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Topic: First game in San Diego- some Q's
Started by: Charles Smith
Started on: 8/25/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 8/25/2003 at 7:06pm, Charles Smith wrote:
First game in San Diego- some Q's


I finally found a group to play TROS with here in San Diego and am looking forward to playing for a while. We met yesterday and did a few trial runs with their characters, mostly of combat, so we could be ready for a couple of players next week new to the game.

With this came a few questions that I'm hoping someone at the forums can help me with. Here goes:

1) Full Evasion with multiple opponents- Do you have to do this maneuver for each opponent you're fighting, or only once? And does the roll act like a terrain roll, where if you succeed it doesn't matter what the opponent rolls, or do the opponents have a chance to hit them after they've succeeded at their roll?

ex- A guard is fighting off two thieves and is in trouble. He decides to take a Full Evasion, rolls with his dice pool, and scores two successes. I need to know if he is out of combat with one or both thieves, and wether or not the thieves get a chance to hit him before the maneuver takes place.

2) Pot helm, chain coif- does this include protection from blows to the head, face, and collar/throat? Or is the face area open with no protection?

3) Simultaneous block/strike- It states that half of the dice for attack/defense must go into defense/attack; e.g. If you had 6 allocated for attack, you'd have to allocate 3 for defense. I had a player that had 10 dice for the sim. block/strike, but is it possible to use that 10th die in this case? Or should he save it for the second exchange? This caused a little confusion.

4) I think that's it. Hmm... yup. Wait- I got one! Seriously, should two upstart characters be able to take on a wolf/hef Hef? These two did... I almost felt sorry for the hairy white thing. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. :)

Looking forward to next Sunday.


Message 7731#80735

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On 8/25/2003 at 7:45pm, Durgil wrote:
Re: First game in San Diego- some Q's

Charles Smith wrote: 1) Full Evasion with multiple opponents- Do you have to do this maneuver for each opponent you're fighting, or only once? And does the roll act like a terrain roll, where if you succeed it doesn't matter what the opponent rolls, or do the opponents have a chance to hit them after they've succeeded at their roll?

As for this one, I think that the way I'd handle this is for the evading character to attempt a terrain roll. If he succeeds, than I'd only have them evade from a single opponent of there choice. Otherwise, they would have to split their CP and attempt to fully evade both opponents.
Charles Smith wrote: 2) Pot helm, chain coif- does this include protection from blows to the head, face, and collar/throat? Or is the face area open with no protection?

The pot helm protects with an AV of 5 anything above the character's brow and ears. The coif, IMC, protects with an AV 3 the rest of the head that the pot helm doesn't except the face, but including the jaw. I also differentiate between a regular coif that stops at the neck and a long coif that also includes the collar bone and shoulders.
Charles Smith wrote: 3) Simultaneous block/strike- It states that half of the dice for attack/defense must go into defense/attack; e.g. If you had 6 allocated for attack, you'd have to allocate 3 for defense. I had a player that had 10 dice for the sim. block/strike, but is it possible to use that 10th die in this case? Or should he save it for the second exchange? This caused a little confusion.

The rules state that:
page 68 wrote: Either attack or deffense must be half as large as the other.
this says to me that 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. are the only numbers of dice that can be used for this attack maneuver so that one will have twice as many dice as the other. It also says that the player should remember to save dice for the next exchange.

I can't help you with your last question, but I hope I helped

Message 7731#80742

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On 8/25/2003 at 8:41pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Re: First game in San Diego- some Q's

Durgil is mostly correct, but just a couple of points:

Full evasion works against all opponents, but it's the Seneschals decision as to when and where it can be used. Remember that Full Evasion is a disengagement, jumping behind the trees or down the bank or whatever.

For Sim. Block/Strike read:

Either attack or deffense must be half as large as the other.


Either attack or deffense must be at least half as large as the other.

Thus 10 dice can be split 6/4 or 5/5, but not 7/3 since 3 is not at least half as much as 7.

Message 7731#80759

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On 8/25/2003 at 9:50pm, Durgil wrote:
RE: Re: First game in San Diego- some Q's

Just so I come to a better understanding of the game, I've got to ask, first,

Brian Leybourne wrote: Durgil is mostly correct,
what about, the armour part?
Brian wrote: but just a couple of points:

Full evasion works against all opponents, but it's the Seneschals decision as to when and where it can be used. Remember that Full Evasion is a disengagement, jumping behind the trees or down the bank or whatever.
So, there is no terrain roll or is there a terrain roll if the evasion doesn't succeed?
Brian wrote: For Sim. Block/Strike read:

Either attack or deffense must be at least half as large as the other.

Okay, I was wondering about whether the book should read at least half; I just didn't see it anywhere.

Message 7731#80782

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On 8/25/2003 at 10:52pm, Spartan wrote:
RE: Re: First game in San Diego- some Q's

Brian Leybourne wrote: Thus 10 dice can be split 6/4 or 5/5, but not 7/3 since 3 is not at least half as much as 7.

Really? I though one had to be EXACTLY one half of the other, so 2/4, 3/6, etc.


Message 7731#80791

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On 8/25/2003 at 11:40pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Re: First game in San Diego- some Q's

Quoting quoted quotes becomes too tricky, damnit :-)

I play full evasion as working against multiple opponents (as does Jake, we've discussed it before), no terrain roll needed (but I up the difficulty for the number of opponents, which isn't in the book). If the evasion doesn't work, then obviously you've been hit (perhaps several times) so it's a bit late for a terrain roll then :-)

Yes, "at least half" is the way to read that. Otherwise you would be locked into only being able to use a multiple of 3 as your sim block/strike die pool, which would be silly.

Pot helms and coif you were right on, except that the AV is variable depending on the make and quality etc (more on that in TFOB).


Message 7731#80796

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On 8/26/2003 at 12:51am, Durgil wrote:
RE: Re: First game in San Diego- some Q's

Brian wrote: Pot helms and coif you were right on, except that the AV is variable depending on the make and quality etc (more on that in TFOB).

Thanks Brian, at least I was partially right on part of my answer. ;-)

That's a lot of useful information!

Message 7731#80800

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On 8/26/2003 at 1:43am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: First game in San Diego- some Q's

That's me - the useful information guy ;-)


Message 7731#80803

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On 8/27/2003 at 12:03am, Charles Smith wrote:
RE: First game in San Diego- some Q's


First off, thanks for answering my questions; it's awesome to have community support on these issues. Cool beans.

I need to clarify something rq about full evasion- am I correct this example?

Player 1 is fighting Crook and Rogue, and decides he needs to back out. After defending in the second exchange, Player 1 uses his full dice pool to execute a full evasion- he receives two successes, and is thus out of combat with both Rogue and Crook.

Do the other opponents receive a chance to attack Player 1 even though he succeeded (by scoring more successes than him after declaring an attack)? And does initiative matter in this case? Also, does he have to make 2 rolls for separate opponents or just one to get out?

The reason I'm asking is because this is a very good way to get out of a combat situation that doesn't look good and is fairly easy to succeed in with a base TN of 4. I just want to make sure of this rule so I can let my players know that they can use it in this way.

Thanks for your patience and your help!


Message 7731#80976

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On 8/27/2003 at 12:18am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: First game in San Diego- some Q's


Although evasions are different from defenses, they are performed in the same manner.

That is, an evasion is a response to an attack or attacks. You can only be said to have completely evaded out of a combat situation if your evasion successes exceed all attack successes against you.

In your example, Player 1 only evades if both Crook and Rogue get fewer then 2 successes each on their attack. If he evades neither of them, he's in deep smeg. If he evades one, the combat is still on, he just lept away from one but sadly did it towards the other. If he evades both (which he likely wont do with only 2 successes) then that round is over and the Seneschal calls for what happens next. The opponents are likely to throw red initiative and attack again while Player 1 is likely to say "I'm running like fuck". In that case, it would come down to who was faster, maybe terrain rolls to avoid them, etc.


Message 7731#80977

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