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Topic: Pulp sword & sorcery
Started by: Balbinus
Started on: 10/19/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 10/19/2001 at 10:24am, Balbinus wrote:
Pulp sword & sorcery

Hi all,

What's the position on the pulp S&S game? Is that near release? Is a playtest version available? The public has a right to know.

Oh, and what happened to Squeam3/CoC?

Message 775#6769

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On 10/19/2001 at 4:52pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Pulp sword & sorcery

The sword & sorcery game is a plug-in for the system I developed for octaNe. It and the pulp serials game will be offered for free from the website as soon as octaNe is made available.

Its name is "Blood & Steel" but I think there's already a game with that name. Anyone?

All 3 versions of Squeam and Squeam/CoC remain at:

Message 775#6811

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On 10/19/2001 at 10:33pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Pulp sword & sorcery

Its name is "Blood & Steel" but I think there's already a game with that name. Anyone?

Scott has twice referred to your game in conversations with me as "The Riddle of Steel" ala Conan, which I think is a pretty damn cool title. But if it's not what you're going with, you might want to put him wise.


Message 775#6873

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On 10/19/2001 at 10:39pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Pulp sword & sorcery

The original title was "Riddle of Steel" but after talking to Wick about it I decided that it needed its own title, rather than being a riff on Conan.

Message 775#6875

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On 10/19/2001 at 10:44pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Pulp sword & sorcery

rather than being a riff on Conan

Well then, how about, "You Shouldn't Steel"?

Message 775#6877

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On 10/20/2001 at 12:22am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Pulp sword & sorcery


I think there is a Blood & Steel title out there somewhere. Or maybe that's Red Steel...

Ahhhh crap...lot of help I am.

I did like Riddle of Steel better, but I can see why you wouldn't want to "borrow" from someone else. :smile:

- Moose

[ This Message was edited by: hardcoremoose on 2001-10-19 20:23 ]

Message 775#6886

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On 10/20/2001 at 1:40am, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Pulp sword & sorcery

"Thew shall not steel!" Er, ah, yeah. Seriously, I think "Riddle of Steel" is cool, but it does bring back specific images of the Conan flick. Given the source material, you could shoot for a pulpy flavor in the title.

"Flashing Swords, Lost Cities"

"The Sword and the Serpent"

"Tales of Steel and Dark Magic"

Combine last two: "Steel and Serpent: Tales of Heroism and Dark Magic"


"Deeds of Steel"

"Lost Cities and Mad Gods"

"Path of Steel" (or other riffs on "Riddle")

"Axe and Sword" (Worked for Tooth and Claw...)

"Wandering Swords"


"With Steel in Hand" (uk, sounds like a bad metaphor for masturbation)


"Barbarians, Chicks, and Big Snakes"

"Under the Loincloth"

"Ax and Ye Shall Receive"


Message 775#6890

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On 10/20/2001 at 8:15pm, gizem wrote:
RE: Pulp sword & sorcery

Most fantasy games are based on quasi-european-middle-ages and some on quasi-far-eastern-middle-ages. For me a considerable portion of Conan's appeal comes from its use of middle eastern elements, and places such as Stygia, Shem, Zamora, Turan etc. Maybe I can help in preparing a quasi- middle-eastern-setting, I have a similar project in mind.

-Turan shall rule!

Message 775#6899

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