The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Questions on combat
Started by: Dan Sellars
Started on: 8/5/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/5/2003 at 7:27pm, Dan Sellars wrote:
Questions on combat


This is my first post to the forum, but I have been running a TROS session for a few months now.

I have been using the GW Warhammer world as a campaign setting and so far everyone has been enjoying the way The Riddle of Steel rules work. (So well done Jake :-)

I have a few queries that have cropped up during the course of play, which I hope havn't been asked before. So here goes:

1) how does WP reduce the effects of pain? is it a simple Pain-WP? this is how we have been playing it.

2) the players wanted to try and knock out an NPC rather than kill him (nice arn't they?) during one encounter. The worry was that the character who decided to strike the blow was quite strong and could have very easily killed the NPC. In this situation would it be correct for the Player to state how much ST he was going to use (up to his ST value) before the strike? kind of "pulling the punch" That way there would still be a chance of doing too much damage but it would be reduced (there would also be more chance of not doing enough). The knockout rules say you can reduce the shock from a blunt blow to the head, but I read it as the damage Pain/BL is still done. Or am I missing something.

3) in the damage tables for damage to the arm it says "May drop items in that hand" or "May drop at -3" what roll should be made to determine if the item is dropped or not? As you get a +1CP bonus to cuts\bashes on the arm it seems a good idea to try and disarn your opponent.

4) leading on from the previous question is Leather Gauntlets AL 2, 0 CP a fair item?

I'm sorry this turned into a longer post than I anticipated.

Thanks in advance for any help,


Message 7444#78126

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On 8/5/2003 at 7:47pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
Re: Questions on combat

Dan Sellars wrote: Hello,

(all) "Hello, Dan!"

This is my first post to the forum, but I have been running a TROS session for a few months now.

I have been using the GW Warhammer world as a campaign setting and so far everyone has been enjoying the way The Riddle of Steel rules work. (So well done Jake :-)

Ahh, one of my favorite settings...

I have a few queries that have cropped up during the course of play, which I hope havn't been asked before. So here goes:

So much for the honeymoon ;-)

1) how does WP reduce the effects of pain? is it a simple Pain-WP? this is how we have been playing it.

You got it right.

2) the players wanted to try and knock out an NPC rather than kill him (nice arn't they?) during one encounter. The worry was that the character who decided to strike the blow was quite strong and could have very easily killed the NPC. In this situation would it be correct for the Player to state how much ST he was going to use (up to his ST value) before the strike? kind of "pulling the punch" That way there would still be a chance of doing too much damage but it would be reduced (there would also be more chance of not doing enough). The knockout rules say you can reduce the shock from a blunt blow to the head, but I read it as the damage Pain/BL is still done. Or am I missing something.

Any head shot, even one that does 0 damage, can knock a guy out (see knockout rules, around p 78, I think).

There has been much discussion on "pulling" blows in TROS. The best option in my opinion is to allow a 1CP expenditure to remove either the ST bonus or the successes rolled, or both. A search on the forum should turn up a lot more.

3) in the damage tables for damage to the arm it says "May drop items in that hand" or "May drop at -3" what roll should be made to determine if the item is dropped or not? As you get a +1CP bonus to cuts\bashes on the arm it seems a good idea to try and disarn your opponent.

Crap...I don't remember. Knockdown sounds like a good roll. And that is the best way to disarm a guy.

4) leading on from the previous question is Leather Gauntlets AL 2, 0 CP a fair item?

Having myself been hit on many an occassion wearing leather gauntlets of many kinds, I'd say that if they're like driving gloves they do nothing, and if they're like lacrosse gloves they get AV 1 or 2.


Message 7444#78130

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On 8/5/2003 at 8:04pm, Dan Sellars wrote:
RE: Questions on combat

Hello Jake,

Thanks for the reply.

I hadn't caught on to the 'any head shot' causing a roll for knockout so I'll keep that in mind. Pulling punches like that seems good too.

Sorry to press a point, for dropping items when the arm is struck would it be Knockdown TN 7 or Shock and does the -3 refer to the number of dice rolled?

Thanks again,


Message 7444#78137

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On 8/5/2003 at 8:35pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Questions on combat

Personally, I always use Reflex when hits to the hand require a roll to drop things or not.

The difficulty being the pain level of the wound, of course.

(edit: Yes, the -3 would reduce the number of dice rolled).


Message 7444#78146

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On 8/5/2003 at 9:08pm, Dan Sellars wrote:
RE: Questions on combat

Thanks Brian,

Thinking about it, I would be happy using either.

I'm glad I've got this sorted now.



Message 7444#78167

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On 8/6/2003 at 10:11am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Questions on combat

I know that this is sort of off topic but would you be willing to give me some hints and suggestions for running WFRP/TRoS? I started out in warhammer ages ago and I'd like to return to it after I destroy my current campaign world. You can PM me with the details. Thanks!

Message 7444#78246

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On 8/6/2003 at 9:00pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Questions on combat

MonkeyWrench wrote: I know that this is sort of off topic but would you be willing to give me some hints and suggestions for running WFRP/TRoS? I started out in warhammer ages ago and I'd like to return to it after I destroy my current campaign world. You can PM me with the details. Thanks!

Hey guys,

That is not off topic at all. Feel free to discuss playing TROS in WH world on the forum, I'm quite confident that there are lots of folk here who would be interested in that discussion (I am one of them).


Message 7444#78383

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On 8/7/2003 at 6:25am, Dan Sellars wrote:
RE: Questions on combat

I already PM'd MonkeyWrench and said I'd try and send the changes I used to fit them together. I'll just post it to the forum as well, to see what people think and get any good suggestions.

There is not much, just some notes I made about what I was using from each of the systems and some slight modifications.

Unfortunatly it'll have to be next week sometime as I'm just too busy at the moment, sorry ;-)

Should I start a new thread or revive the one that cropped up a few months ago?


Message 7444#78443

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On 8/7/2003 at 2:02pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Questions on combat

Start up a new thread, and link to the old one, if you think there are relevant points within it.

Message 7444#78476

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