The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Single or Double Column?
Started by: Matt Gwinn
Started on: 10/19/2001
Board: Publishing

On 10/19/2001 at 4:21pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
Single or Double Column?

I'm doing the layout for Kayfabe and I was curious what people feel is a better layout for a game.

Message 778#6801

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On 10/19/2001 at 4:24pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Single or Double Column?

Size o' the pages? Font? That will make a big difference. Also, what about insert text of any kind, like headers, sidebars, examples, and freak-boxes?

(You know, this is the kind stuff we'll be learning about in a little bit from Emily's column, when it gets to the layout and page-design material. I'm looking forward to that.)


Message 778#6803

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On 10/19/2001 at 4:37pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Single or Double Column?

Currently Kayfabe is layed out at 8" x 10" with a font size of 12 for standard text and going up to a max of 36 for headlines.

I was just currieous whether their was a preference with everything else being equal.

By the way. What's a Freak Box?

Message 778#6806

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On 10/19/2001 at 7:56pm, Chris Passeno wrote:
RE: Single or Double Column?

I would say double. It's easier to read a 3 inch column than it is an 8 inch column. For example, could you imagine how difficult it would be to read a newspaper if it was one column.

[ This Message was edited by: Passeno on 2001-10-19 16:01 ]

Message 778#6842

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On 10/19/2001 at 9:52pm, Le Joueur wrote:
RE: Single or Double Column?

Don't quote me, but I've read the rule of thumb is make the columns about two and a half alphabets long, give or take. Does that make your document one or two columns; you decide.

Fang Langford

Message 778#6866

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On 10/24/2001 at 4:00pm, unheilig wrote:
RE: Single or Double Column?

two columns.

or you can be tweaky, like GURPS.

two column, on primary, one "sidebar".


Message 778#7099

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On 10/24/2001 at 8:19pm, Laurel wrote:
RE: Single or Double Column?

Another factor I would consider is who is going to be doing the layout? If its yourself for a download, then the cost of columns is a little extra work on your part. If you are going a printer, double columns or layout luxuries will cost extra $$$.

Message 778#7131

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On 10/25/2001 at 6:30pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Single or Double Column?

I'm doing all the layout myself and it will be for download and later for print.

I've got everything laid out in double cloumns at the moment and it looks pretty nice. I've also started to get some of the finished art so I'm slowly closing on completion.



Message 778#7208

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