The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Heroquest @ Battlemasters 2003, Leicester, Uk
Started by: Palashee
Started on: 8/8/2003
Board: HeroQuest

On 8/8/2003 at 9:46pm, Palashee wrote:
Heroquest @ Battlemasters 2003, Leicester, Uk

Hi there,

To celebrate the arrival of the new Heroquest Rules a whole bunch of Heroquest demos have been organised for the Battlemasters 2003 Convention being held in Leicester, Uk between Auguat 29th and 31st.

So come along and experience the most anticipated game of the year

For more details go to


Message 7511#78747

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On 8/9/2003 at 9:01am, Mark Galeotti wrote:
RE: Heroquest @ Battlemasters 2003, Leicester, Uk

Great news, but if you follow the link you go to a German 'logistics intelligence' company's website -- try

All the best


Message 7511#78811

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On 8/9/2003 at 8:40pm, Palashee wrote:
RE: Heroquest @ Battlemasters 2003, Leicester, Uk

Hi there,

Re: Web address
Well spotted Mark, you're quite right.


For those who are interested here are more details of the Heroquest games that will be run at Battlemasters

Bad Omens and Bangles.
A Heroquest Story for up to 6 players
By The Legendary Dr Moose
In the damp and fertile lowlands surrounding the mighty Noshain River are the lands of Carraterre, home to the Tribes of the Aulorey Nation. So far it's been a good year in Lowclere, and for Dornar and Jacquin clans. Tonight the heroes are guests at a banquet held to celebrate a forthcoming marriage when things take an unexpected turn... With the aid of brains, braun and bravery can the heroes restore good fortune, avert conflict between the Clans and deflect the wrath of "the Taker"?

Dark Den
A HeroQuest game for 6 Players
By Darran Sims
Two Lhankor Mhy sages are lost in the wilds and the High Sage has used his influence to get the heroes to go out and find them. The reports indicate that they are held in an ancient *Youf* Ruin by the vile broo. But what awaits the heroes is far, far darker and deadlier then some chaotic goatkin, something that the heroes may not have bargained for.

Dark Heart of the Dragon Lands
A HeroQuest game for 6 Players
By Darran Sims
Six years ago, for unknown reasons, the neighbouring Tarnda clan was abruptly attacked and obliterated by dragonewts. They have occupied the Tarnda Tula since, fiercely guarding their new acquisition from any who dare to enter. Yet now there are reports that the Dragonewts have packed up and left, returning back to their city. Who will dare to enter the deserted village and discover why the Dragonewts have suddenly left, why they attacked in the first place, and if there is anyone or anything left.

Grannies House
A HeroQuest game for 6 players
By Paul Newport
Yelm must truly hate us.! Sun everywhere, no shadows to hide in, trade is slow. Even the human traffic over Waster’s Bridge has dried up, along with half the River Meridian. You and the rest of the River Blades are too tired from the hottest fire season in living memory to even break and enter one of the poor houses down the river. Now the boss of you patch, Riverside, Andel The Fisherman wants you to go and clear out the contents of his dead Grannies house. Only problem, Granny’s body is still in there, and starting to stink out the neighbourhood. Plus Felix Twofeathers and his boys have taken to patrolling the square nearby. Something tells me the weather isn’t going to be the only thing that is hot.

High Citadel
A HeroQuest game for 6 Players
By Darran Sims
Trapped in a dark and flooded ruin, with the water rising around them, the heroes discover they are not alone. Something vile and terrifying is with them. Trying to escape the encroahing waters and repel the horror in the dark leads them further than they ever imagined. To a still, windless, mountaintop cut off from the rest of the world by a broken bridge.

Into the Earth
A HeroQuest game for 6 Players
By Mick Rowe
During a ritual to bless the crops a giant wormlike creature erupts from the ground, swallowing the celebrants’ whole. Among those swallowed are the clan's chief and the high priestess of Ernalda, without them the clan is doomed. The heroes must follow the monster's tunnel deep underground to discover why it attacked, and hopefully rescue their chief.

New Years Day
A HeroQuest game for 6 Players
By Mick Rowe
The Sacred Time festivities are over and a new year has dawned is upon the heroes once again. They wake late, to a bright clear spring morning, a warm sun, melting snows, beautiful birdsong, and the smiling faces of their fellow clansmen. Everywhere seems peaceful, perhaps a bit too peaceful. Something very strange must be afoot, but what is it?

Of Big Birds and Buzzing Things
A HeroQuest Game for 6 trolls
By Paul Newport
There is a myth, told by the manthings of Gbaji, of a time when the God of the Storms married Vordena the Eaglewoman, uniting the Fire and Storm Tribes. Together they sought to exterminate the Darkness Tribe. Eagle Riding Storm Berserkers rained death upon the Darkfolk, driving the Trolls from the world.
But there is also another a myth, told by the Uz of Arkat Kingtroll, of an ancient intoxicated Troll God lazing under “Argan’s Shadow” who organised a little gate crashing of the Wedding of Orlanth and Vordena. Suffice to say wedded bliss did not ensue, although the Trolls lived happily ever after.
Now sixteen hundred years later, events begin to repeat themselves. A new marriage is the air and a handful of troll heroes get ready to stop it. But will they suceed? Whose myth tells the truth?.

Raid upon Hellbreak
A HeroQuest game for 6 Players
By Darran Sims
Having been constantly attacked and raided by the Hruling Clan your elders now seek vengeance.
Their chosen target is the Hruling’s sacred village of 'Hellbreak'. It is time to gather the warriors, launch a counter-raid and lead a brave band of raiders to deliver retribution. However things do not go as planned

Ram Raiders
A HeroQuest game for up to 6 Players
By Mick Rowe
The clan's prize magical White Ram, symbol of clan's prosperity, has disappeared and now the ewe's are refusing the advances of the lesser rams. Have their conniving neighbours stolen it, has chaos taken it, or is there some greater mystery at play. The heroes must find out the truth before the ewes go off heat.

The Troll and the Trapdoor
A HeroQuest game for 6 Dwarfs
By Paul Newport
“Boss, Boss come quick!!! It’s a troll, a bloody big troll!! Come up through a trapdoor in section 8. Killed our lads, bit their heads clean off. We got it trapped in the room, but Mostal knows how long we can keep it locked in!!”
“A Troll ye say? Now calm yesen down, and pop down to the armoury, right quick like. I’ll be needing my best no 7 Iron for that one.”
A chance to play once of Glorantha’s more exotic races, facing their ancient foes underground…and hopefully not losing their heads in the processes.


Message 7511#78841

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