The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Help getting you game out there.
Started by: Jack Spencer Jr
Started on: 10/12/2001
Board: Publishing

On 10/12/2001 at 4:04am, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
Help getting you game out there.

SOmewhere, forget where, Ron mentioned that part of why Sorcerer gained the following it did is because he participated in banner exchanges and webrings and stuff like that.

Well, as I continue to work on my game I can't help but think that I'd like to do the same.

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but sometimes it's running around in a thunderstorm trying to get lightning to strike twice.

So, what are some banner exchanges, webring, etc to sign up with to get you game out there.

This would be a great thing to have in the Self- Publishing section BTW.

Message 742#6334

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On 10/12/2001 at 6:40am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Help getting you game out there.

Hi Jack,

You've misremembered slightly ... one of my first points is NOT to use banner link exchanges, especially not anything like those silly penny-a-click or whatever deals. Webrings were useful a few years ago (when Sorcerer first started up), but now I have less faith in them.

The real key to traffic is multiple links from sites that you respect and that share a common philosophy with you. Therefore people checking out those sites will be inclined to like yours. Reviews also help, especially on specialty sites rather than general ones. The key to both of these things is to offer to trade links. It really is that simple.

Basically, my view is that web-traffic and visits follow the same rules that word-of-mouth always has: (1) be good, and (2) make sure that good people know about you.


Message 742#6336

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Publishing
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...from around 10/12/2001