishers interested in it. I need another year to revise the text and then it goes to the printers again.

As for my other free RPG projects :
- M I L (medieval-paranoïd) : I've decided to turn it into a Story Engine Plug-In. not really finished and asleep for about 1 year
- Garichankar (afterdeath virtual time-travelling) (in French only) : I've decided to use Scott Knipe's "Avant Guard" system, but it's been asleep for some 2 months (and it's not playable as is)
- dârk (parodic gothic game) (in French only) : unplayable for the moment, and asleep for some 2 years, but I plan to work on it soon, using a 3-stat system (stats : Vice, Crime, Madness)
- No FuTuR : the game I've invented and played as a teenager (and it was a good game) (in French only) : incomplete on the net and asleep for some 3 years. I've got everything on sheets of paper but I'm not really interested into it.- "super-flics" and "fous l'Contact" (in French only) : those 2 action-movie games are minimalist and complete, but maybe I'll revise them someday (especially "fous l'Contact", about Jean-Claude Vandamme)

Message 741#6357

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On 10/12/2001 at 9:21pm, Epoch wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Next time I'm in a mood to do some serious RPG writing, I'll probably get to about the half-way or two-thirds point on Incarnate, an idea I have for a game which is supposed to be overlayed on another game (not Powerkill style, but just inject its concepts in), and/or finish up FIGHT!, my attempt to have a Lunch Money style game within a roleplaying framework.

Well, assuming that I'm not trying to finish up my game for Ambercon Northwest, Outcasts, or update my page for my current Amber campaign, New Mutiny.

Message 741#6360

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On 10/12/2001 at 9:49pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Well, I've sort of stalled on pet game project. The details were worked out in my head and I started to write it all down. I've gotten through the 'Prime' example and have gotten to the part where I describe the exception cases and the more modular rules and I just can't seem to get up the energy to write it down. It's all there in my head, I just have a bitch of a time transfering it to paper. So, sometime soon I hope to bite the bullet, finish the writing and make it available.


Message 741#6361

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On 10/12/2001 at 9:50pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Man, y'all are busy bees.

I'm currently awaiting feedback on InSpectres 2.0. Although I'll probably go the PDF route, I'm contemplating a nice softcover format in the guise of a franchise owner's handbook (stark white front and back cover, B&W InSpectres logo, slightly modified from the one on my site right now).

Tooth & Claw is still stuck in my craw (ha! poetry for jeffnosh) and octaNe v.2 is chugging along (having hit the "does anyone wanna draw for me" stage). Oh yeah, and I'm moving to NH/MA area in a month (!) -- driving cross-country, perhaps stopping in Chi-town (!) as I know a kajillion people there. Then I gotta find a job and a gaming group -- not necessarily in that order (something tells me finding the latter will assist greatly in finding the former).

Message 741#6362

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On 10/12/2001 at 11:18pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Kayfabe is approaching completion. I should have all the art done by Christmas and a 50 page pdf for sale soon after that.

My Salute of the Jugger game seems to have died before it started. I talked to the writer/director the other day and his agent says I'd have to get the rights from Kings Road studios and I think that's more red tape than I want to deal with right now.

Recently I've been thinking about designing a game based on the TV show ER, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that.

,Matt G.

Message 741#6364

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On 10/13/2001 at 2:06am, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

eh, what the hell...

I've gotten a web page on Geocities for my Green Cat Games. I've been bugging the piss out of anyone who'd listen about my game The Wheel. Hopefully I'll get some time to write a second draft and start building something worthwhile.

Currently I'm planning to try to do the pay-per-download thing and offer various games (not just RPGs) and fiction. The difference is, it will NOT be gaming fiction. Who reads that? Ick Poo

But we'll see what happens.

Wish me luck.

BTW, Matt, I'm going to do an ER game, bucko. Part of The Wheel came about trying to figure out how to make a game for that. Mine, do you hear me? Mine Mine Mine


Message 741#6366

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On 10/13/2001 at 4:09am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Ha! I one-upped the ER thing with Ward 13. Too bad it doesn't do its parent game justice.

So that's what I'll be working on for a while - updating NightWatch and Ward 13 to second edition InSpectres (Ward 13 especially will benefit from an overhaul). And of course, there's WYRD, which is my bread-and-butter game.

Just to be funny, I'm designing another game called Weird!, which is my homage to pulp mags and EC comics. I stole the idea of flip-flopping the nature of scenes from Zak's game Cthonian (which everyone should check out, 'cause it's pretty cool), and introduced a mechanic that uses vocabulary as a form of currency (which, to be fair, was Petter Sandelin's idea). Once I get the details worked out, I'll post it for all to look at.

Take care,

Message 741#6368

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On 10/13/2001 at 4:18am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Well Mike and I are still working up Universalis. The game is in late beta right now, and Moose has been added to the list of folks who've given it a gander. So far none of our 4 independent playtest groups have come through with any reports so we're kind of stuck with not being quite able to finalize everything yet (hint: if anyone out there is interested in playtesting and is SERIOUS about reviewing and analyzing it we need some help in this area. Mike and I can play a million times but there is little more we can do without some outside thought).

After that we're working on getting a web presence for the game and deciding how we want to proceed with publishing. Its not quite ready for prime time, but its close. I think we're in the tweaks and adjustments stage...but we really need some playtesting (that doesn't involve us) to confirm or refute that.

Message 741#6369

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On 10/13/2001 at 6:51pm, Mytholder wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Currently finishing off a Nobilis scenario for Gaelcon, and the Hills Larp Wild, also for Gaelcon. The latter is an adaptation of the Tynes/Myrfors boardgame to a larp, and should be suitably wacky.

Slightly longer term, I've got a stack of larps and rpg scenarios to do for other cons, the rewrite and relaunch of (anyone recommend a good hosting service?), and a semi-confirmed-but-the-contract's-not-signed-yet book deal.

Message 741#6375

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On 10/13/2001 at 8:57pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Not as much as I'd like to have gotten done.
Currently on the block are:

A series of scenarios for "Elfs" that parody classical AD&D modules. This is partway done.

Orcs: a game that needs more meat to idea how much I'm going to write, so I don't know how close to "complete" I am. I have the basic rules, mood and style, and I know where I'm going with it, I just need to go.

Plus a couple "Sorcerer" knock-offs, though these have been on the back burner for months now.

Message 741#6378

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On 10/16/2001 at 8:09pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Hmmm... In addition to Universalis which Ralph gave a good run down of above, I've got a few other things going. I'm trying to get working again on Sorcerer & Space, my supplement for Sorcerer. I am still working on game that began as a collaboration on GO with a few guys, and has turned out much more interesting than I thought it ever would. It's a maratime fantasy world with no humans or fuzzies, or anything else recognizable for player races; a Mythic world where the power of belief is strong. And I'm trying to finish up work on Geek Season, the supplement for InSpectres that I'm putting together with Sean Wipfli.

I feel like I'm forgetting something. Hmmm...Other than that, I have a few more ideas brewing, but I'd like to get the current business out of the way before moving on to anything new in earnest (though knowing me, I'll probably end up working more on the distractions than what I should).

BTW, I've really found the work that I've done with Ralph and the other guys to be rewarding. I find that I really like collaboration, and working with others to create stuff. If somebody wants a co-conspirator in writing something, I may be interested; let me know. :smile:


Message 741#6513

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On 10/16/2001 at 9:06pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Unless that co-conspitator is slow as hell like I am! :smile:

Hey, all my cartoons for Geek Season went to Mike just now, and I'll be finishing up the typin' tomorrow. GEEK SEASON is on the way! Woohoo!

Now if I could just get the basis for my Mexi-Wrestling Horror game set...

Message 741#6517

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On 10/18/2001 at 3:18pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

On 2001-10-16 17:06, unodiablo wrote:
Unless that co-conspitator is slow as hell like I am! :smile:

Hey, all my cartoons for Geek Season went to Mike just now, and I'll be finishing up the typin' tomorrow. GEEK SEASON is on the way! Woohoo!

Co-constipator? And you're doing my editing? Less postin', more writin'! >Krak!<

Message 741#6668

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On 10/24/2001 at 11:18am, Ian O'Rourke wrote:
RE: Status Reports (from YOU)

Wow, everyone is seriously busy! I'm probably the only person on here who has no interest in game design at all. Errrrr, why am I here? Because I find some of the theory interesting, even though I'd never be interested in putting the design side of it into practice.

Keep up the good work.

Message 741#7088

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