The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Origins Forge Booth
Started by: abzu
Started on: 9/2/2003
Board: Conventions

On 9/2/2003 at 7:18pm, abzu wrote:
Origins Forge Booth

Hi all,

So I've already talked with a few folks here about hitting Origins this year, and I wanted to invite everyone else.

I just did some cursory research on the prices and deadlines. We can get a discount for a booth if we book and pay up by January 9th, 2004. Thus, I wanted to start planning now.

Who's interested in going under the Forge banner?
We can get a corner booth for $750 or an endcap for $1800. I figure we could try a slightly different pricing model for this than GenCon. Basically, divide the booth cost evenly between attendees. If we can get 10 folks again, that's $75 ea for a corner booth, and only $180 each for an endcap. Seems reasonable to me.

Paul, Mike H/Ralph, Ron, Jake, Me, Mike Miller/Jason Roberts, Vincent, Matt S, Jared that's 9 people alone who sold quite well at GenCon. You guys interested?

Also, for folks who want the game sold and who aren't able to make it. We could charge them maybe $50 to get their books on the shelves?

Who's in? Let's start planning.


Message 7815#81595

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On 12/10/2003 at 12:33am, abzu wrote:
RE: Origins Forge Booth

I know that i'm not supposed to dredge up old posts, but I don't see a reason to just repost what i've written before.

So the priority deadline is coming up for Origins one month from now. I am definitely going. Right now I am talking to Nerdnyc and 9th level games about sharing a booth. While this booth would definitely display Forge-type games, I don't think it would be the same demo table set up as gencon.

However, if a few other designers want to pitch in with me, I will gladly go the Forge booth route at Origins. A corner booth is pretty durn cheap in the priority pricing.

I know it's a long way off, but are any other designers planning on attending Origins? It's time to make plans.

let me know!

Message 7815#93214

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On 12/10/2003 at 3:13pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: Origins Forge Booth

Hi, Luke.

I missed this post the first time around. This will be my first year at Origins in any capacity, so keep in mind that all my information is anecdotal. However, a number of anecdotes from different sources have pointed me to the conclusion that Origins is not a great convention to sell RPGs. Y'see, as I understand it, Origins started as a wargaming and boardgaming convention, only adding RPGs later. I've heard tales of RPG game sessions regularly folding for lack of players and I've heard a number of RPG vendors say that they regularly move more product on Thursday at GenCon than they do the entire four days of Origins. I'm pretty sure that Ron, Jake and others have gone to Origins as players rather than exhibitors in years past. Perhaps they can give their reasons for that decision.

Message 7815#93298

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On 12/10/2003 at 3:40pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Origins Forge Booth

I've been to Origins for the last 9 years. Its a fantastic con for players. There is a huge room for playing boardgames, mini wargames and the like and RPGs are still something of a red headed step child. Origins has been my "play con" the last couple of years where I spent most of Gen Con in the vender hall.

At the moment my thoughts on Origins are these.
1) vacation time for Origins and GenCon is starting to threaten vacation time for family. If I add GAMA or a number of local cons to 2004, I'm probably going to have to skip Origins.

2) If I make it to Origins, play is my top priority.

That said, I would not be opposed outright to contributing financially to a booth which was going to host and run demos of Universalis, and if I attend would certainly plan on giving several hours over to helping out at such a booth and running demos and such. But it would not be a full time job as at Gen Con for me.

Of course the big question mark then is the rollout of Robots & Rapiers and whether that will change my priorities about selling at Origins.

So yes I'm interested and if there is some deadline that needs to be beat give me a shout and we can talk some numbers. But I can't commit completely at this point.

Message 7815#93302

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On 12/10/2003 at 9:59pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Origins Forge Booth

If I had a product then I'd think about it, but at GenCon I didn't. I don't own Universalis in any way. I might have a product for Origins, but I can't predict right now, sorry.

OTOH, does that fee include a badge for four days? If so, then I'd pay $75 for one in order to support the booth. Not $180, however, sorry.


Message 7815#93391

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On 12/21/2003 at 5:41pm, AdAstraGames wrote:
Origins Booth

I boothed at both Origins and GenCon. My sales receipts for Origins were roughly 60% of GenCon's, but Origins is about 60% the price.

One of my booth partners said that hall traffic was low enough that he's not going to booth at Origins this year. I'm investigating with my other partner (who's relaunching The Morrow Project RPG) whether or not we're going this year.

Origins I have arrangements where I don't need to pay for lodgings, which makes it very appealing.

Luke, if you can email me your contact info (including phone number) I'll put you in touch with Chris Garland.

Message 7815#94579

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