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Topic: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?
Started by: Church13
Started on: 9/3/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 9/3/2003 at 12:01am, Church13 wrote:
Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

anyone have some sweet weapons or just ANY weapon for that matter that is not in the CoreRuleBook? stats, name, description please? Thx

Message 7821#81636

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On 9/3/2003 at 12:52am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

I've made up some magical weapons to give out in my campaign. I could PM them to you if you wanted. Other than that I don't have anything.

Message 7821#81640

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On 9/5/2003 at 9:47am, Draigh wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

I wrote up a couple for my game, church..


1 handed, medium reach, ATN cut: 7, ATN thrust: 8, DTN 9
Damage: St +2 cut, +1 shock, +1 BL; St-1 thrust
4 lbs

the karak is basically a 3' long version of the ghurka knife or kukuri. A heavy chopping blade weilded somewhat like an axe, but a little more effective at hacking through armor.
*note: the excessive weight comes from the fact that it's made from iron instead of steel, in my setting*

2 handed, long reach, ATN cut: 7, ATN thrust: 8, DTN: 8
Damage: St + 3 cut, +2 shock, +1 BL; St - 1 thrust
6 lbs

The Kali-Kahan is basically a 2 handed version of the Karak.

the scale's a little off, but the weapon this chick is holding is somewhat similar to these weapons, in shape:

Message 7821#81989

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On 9/8/2003 at 4:24am, Swordmagnet wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

Try this website: .It has some new weapons and rules.

Message 7821#82231

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On 9/16/2003 at 3:39am, Waiwode wrote:
It's silly, but....

Bat'leth, the Klingon cresent moon shaped blade thingy.

2H Short
Attack Cut 7 Thrust 7
Defense 6
Damage Cut St+1 Thrust St+1

-1 Damage versus rigid armour.

Message 7821#83286

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On 9/28/2003 at 4:07am, Rico wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

Yes, the Bat'lif is a cool weapon to use, I also made stats for it, but my non-treky friends got freaked out and tore up the stats (but I made copies). Just look at the past and at fantasy to find weapons. Go to where you can look at all their hundreds of weapons to get some ideas.

Message 7821#84755

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On 9/28/2003 at 9:26am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

Please, lets not mix trek with TROS, last thing we need is a techno babble skill packet!

Message 7821#84773

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On 9/30/2003 at 1:20am, Rico wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

I'm not trying to mix Star Trek with TROS, (although that would be cool). But the people that designed the klingon weapons were experts that knew how to make weapons. That group made more than star trek weapons as well, but I forgot their website...

Message 7821#84984

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On 9/30/2003 at 3:02am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

What I'm curious about is if anyone has made stats for a lightsaber from Star Wars.
Awhile back there was much discussion about running a SW game using the RoS rules and I'd like to see people's different interpretations of lightsabers posted.

Message 7821#84997

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On 9/30/2003 at 8:41am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

Hmm... lets see...

Cutting ATN: 6, Thrusting ATN: 7
Cutting Damage: 20, Thrusting Damage: 20
Ignores armor. No bloodloss.

Yup, that should about cover it. You don't want to get hit by a lightsaber. Even a light slash takes limbs off and a thrust is almost always death. Strength doesn't seem to come into the equation, it just doesn't stop for anything except heavily reinforced metals, and even those don't last that long.



Message 7821#85040

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On 9/30/2003 at 1:51pm, Waiwode wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: Please, lets not mix trek with TROS, last thing we need is a techno babble skill packet!

That's a bit of a low blow. I'm not interested in importing trek, merely introducing a "new" weapon.


Message 7821#85064

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On 9/30/2003 at 6:00pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

Waiwode wrote:
That's a bit of a low blow. I'm not interested in importing trek, merely introducing a "new" weapon.


Welcome to the forge, please check your sense of humor at the door.


Message 7821#85098

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...started by Ashren Va'Hale which Ashren Va'Hale participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 9/30/2003 at 8:10pm, Jaeger wrote:

Check your humor at the door indeed!

You're an idiot. You should have known from past experience what kind of comments your comments on thier comments would have drawn.

As to the Klingon bat-thing...
It wasn't designed by weapons "experts", it was designed by the shows prop department, (whom you could say are experts on making fake movie weapons) and the shows stunt coordinator with Michael Dorn blended in some tai chi style moves to make the weapon look like a uniqe klingon martial art. They wanted something unique for the episode and came up with one-half of a giants eyebrow trimmer. And I got all this from a printed interview in one of the entertainment rags a while back - how trek-geek is that!?


Your non-trek friends were entierly correct to freak out and tear up the stats. This is a reaction I feel must be strongly supported amongst all those who truly love TROS. Your friends did you a great service and you should thank them from saving you from yourself. I have done similar things in the past, but luckily I had friends like yours who cared.


I cannot percieve how Ashren's comments were a low blow. The only thing that I can find fault with about them is that he did not condemn the inclusion of anything Trek into TROS strongly enough.

And in all fairness, when you mention introducing a Klingon bat'lif into a game which sells itself by espousing a combat system based on realistic historical weapons and thier use... well, that tends to set off warning flags. (see Rico's friends for reference.)
You mention something Trek and TROS in the same breath, and expect not to be poked fun at? Come on guys.

I will now save you the trouble of berating me for my comments above which you will probably take without a sense of humor and entierly too personally, just like you did with Ashren's comments....

Your comments were way out of line just because you like to play TROS one way it doesn't mean everyone is the same. It's idiotic jerks like you who espouse a one-true-way to gaming that really gets people angry. We were just trying to share a new weapon in a thread that asked for one, and your childish and immature comments did not in any way add to the thread. Just becuse we react overly defensively to anything that might be seen to poke fun at our weapon suggestion is no reason for morons like you to personally attack us with long run-on sentences and bad spelleng. You are nothing but a sexually impotent whining troll, who has probably never kissed a girl in your life and probably never will. You need to grow up get a life and not post anything that isn't of an uplifting and constructive nature to the topic of discussion. You probably still live at home with your Mom. And it's players like you that give gaming a bad name and who would be kicked out of my group so fast you would never know you were in it.

I will now insert the moderator's comments after a few such posts:
"Hey guys keep it all about peace love and happiness - if you continue with even the slightest heated disagreement I will be forced to lock the thread."

There, I consider myself humbled, proven wrong, and berated for my comments. Thus removing any need for this thread to be made into a flame war because I have done all the name calling and childish abuse beforehand.

Wait a minute, Ashren, I just remembered I don't really like you. You're a fool and deserve anything these guys throw at you. Why am I taking your side in this?
Everyone please ignore everything I said above. It has no point and is a complete waste of time.

Message 7821#85120

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On 9/30/2003 at 10:57pm, Salamander wrote:
New weapons.


First of all, I can understand the b'at le'th being a cool weapon, and it would be a neat addition to a game world where it fit in. No problems with that.

The above was a hardcore gaming geek talking.

I do have to express my concern over the idea that the b'at le'th was created by expert weapons designers. If this was the case we would more than likely have had an example made for us from many hundreds of years ago when fighting in close quarters with edged weapons was a daily occurrence. If this is a truth, then where is it? Remember, our weapons evolved from neccesity, and even vastly different cultures arrived at roughly the same solutions.

The above is the longsword scholar talking.

Message 7821#85156

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On 10/1/2003 at 12:05am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

For the record, Jaeger is right - the Bat'leth (or however it's spelled) doesn't even look particularly cool IMO (YMMV), and it's certainly not a particularly realistic weapon. That's no reason why someone couldn't use it in a TROS game of course, different strokes and all that.

However, Jaeger, it's not OK to repeatedly insult other folk and then breeze it off with "no flame war needed, please" comments. Contrary to what you may think, I not only am happy with "heated" disagreements, I have been involved in a few here myself. I have also only ever closed threads (and have never needed to lock one) for very good reasons.

However, there's a difference between heated disagreements and repeatedly abusing someone with profanity. Stop it. It's not required to get your point across and just makes you look immature. Swearing is fine (within reason). Swearing at someone or using it to belittle them or their ideas is not. Check the sticky at the top of the forum if you have any further questions.

You may now return to your heated disagreement. Just remember the peace, love and happiness eh? :-)


Message 7821#85164

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On 10/1/2003 at 1:27am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

brian, for the record... I thought jaegers post was the funniest thing on the forge in weeks if not months. I think it should be moved to a sticky of its own entitled "funny ass post". Even though I think in general a chimpanzee with down syndrome could post more intelligent stuff than jaeger's general fare, that was an exception to the rule and worth a good laugh.

But thats just me.

Message 7821#85168

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On 10/1/2003 at 8:21am, Ville wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

One weapon with some coolness factor was the "whip"sword in Brotherhood of the Wolf. Nowadays you can also find it in SoulCalibur2 if you are into console games.
I think that makes for a cool toy for characters. Something they can quest for and then be happy to use but still not unbalancing. You might want to make it magical, those weapons were not found in real life.

In solid form it is just another longsword.
With the press of a button (1CP) the blade is divided into pieces that are connected with a tensile but durable wire that runs inside the blade.

Then the stats are as follows:
1H very long, ATN:8, DTN:16, DAM: ST-2c [+4 blood loss, ignore 2 shield/block successes]
In chain(whip?) state the attacker may also use maneuvers: Hook, bind&strike.

Logic behind desing is that I just took flail stats and tinkered around a bit. The damage was taken from talon attack since the weapon in whip state doesn't have so much mass as to cause effective blunt trauma but those sharp edges still cut when they are around your limb.

How long it will take for the character to learn to use this weapon and the maneuvers depend on the seneschal. I personally didn't want to make them spend SP's since the sword isn't that effective. Neither do I think a new proficiency is needed but that is just me. Whatever you do make sure you make them taste it before you give it to them:-)

Message 7821#85213

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On 12/4/2003 at 10:18pm, Krammer wrote:
RE: Submit NEW WEAPONS!!! anyone?

Reading this thread makes me proud to be one of Rico's friends. I must say that I, too, feel that we were saving Rico from himself when we tore up the stats (they were absolutely crazy! they took up a full page and really didn't make much sense!) of course, he has somehow gottent them back.... If only we could tear up his mind.... then he would never be able to bring them back!!!!

Message 7821#92482

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