The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Blood Loss
Started by: Durgil
Started on: 8/7/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/7/2003 at 2:08pm, Durgil wrote:
Blood Loss

I am considering the possibility of creating a house rule to cover the natural clotting of blood loss on less severe wounds. I was thinking that anytime a character makes two consecutive saves verses EN, than his BL drops by 1. I figure that this way, a character with a crazy, high BL of like 14 or more would still end up bleeding to death without help, but it would be a way for lesser wounds to close up on there own. Of course, any strenuous activity would re-open the wound.

I know this has been debated here before, but another rule I've been considering is the whole frequency of BL rolls. I'm thinking that the Wound Level that gave the BL determine how often the player must roll. Level One and Two would be once an hour, Level Three would be once every half hour, Level Four would be once every minute, and Level Five would be once every second or combat round.

What do you guys think?

Message 7479#78481

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On 8/7/2003 at 7:43pm, Spartan wrote:
RE: Blood Loss

I like it, Tony.

I'll give it some thought... certainly some bleeders should more or less close up on their own. Perhaps if EVERY die is successful on a roll the BL drops by one? Just some more thoughts.


Message 7479#78534

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On 8/7/2003 at 7:59pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Blood Loss

I'm trying to envision what we're talking about here. Is this for unconscious characters? I mean, either you're still fighting, and bleeding because the wounds won't close while you're still going, or you're going to be staunching wounds, making rolls to get them to stop bleeding. Or you're unconscious. I mean, if you're not busy enough doing something physical that would make the wound fail to close, and you're bleeding, then what are you doing that's so darned important that you're not going to stop and try to staunch the bleeding?

So this is to prevent unconscious characters from bleeding to death?


Message 7479#78538

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On 8/7/2003 at 8:38pm, Durgil wrote:
RE: Blood Loss

Mike Holmes wrote: So this is to prevent unconscious characters from bleeding to death?

I guess this would be the primary use of such a rule. To tell you the truth, I've been fiddling around with TRoS and The Burning Wheel rules and came across the bleeding rules in BW that accounted for blood loss from smaller wounds having a limit to how much penalties they can accrue. I thought that it made some sense, and that there should be an equivalent way of handling it in TRoS.

I've also been rethinking those Alternate Strength and Toughness Rules that we were working on awhile back. I'm thinking that I may have come up with a much better solution using some ideas that I also took from BW. I need to do some play testing to see how they actually work, but I should have them ready review for anyone who is interested by the beginning of next week.

Message 7479#78543

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On 8/7/2003 at 8:40pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Blood Loss

Cool. I look forward to the new stuff.


Message 7479#78544

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