The Forge Reference Project


Topic: I had an idea: Mass Combat (long!)
Started by: MonkeyWrench
Started on: 9/3/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 9/3/2003 at 12:50am, MonkeyWrench wrote:
I had an idea: Mass Combat (long!)

I was sitting here wishing TFOB was out already and decided to come up with my own mass combat rules. Seeing as how I have no idea how this sort of thing should go I turned to the only place that concrete rules for mass combat without turning it into a wargame....Decipher's Lord of the Rings RPG. So with a few tweaks and additions hopefully I've come up with some solid rules for people to use until TFOB comes out. Here goes....

Unit Based Combat (tactical)

Unit Size: Divide the number of persons in a unit by 10. If appropriate apply a nationality or racial multiplier. A mixed unit consisting of different nationalities or races doesn’t require a modifier, only ones that consist solely of members of one race.

Strength: This score rates the units power – it’s ability to inflict injury, it’s combat prowess, and the quality of it’s weapons. This score is rated from 1-10 and is used like an individual PCs strength score. This score is further modified by various maneuvers.

Toughness: Toughness reflects both the armor worn by the soldiers in battle and their ability to shrug off wounds or ignore pain. Toughness is rated from 1-10 and is used like an individual PCs toughness score. This score is further modified by various maneuvers.

Mobility: Represents a unit’s speed and agility. It represents relative swiftness and maneuverability. A unit with a high mobility can move into a favorable position faster. Multiply this by 50 to determine how many yards the unit may move in a round. Calvary double their mobility score. It is rated 1-10.

Morale: An important attribute morale is a measure of a units strength of purpose, willingness to fight, bravery, etc. It is rated 1-10 plus the unit size, thus it becomes more likely to break as it suffers casualties. If a unit has a PC or captain leading it then this may further alter it’s score.

Battle: This attributes determines how well the unit interprets it’s commanders orders. Two scores are given, the rating of the Battle score and the number of dice used to roll against it. At the beginning of each round the commander of the unit makes a Per/Tactics v. the Unit’s Battle score. The commanders success are tallied against the unit’s failures, if the commander has more successes then the unit may perform whatever maneuver the commander wanted. If the unit had more failures then they become confused and receive a penalty.

Combat resolution: Initiative is determined by either maneuver or red/white dice. When two unit’s face off they have a CP equal to their unit size. Combat rounds in mass combat last 15 minutes and consist of 2 exchanges. Dice are allotted just as in PC combat with some being kept aside to defend with and others being used to attack. Certain maneuvers may further modify the CP. The attacker rolls as many dice as they wish against a TN (determined by maneuver?) and the defender rolls as many dice as they wish against a TN (determined by maneuver). Whoever has more successes wins the combat and retains initiative. Damage is determined subtracting the toughness of the unit defending from the number of successes and strength of the unit attacking. Using the generic damage table determine Shock and Pain and adjust the CP and thus the Unit Size accordingly. In this case shock represents temporary confusion and pain represents casualties.


If the unit faces off against two or more units roll dice equal to it’s Mobility score against a terrain TN.

Morale is rolled at the end of each round. Rolling a number of dice equal to it’s morale score against a TN modified by whoever took more damage in the previous round and who retained initiative at the end of the round. Also any PCs amongst the unit may modify this TN as well as any combats they may be involved in.

The nationality/race multiplier can be used to reflect superior skill or equipment on the battlefield ex: Cyrinthmeiran calvary might get a 1.25 multiplier.

I tried to make it as much like RoS comabt as much as possible. I'm worried though that it might be too deadly because there if a unit ends up taking damage then they only get their toughness to see them through, no armor. I guess I could always include armor for the unit as well as weapon damage.

What would be a good list of maneuvers to use? They would of course be based on equipment and unit type. Charges for calvary, hold the line for pikemen, etc... I think that these maneuvers should not only give extra dice to the CP but also modifiers to ST and TO. Also if a unit fails it's Battle roll then they shouldn't be able to perform a maneuver and it sorta becomes every man for himself until the commander can regain control.

What about Morale modifiers? Terrain TNs?

What do you think? Can this be a viable system until something better comes along? Let me know what you think.

Message 7822#81639

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