The Forge Reference Project


Topic: PDF Previews of Sahdes of Earth
Started by: HinterWelt
Started on: 8/14/2003
Board: Publishing

On 8/14/2003 at 4:11am, HinterWelt wrote:
PDF Previews of Sahdes of Earth

Hey folks,
Apologies if this is not the place for this but I would like your opinions also. I have generated some PDF previews for our 1930s RPG called Shades of Earth. I guess I am wondering if the format/resolution/etc falls within the current PDF industry standards?

To be more precise, I am not saying the content but the format like the bookmarks and resolution of the pics.

Thanx for any feed back,

Message 7600#79538

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On 8/14/2003 at 6:53am, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Aketh and ye shall receiveth. . .


I have just downloaded stats.pdf and am looking at it now. This is quick and dirty cursory "first impression" of what I see, not a proper review. That said. . .

Bookmarks work.

Images look clear, no pixelation.

While I don't know about an "industry standard" I would humbly suggest that the font size is too small. If I had to read this for a full review I would give it major black marks for eye-strain.

Like the zoom on tables and illustrations, though the highlight bars could perhaps be one or two shades darker. But that's a matter of taste so it's no big deal.

Didn't do a test print on a page though, at a glance, I say it looks fine. Presentation is neatly done. Document is well formatted. Font could be a point or three larger.

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 7600#79549

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