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Topic: How to do Woad
Started by: Swordmagnet
Started on: 9/1/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 9/1/2003 at 4:58am, Swordmagnet wrote:
How to do Woad

I was thinking about Weyrth's Celtic influences today and started to think about how I would do Woad. To the unenlightened; Woad is the body painting/tatooing that is supposed to protect the wearer, some say make him invulnerable.

I have ideas but would like to the thoughts of others.

Message 7800#81480

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On 9/1/2003 at 5:03am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: How to do Woad

Off the top of my head I'd say that it'd be an AV bonus, perhaps tied into an attribute or somesuch. Did you want it to be magical in nature?

Message 7800#81481

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On 9/1/2003 at 5:07am, Swordmagnet wrote:
RE: How to do Woad

It would have to be magical. I don't think tattoo ink has a very high AV. Seriously, perhaps a spell embedded in the ink? Maybe adding to Luck. Can a spell add to an SA? Damn, that last sentence sounds like another topic.

Message 7800#81482

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On 9/1/2003 at 5:15am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: How to do Woad

If that were the case then I'd just make it as a spell that adds to the tattooed one's AV. It'd have to be prepared by a Druid or somesuch, but thats how I'd do it. For those were the tattooing is permanent (as tattoos tend to be) I'd probably make it into a spell of many, but have the recipient pay appropriate SA points instead of the Sorceror using Spell Pool dice. This is of course if you want to imprison the magic, thus making it permanent. Again this is how I'd do it.

Message 7800#81483

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On 9/1/2003 at 5:31am, Swordmagnet wrote:
RE: How to do Woad

I don't think it should be permanent. Celtic "berserkers" had to work themselves into a frenzy prior to battle. Also, the idea of having a permanent bonus to AV sounds too much like a "Ring of Protection". That just isn't Weyrthy.

Message 7800#81485

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On 9/1/2003 at 10:36am, Richard_Strey wrote:
RE: How to do Woad

Hmmm. How about "Faith: Woad will protect me"? Same thing as in reality, really. And a "berserking-drug" would quite likely raise your willpower (or at least raise pain-tolerance) and endurance. No need for magics, is there? ;)

Message 7800#81491

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On 9/1/2003 at 1:07pm, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: How to do Woad

oBaM has the Berserker gift in it.

Message 7800#81493

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On 9/1/2003 at 5:19pm, Rattlehead wrote:
The Riddle of Woad?

From what I've learned, the term woad refers only to the blue "paste" that was worn on the face in a similar fashion to native american war paint. The purpose was to make the user's appearance more fierce.

I seem to recall that it had religous connections as well. In fact, I believe it was only made by religous leaders. But I may be wrong on this.

There are those who theorize that the plants used to make woad had pharmacological properties that gave the wearer a sense of invulnerability and/or that they acted as a stimulant.

To represent this in TROS, I wouldn't make it magical at all. I would simply give the user extra SA points. Similar to Luck or Drive, but seperate.

Also, you need to make woad rare or else the players will be wearing it to the bathroom, etc. "just in case". To that end, I'd definately push the religous aspect of it. And make sure that it's reserved for major battles or at least large skirmishes. The ceremony wouldn't be undertaken just because you're going out adventuring....


Message 7800#81498

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