The Forge Reference Project


Topic: (Slightly) revised Nine Worlds playtest PDF
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 8/13/2003
Board: Chimera Creative

On 8/13/2003 at 11:33pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
(Slightly) revised Nine Worlds playtest PDF

I just uploaded a new version of the playtest PDF that corrects some (alas, not all) typos and a couple other minor issues. It also now includes a lovely cover page featuring the cover art by Eric Lofgren.

The file is larger -- it's now around 2.1 MB or so. Feel free to download, of course!

Message 7598#79517

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On 8/14/2003 at 7:08pm, WDFlores wrote:
RE: (Slightly) revised Nine Worlds playtest PDF


Just downloaded the file. It's beautiful. The art is top notch and lends a nice mood evocative of the setting.

I'll be going through the mechanics and such when I have more time. However, you likely won't be getting much useful feedback from me there since I really don't have much experience under my belt for these things.

What I can comment on with some degree of authority is the layout, which franky I think is great. I dig the way the illustrations are spaced out through the book. The arabesque borders and sidebars lend a nice touch and doesn't clutter reading. Text is neatly divided and spaced well. Elegant choice of fonts.

Just one thing: that black bar on top of the pages (except for the cover which doesn't have it), that thick strip of black right on top directly above the copyright notice... it somehow doesn't fit since it's "grungy-ness" jars a bit against the other tightly elegant borders. For the final, might I suggest toning down that black bar a bit and maybe add a little subtle flair to it -- of the same type as the the borders on the sidebars and such?


- W.

Message 7598#79657

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On 8/14/2003 at 8:54pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: (Slightly) revised Nine Worlds playtest PDF

That's a great cover. Wow.

As I recall, Matt's commented before on how the top bar doesn't work together with the others. If you're open to ideas regarding it, Matt:
Your other marginalia riff off the internal art very harmoniously. The cover lettering is set on great banner-looking things that really caught my eye - I think you could use those very effectively in the document itself. Possibly, you can use two alternate banner bars, one wide enough that you can put a chapter title inside it, and a narrower, more subtle one for section-internal pages. Tying the stars motif into it would rock too, and you could have the trailing end weave into the Nine Worlds thing down the side to visually link them.

Message 7598#79683

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On 8/14/2003 at 9:08pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: (Slightly) revised Nine Worlds playtest PDF

Excellent ideas, Shreyas. I think you've solved my hangup with that top bar. I like your specific suggestions, but even if I go another route you've reminded me to find harmony in the fantastic are provided by Eric and Chris. Thanks!

Message 7598#79688

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On 8/15/2003 at 3:08am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: (Slightly) revised Nine Worlds playtest PDF

Glad to be of service.

Message 7598#79721

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On 8/15/2003 at 8:54pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: (Slightly) revised Nine Worlds playtest PDF

Not much of any substance to add here, but I just gotta say, Damn. That's an awesome cover pic.

Message 7598#79855

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