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Topic: The tRoS character generator
Started by: Lxndr
Started on: 8/15/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/15/2003 at 3:54am, Lxndr wrote:
The tRoS character generator

First, thank you Brian for that wonderful program, and Jake for hosting (and allowing) it. That said...

(a) Could you set up the next release to be able to be installed in some directory other than C:\Program Files\ROS? I keep all my program files on my D: drive.

(b) I can't figure out how to quick-create an NPC sorcerer. If I try to "Create" a character, and pick Sorcery, I can choose sorcerous gifts flaws, distribute vagaries, etc., to my heart's content. I cannot seem to figure out what option to flick to be able to do that when I click "New" instead. What am I doing wrong?

Edited in: Okay, I figured the second part; this always happens to me, figure it out after you ask the question. But the first part is still in doubt.

Message 7615#79732

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On 8/15/2003 at 4:55am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: The tRoS character generator

Yeah, that was just lazy programming.

When/if I put out another version, I will make it installable anywhere.


Message 7615#79736

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On 8/15/2003 at 11:33pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: The tRoS character generator

As long as this thread has been started:

* As I read the book, Halflings need to choose whether they're Fey Halflings or Faerie Halflings. If the former, they get +1 Per and the Sneak Skill. If the latter, they get +1 Wit and the Ridicule skill. Currently, you give Halflings both bonuses and both skills, instead of splitting Halflings into two categories, the "Halfling" and the "Elfling". As the player of a Halfling, I personally don't mind that :D but my GM certainly would mind if I took advantage of that (as is, I'm just using the "create the character as you would an NPC" function instead). :)

Message 7615#79874

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On 8/16/2003 at 1:11am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: The tRoS character generator

So I do. Oh well, that's easy enough to fix. Again, you'll have to wait until I have time to do a new release.


Message 7615#79881

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On 8/16/2003 at 3:14am, Lxndr wrote:
RE: The tRoS character generator

Oh, I don't mind waiting. But might as well give you all the problems at once, instead of pussyfooting around, right? That way you can address all of 'em when you finally do find the time, neh?

New things I've noticed (what's with me and stumbling into these?):

* Both the Sorcerous Gift called "Gift of the Ancients" and the Sorcerous Flaw called "Impotent Blood" affect the Sorcery pool (+3 dice in the former case, -2 dice in the latter case). The program does not change the sorcery pool for either one.

* No matter how often I save a file (Radathar.chr) in a directory OTHER THAN C:\Program Files\ROS, whenever I try to save it again, I'm back in C:\Program Files\ROS. That could be a feature instead of a bug.

* I cannot create a character using "NEW" and save it (it gives me a "cannot find path" error). However, I can create a character using "CREATE" and edit it, and it'll save fine. This is likely simply a strange product of my (american) windows - maybe it's because we're not on the metric?

* Finally, it won't print to my printer. It SAYS it does, but nothing comes out. No error message or anything. On the other hand, I have pdf995 installed, and it'll print to a pdf right as rain... (and print from the pdf afterwards).

Anyway, despite all my weird bugs, thank you for the good program!

Message 7615#79898

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On 8/16/2003 at 4:18am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: The tRoS character generator

Lxndr wrote: * Both the Sorcerous Gift called "Gift of the Ancients" and the Sorcerous Flaw called "Impotent Blood" affect the Sorcery pool (+3 dice in the former case, -2 dice in the latter case). The program does not change the sorcery pool for either one.

Yeah, I didn't bother coding in any of the gifts/flaws (except the one that gives you an extra language) since some of them have some pretty odd effects. Those 2 would be easy enough to add in effects for though. Fair call.

Lxndr wrote: * No matter how often I save a file (Radathar.chr) in a directory OTHER THAN C:\Program Files\ROS, whenever I try to save it again, I'm back in C:\Program Files\ROS. That could be a feature instead of a bug.

Whenever you save or load, the program just goes to the default directory. I guess I could add an option to specify a different directory that it'll always check. I'll think about that.

Lxndr wrote: * I cannot create a character using "NEW" and save it (it gives me a "cannot find path" error). However, I can create a character using "CREATE" and edit it, and it'll save fine. This is likely simply a strange product of my (american) windows - maybe it's because we're not on the metric?

Bizarre. Anyone else have this issue? That's the first time I have come across that.

Lxndr wrote: * Finally, it won't print to my printer. It SAYS it does, but nothing comes out. No error message or anything. On the other hand, I have pdf995 installed, and it'll print to a pdf right as rain... (and print from the pdf afterwards).

Hell man, that could be anyhting. Try updating your printer driver or use a different friver. If that fails, try setting a default/generic driver and see if you can print to that. Someone else said they had the same issue once, but it turned out to be their driver.

Lxndr wrote: Anyway, despite all my weird bugs, thank you for the good program!

No problem. It was kind of fun to write, but a hell of a lot of work.

These days, I'm quite busy with other TROS stuff, so although I will put out an updated version (thanks for the heads up on those issues), I wouldn't hold your breath. Remember that the CharGen is a free offering, but the time spent on it is time that could be spent working on content for TFOB, which makes money which buys food and stuff :-)


Message 7615#79900

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