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Topic: [Wuthering Heights] Special things happpening in my games
Started by: Philippe Tromeur
Started on: 8/24/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 8/24/2003 at 12:37am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
[Wuthering Heights] Special things happpening in my games

I'm currently re-writing my Wuthering Heights RPG, and I'm compiling some of the funky ideas I used in my sessions

Here is an incomplete list (unusual things ALWAYS happens in Wuthering Heights sessions)
- No NPC Once, I played a blitz game (one hour and fifteen minutes, including chargen) in which I had lots of players, playing all the protagonists. (In fact, there was one NPC, but she was not really important)
- Everybody die now ! In my Moby Dick Tragedy, at the end of the session, all players had to describe their terrible death during the final wreckage (just like in the book), except the young guy, of course
- PC's don't meet In many of my games, the PC's acted independantly, sometimes they never meet, or just briefly. In my Moby Dick game, for example, the Young Man and the Exotic Harpooner were friends of course, but the Angsty Officer never talked to them
- You fall in love with her NOW ! To me, imposing a feeling or a thought to a PC is no more problematic than imposing "You meet five Goblins"

Message 7717#80579

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On 8/24/2003 at 2:07am, Fabrice G. wrote:
Good news ! Happy to ear that !

Hi Philippe,

so will we see a second edition of René in print then ?

Will those "funny things" be only options/advices at the GM disposal or will they be somewhat supported by some mechanics ?

Anyway, I'm waiting for it, and hope that I'll be able to (at least) grab a hardcopy of the new edition ! ::wink::


Message 7717#80588

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On 8/24/2003 at 6:10pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [Wuthering Heights] Special things happpening in my games

Hi Philippe,

Wuthering Heights is one of the most underrated role-playing games ever. Re-write, get a great layout, get some great illustrations, and start selling it, my friend.

Oh, and all the "funny stuff" you're talking about is very normal from my perspective, and necessary for games like Wuthering Heights. I suggest looking over the advice in the game Legends of Alyria, which does a great job of integrating a complex situation with character creation.


Message 7717#80619

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On 8/24/2003 at 10:48pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: [Wuthering Heights] Special things happpening in my games

Ron Edwards wrote: Wuthering Heights is one of the most underrated role-playing games ever. Re-write, get a great layout, get some great illustrations, and start selling it, my friend.
That's What I intend to do, someday. I'm not a native English writer, so I need to work on style. I think I'll put the rules free online, and I'll sell a complete version on (with advice and the four sample Tragedies I always play).
The rules won't change a lot except for madness : it's too slow !!! I think I'll rule that sudden gain of Rage / Despair (5+ points) will cause a rise into the Madness scale !
Also, I need to re-do the problem table, to get rid of the most boring ones...

Message 7717#80639

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On 8/24/2003 at 10:58pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
René 2.0

Fabrice G. wrote: so will we see a second edition of René in print then ?
A few publishers are ready to publish it, once it's ready !

I made arrangements with Pandora, the guys who make Cendres, but I need to contact them again, since the informal deal was done some two years ago, and René 2.0 is not ready yet.

I also planned to re-issue the Chrysopée version (René V1.0) with la Boite à Polpette (and there was a leak in Casus Belli magazine ...), but finally it was not done because they feared competition from René 2.0. Anyway, it looks like the BAP will be reborn in a few weeks ... and I'm somewhat involved in this rebirth !! Since I will be able to make decisions, maybe ...

Also, since I work with 2 dés sans faces, they'll be happy to publish it as well, maybe if finally the René 2.0 deal with Pandora is KO ?

Message 7717#80640

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On 8/25/2003 at 8:05am, Fabrice G. wrote:
RE: [Wuthering Heights] Special things happpening in my games

Hi Philippe,

that's a great news (well fro me anyway) !

I really hope to see in a not to distant furure.

Otherwise, for Wuthering Heights, I completely agree with Ron. You should make a nice pdf and sell it. The game deserve it.

Take care,


Message 7717#80679

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