The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Coming up with cash in a hurry
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 8/27/2003
Board: Publishing

On 8/27/2003 at 7:42am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Coming up with cash in a hurry

I';ve been given the opportunity to revive an old favorite project from when i first did game writing. but first I have to buy the rights back from the original publisher. It's only $250, but finding a way to raise $250 right now in one stroke is a little bit puzzling. Esppecially with the timing being what it is, with a big new book in playtesting and several other new projects being worked on.

It's so frustrating sometimes to be running on a shoestring and realize just how thin that shoestring is...

Message 7757#81016

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...started by Michael Hopcroft which Michael Hopcroft participated Publishing
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...from around 8/27/2003

On 8/27/2003 at 4:12pm, cognizantchance wrote:

how about Google AdSense on your website? It's doing extremely well in initial use right now.

Message 7757#81047

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On 8/27/2003 at 4:14pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Coming up with cash in a hurry

Kevin Smith was asked this on the DVD An Evening with Kevin Smith. I'll repeat his answer.

Head works good.

If you're too purdish for that, credit cards. Best scam in the world. Keep in mind that he stood to have insurmountable debt for the rest of his life if Clerks didn't sell. He outlined a method to scam the credit card companies, which may not work anymore. But you can always get credit cards the usual way. Always remember that although this is a good way to get cash fast, it can also break you like a twig.

Message 7757#81048

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On 8/27/2003 at 4:21pm, cognizantchance wrote:
other more intrusive methods

Is there a place nearby that will pay you to donate blood plasma?

Sell some CD's.

You've got a mailing you think any of your audience would make an "advance purchase" onthe product in playtesting at a significant discount, so you can buy back the rights?

I assume there's no way that you could get an advance against royalties for the new opportunity.

Message 7757#81051

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On 8/27/2003 at 7:16pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Coming up with cash in a hurry

If your time frame will allow, eBay is also an option (or classified ads). Sell off some stuff you don't need.

Message 7757#81077

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...from around 8/27/2003