The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Thanks
Started by: Tony Irwin
Started on: 8/15/2003
Board: Publishing

On 8/15/2003 at 10:22pm, Tony Irwin wrote:

This has been an amazing thread, I've found it very useful. Serious thanks to everyone who contributed. I won't do a quote by quote run down of all the good stuff I'm especially appreciative for: everyone gave me stuff I'm going to follow up on.

::cease gush::

Thanks again


Message 7633#79863

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...started by Tony Irwin which Tony Irwin participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 8/15/2003

On 8/15/2003 at 10:26pm, Tony Irwin wrote:

Gawd what a week. This was meant to go at the bottom of the Organising Text thread. Sorry.

Message 7633#79866

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Tony Irwin which Tony Irwin participated Publishing
...including keyword:

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...from around 8/15/2003