The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Born of the Blood PDF format
Started by: simon_hibbs
Started on: 8/14/2003
Board: Publishing

On 8/14/2003 at 2:54pm, simon_hibbs wrote:
Born of the Blood PDF format

The playtest/preview version of the game (available here) is A4 two-column text. I know that's not ideal for reading online though. I'm considering a 2/3 width column for main text and a generous sidebar, much as you see in GURPS books. If so, should I put the sidebar on the same side regardless of the page, or should I alternate them as you would in a print product? If I don't alternate them, how bad will that look printed out? Will anyone realy care?

Finaly, Letter stuff usualy prints out fine on A4 paper. How awkward is it to print A4 on Letter though? Would I be better off using Letter as most of us here are probably in the US anyway?

Best regards,

Simon Hibbs

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On 8/14/2003 at 6:41pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Born of the Blood PDF format

I see that you have reformatted it for letter already. This is good, because the page marks (numbers & headings) tend to disappear when going from A4 to letter. We can stretch the page to match, but it has a tendency to screw up the look of the page and make everything look a little squatty.

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On 8/15/2003 at 5:29am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Born of the Blood PDF format

Printing letter on A4 works fine, you just end up with a big margin top & bottom. Printing A4 on Letter loses the top and bottom margins, and some printers can't handle that well and you lose text, so (although NZ is exclusively A4) I say Letter format is probably the way to go.

Of course, the alternative is that the US could finally adopt the rest-of-the-world standard and drop the outdated "Letter" Format.

And get metric...

And learn to spell English properly...

... and so on :-)


Message 7604#79743

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