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Topic: Illusions of the Mind: Basic Character Sheet
Started by: octobernight
Started on: 8/8/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 8/8/2003 at 7:55am, octobernight wrote:
Illusions of the Mind: Basic Character Sheet

Hi all,

I've been thinking about creating a PnP for a while, but haven't had the time to start one until summer semester when I took very boring classes. I will be taking even more boring classes next semester so I hope to be able to finish this by next semester. I hope this post fits the correct format. I'll try to keep it short.

Uses tarot deck instead of dice.

At some unknown point in time, rumors and beliefs became reality. The line between lies and truths vanished.

For long version, go here

Warning! This is very rough back story, combined with the fact that I'm a Math and Computer Science major, so watch out for too much use of pronouns.

Persona series by MegaTen and Serial Experiment Lain.

Character Creation

Stats - All stats range from 1-14, 3 is average. The stuff in the () represent what tarot suit to draw from. A PC can allocate 12 points, with a max of 4 in any stat.

Short-hand notation
Pentacle = P
Sword = S
Cup = C
Wand = W

Power (P) - rules over feats of strength and constitution
Wits (S) - rules over feats of intelligence and dexterity
Will (C) - rules over feats of control (self) and mental power
Influence (W) - rules over feats of control (others) and diplomacy

Skills(Major/Minor) - All skills have a major and minor stat governing it. When the PC performs a skill check, they add (skill level + Major stat + Minor stat/2) to the card they pull. If it is above the required skill check, then it suceedes. A 2 is a crit fail, and an ace is a crit success. The stuff in () is the stat that governs it. I choose the stat governing it by using the tarot meaning of the suits.

Dodge (S/S) - ability to dodge attacks, traps, etc
Thievery (S/P) - sneaking, lock picking, pick pocketing
Atheletics (P/P) - climbing, swimming, and feats of strength
Speech (S/W) - lying, convincing others
Knowledge (W/S) - choose a subject, knowledge about that subject
Melee (P/S) - choose a weapon, close combat fighting ability
Range (S/C) - choose a weapon, ranged combat ability
Insight (C/S) - sensing how others feel, ability to pick up on clues
Healing (C/P) - curing wounds and diseases
Control Self (P/C) - control own emotions, body under stress
Control Others (W/C) - ability to extert control over other things such as cars
Arts (W/P) - choose a displine, ability to perform the art.

Supernatural (Major) - All supernatural skills have a stat that governs it. All players begin with nothing in that stat. In order to use it, they must have 1 point allocated to it. However, can not put points into opposed skills (Gating-Persona, Psyche-Magic). When performing a SN skill, they add (Skill+Major/2) to the card they pull. It must beat the skill check required.

Gating or Contacting(S) - contacting demons and angels
points must be placed in a category of demon-type (Fool, Tower...).

Persona(P) - use your body to house a demon. Can only house 1 type. Must put points into a demon-type.

Psyche(C) - control of objects and minds with your mind. Must put points into a discipline-type (C/S/P/W).

Magic(W) - manipulation of energy. Must put points into
a discipline-type (C/S/P/W).

Reward System:

At every level, the PC gains 3+Wits/2 skill points and 1 Major point. This point can be spent on a SN skill or a feat. They also gain 5+Pentacle Hp's.

At 2nd level, and every 2 levels, the PC will gain 1 point to attributes.

Other Stuff:

Every PC will also have an affinity rating with other demons. People that act evil will gain more affinity points with Devil-type demons and will be able to cast and summon higher level demons.

Things I'm thinking about adding:

There's a bunch of other things I want to add for character creation, but I'm iffy on it. I have a list of traits that people can choose based on their personalities. They would be based off of the major tarot arcana cards. For example,

Fool - person of infinite possibilities but is very untrained. -2 to all skill checks, and all skill checks add a fool card. Should this card get pulled, a spectacular failure results. Gains +1 bonus skill points at level up, +1 bonus attribute point every 4 levels.

Message 7498#78615

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On 8/8/2003 at 3:18pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Illusions of the Mind: Basic Character Sheet

Welcome, ON.

In case you haven't already looked around, there have been several attempts here, and elsewhere, to make a Tarot based resolution system. Try a search here for the term Tarot to get an idea of what's available.

I'll ask a couple of the standard questions that get asked here. Who are the characters? What do they do?

What sort of feedback would be most useful to you?


Message 7498#78655

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On 8/8/2003 at 7:35pm, octobernight wrote:
RE: Illusions of the Mind: Basic Character Sheet

Thanks for the reply.

I've looked at the other systems, and was able to gather some ideas from it, especially Psychosis: Ship of Fools. What I'm trying to figure out if this sounds like a good idea. Not too many people played the Persona games, and this idea seems kind of cliche. I'd hate to waste another semester building something that no one will enjoy.

Anyway, in order to understand the characters, a little background info is needed about the world.

At some point, the world became sentient. People became the neurons of the world and thoughts could spread very easily between people. Thus, thoughts can alter reality. If enough people believe in something, people will subconsciously will it to be true. For example, a massive media blitz about high crime can cause people to think an area has high crime, and those living there would end up playing out that role. Sermons about demons can make people believe demons exist.

(1)The characters can take several different roles in the world. Some might not know about the power of belief. They try to figure what is going on in the world, investigate claims of demons and magic to further their knowledge of the occult.

(2)Others know about the power of belief, but don't understand it. They would try to use it to their advantage, manipulating it gain profit or power from it.

(3)Finally, few know about the power, and they would try to fix the changes or to make the world "better". They must do this secretly because no one would take them seriously if they spouted the truth.

The players would be against many different factions - some that know about the power, others that don't. A powerful media guru that knows the truth would do anything in his power to stop player-type 3. A gater would try to prevent others from gaining the knowledge of demons.

I want to emphasize less on combat, and more on actions. For example, in this world, reporters are one of the most powerful people. When the PC's meet demons, it's better for them to have a quick tongue than a sharp sword. A good negociate with the demon can lead to contracts and more knowledge.

Message 7498#78700

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...from around 8/8/2003