The Forge Reference Project


Topic: My editing is done
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 9/15/2003
Board: Dark Omen Games

On 9/15/2003 at 10:22pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
My editing is done

I want to make it public that I consider Legends of Alyria to be one of the finest role-playing games available. It stands with Hero Quest in its brand of Narrativist excellence and solid demand, to the real people who play it, to reach for their own very best creativity. (I hope Sorcerer stands with this company as well.)

I say this because I have just completed my editing notes on the manuscript Seth sent me, and although I haven't even sent them to him yet, I can't get over how good the game is.

1. All those stories and color texts work for me now, in the explanatory context they now have.

2. The setting sings forth right into my brain. Armed with a map and a few great setting-based illustrations, my goodness, it begs to be played.

3. The game is moral. It is moral in part by permitting incredible latitude to role-play evil. It is the only role-playing game which I consider justified in dedicating to the fire-fighters at Ground Zero, September 11th.

4. The system works.

Seth, I beg of you, consider the following proposition.

- Art layout is of course now a major priority. Seize the resources here at the Forge and get some of the folks here to provide the very best of both, for very little money. Use guilt as a weapon if necessary. Get the game file, all tarted up with art and great layout and index (see Michael Miller about that!!), into a PDF form. You'll need it for the printer.

- Approach the good people at Express Media (or any other similar company; ask Ralph for some recommendations) and get print-cost estimates for 100, 300, and 500 copies. These are digital printers and capable of small print runs without increasing per-copy size through the roof.

- Make an awesome website. Post who-knows-what there, but whatever it is, make it full of inspiration. And most importantly, set up your Buy button.

- Fulfill the orders yourself, through mail-order. Talk to an accountant and set up a Sole Proprietorship, and get all the costs and whatnot recorded carefully. You're going to profit on this, my friend, and trust me, you don't want that money taxed as raw income.

- Bring the game to every con you can stand, and even better, send it to Luke, me, or anyone else going to a con as well.

Now, bear in mind, the above points are only my biased view of your next steps. Tweak any one of them to taste, as you see fit. My main point is that the path trod by Ralph, Paul, and others is working, and not only that it's working well. They, and I, get our games out there to people and they pay without stint.

Junk didn't fail as a game. The three-tier system failed Junk. Now, you don't have to rely on it, and Legends of Alyria can be as amazing a financial success as it is a game.


Message 8004#83248

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On 9/16/2003 at 1:54am, Valamir wrote:
RE: My editing is done

Here here.

Message 8004#83266

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On 9/16/2003 at 3:22am, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: My editing is done

There, there.

Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist. I think you meant "hear hear," Ralph... :)

And, while I'm in here, I'd point out that I'm also very much looking forward to putting Alyria on my shelf of games.

Message 8004#83280

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On 9/16/2003 at 3:00pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: My editing is done

Thank you all.

Just last night, I wrapped up another personal writing project that I was pursuing, so I can return to work on Legends of Alyria. In addition, I was intentionally letting it sit for a few weeks so that I could distance myself enough from the text to edit it properly. I will have to consider the next steps from here.

Ron, I am eagerly looking forward to your editing comments. Thank you for your willingness to look it over.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 8004#83325

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On 9/23/2003 at 4:07pm, Thalaxis wrote:
RE: My editing is done

For once I can say that Ron's compliments won't change my decision any,
since I was already planning to buy a copy of Alyria when it was published

Message 8004#84079

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On 9/24/2003 at 4:51am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: My editing is done

I just have to raise my voice in additional praise; Legends of Alyria is one of the tightest, most beautifully written, and mechanically intelligent games I have ever laid eyes upon. Three cheers!

More or less I agree with Ron's comments, except about the map - you know my thoughts about that, Seth. Glad to hear that you're back at the workbench. If you'll indulge a fan's curiosity, I'd be rather curious to know what it was that you were working on previously, as well.


Message 8004#84206

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On 9/24/2003 at 9:32am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: My editing is done

Mist will not condense and fall
nor will Iron Rain
melt Citadel walls

Years later, and I still remember that little haiku from over on GO. Of course I will own this game. Of course.


Message 8004#84224

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