The Forge Reference Project


Topic: LaTeX
Started by: Emily_Dresner
Started on: 8/12/2003
Board: Publishing

On 8/12/2003 at 9:19pm, Emily_Dresner wrote:

Two little blips:

- I downloaded and installed PDFCreator. Although it's only a 0.7Beta, it's much better than PDF995. It also costs nothing, and has no annoying ads. The PDF it generated is pretty nice and smooth, and has tons of tweaking options. I did notice that it installed ghostscript 8.0 when it performed its install.

- LaTeX scares me. The tutorial is 143 pages long. It is, however, obscenely powerful and it does everything including feeding the cat. There are some utilities for Windows floating around that allows you to do some graphical foo with LaTeX, but I have not explored them yet.

Message 7579#79313

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...started by Emily_Dresner which Emily_Dresner participated Publishing
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...from around 8/12/2003

On 8/13/2003 at 12:12am, Emily_Dresner wrote:

Can we scoot this back to the PDF topic? I clearly should not post while on painkillers, and I cannot delete the topic.

Message 7579#79346

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...started by Emily_Dresner which Emily_Dresner participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 8/13/2003

On 8/13/2003 at 1:01am, Ron Edwards wrote:

Hi Emily,

Unfortunately, although I can split threads, I can't merge them. So ... I grant you Moderator Permission merely to copy your post and add it to the thread you intended to add it to, and this thread will eventually sink into obscurity.


Message 7579#79352

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 8/13/2003