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Topic: How annoying is Sorceror?
Started by: unheilig
Started on: 10/25/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/25/2001 at 7:17pm, unheilig wrote:
How annoying is Sorceror?

okay, so discovering Sorceror unplugged a game I'd been working on for years by doing the same thing, only better. ("Fiends" it was called)

But I didn't realize HOW WELL it does what it does until I realized it has unplugged about 3 or 4 good ideas of mine since!

"ah, forget it. you can just do that in Sorceror".

Thanks a lot for removing any hopes of designing any sort of Magic-based rpg, Ron!

Now the best I can hope for is designing a cool setting for your game.

oh wait, Jared already did that.


( I realize there could be other philosphies of magic to design around, but Ron's is the only one I've ever been able to get in to)


Message 803#7213

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On 10/25/2001 at 8:11pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: How annoying is Sorceror?

I would call it more frustrating than annoying. I've been wanting to play Sorcerer ever since I downloaded the Apprentice version (OK, we did play like 2 little runs of it, but no where near an in depth portion of play...) late last year. Hell, that's how I became friends with the CoRE leader himself! (That's Cult of Ron Edwards, for the non-initiated :smile: ) It's the only RPG that's really made me go 'ooh, ahh, that's the way a game should be written/ made.'

And every 'demonic' RPG I've gotten since then (Kult 1st ed, In Nomine, Whispering Vault, etc.) makes me go "Wow, this would be so awesome to play with the Sorcerer rules."

So get writing Tom!

Message 803#7215

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On 10/25/2001 at 9:17pm, unheilig wrote:
RE: How annoying is Sorceror?

for years, I wanted Fiends to be like "Hellblazer: the rpg".

well, that's Sorceror to a tee.

Wouldn't it be awesome to play John Constantine in Sorceror?

nope, magic is forever ruined for me.

I'm off to find an intruiging way to role-play giant robots.


Message 803#7219

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On 10/25/2001 at 10:36pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: How annoying is Sorceror?

The problem with Sorceror is that you can do giant robots with it too. I kid you not, I have probably had a dozen or more ideas - not just supernatural or magic-themed ones either - that simply will never be explored because I know they would be better served as a Sorceror mini than a game of their own.

Someday I'd like to write a Sorceror supplement and join the esteemed ranks of folks who have already done so, but the question is, which one should I do?

- Scott

Message 803#7227

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On 10/25/2001 at 10:56pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: How annoying is Sorceror?

The scariest thing that I came up with so far is that you can use Sorcerer to do Vampire better than Vampire does Vampire. All you have to do is use the rules for Possesor demons minus the Hop ability and make them have a Need to Drink Blood. Voila, instant Vampire.


Message 803#7228

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On 10/26/2001 at 11:12am, Ian O'Rourke wrote:
RE: How annoying is Sorceror?

On 2001-10-25 18:56, jburneko wrote:
The scariest thing that I came up with so far is that you can use Sorcerer to do Vampire better than Vampire does Vampire. All you have to do is use the rules for Possesor demons minus the Hop ability and make them have a Need to Drink Blood. Voila, instant Vampire.

I must admit my 'probably never do it' ideas for Sorcerer have always concentrated on the the issue of 'demons' being something not so much summoned but being a virus, or some sort of internal thing (like a Buffy Vampire, thing).

Not sure how summoning fits in then though (probably does'nt).

You've got me thinking though, as I've always wanted to Vampire, without doing Vampire, if you know what I mean.

Message 803#7234

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On 10/26/2001 at 11:20am, Matt wrote:
RE: How annoying is Sorceror?

A couple of years ago a friend and I came up with a game called Infernus, which had a Wraith like mechanic where you controlled another players demonic familiar, tempting them with power. Aside from that quirk, Sorcerer does it all better though.

Hmm, maybe worth resurrecting that idea as a Sorcerer setting.


[ This Message was edited by: Matt on 2001-10-26 07:22 ]

Message 803#7235

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On 10/26/2001 at 2:35pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: How annoying is Sorceror?

I hear you, man.

This sort of thing is why I wrote The Wheel when I did. It semed that people were getting closer and closer to the ideas I had. So I cobbled up a crumby rough draft and put it on the web, thus securing my place as a footnote.

Message 803#7245

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