The Forge Reference Project


Topic: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?
Started by: Time
Started on: 10/26/2001
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/26/2001 at 6:34pm, Time wrote:
System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?

Ok, I'm new to the Forge so forgive me if this is a "no-no" - or at least don't kick me too hard.

I've been working on a game system and I would like to have some folks beat it up a bit - Look for flaws, seek out the weak spots and tell me about them.

I've have a friend of mine looking it over, but I think that it would help to have one or more of you folks to take a fresh look at things to really find the areas that need work.

So instead of just posting the system for the wolves to devour, I thought I'd check first to see if anyone is intersted. If you are, let me know.


Message 812#7266

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...started by Time which Time participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 10/26/2001

On 10/26/2001 at 6:40pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?

A no-no? Good lord, Time, you just stated the Forge's FUNCTION.

Set to, you animals.


Message 812#7267

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On 10/26/2001 at 7:18pm, unheilig wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?

bring it on!


Message 812#7277

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On 10/26/2001 at 7:30pm, Time wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?


I'll clean it up a bit (check for spelling and other minor errors) and post it.

I've never designed a system before - so I really value eveyone's thoughts. After lurking around here for a bit I belive The Forge has some of the best constructive/critical info on the net.

Anway, is there any pre-post info/questions that anyone has?


Message 812#7279

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...started by Time which Time participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 10/26/2001

On 10/26/2001 at 7:32pm, Time wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?


I'll clean it up a bit (check for spelling and other minor errors) and post it.

I've never designed a system before - so I really value eveyone's thoughts. After lurking around here for a bit I belive The Forge has some of the best constructive/critical info on the net.

Anway, is there any pre-post info/questions that anyone has?


Message 812#7280

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...from around 10/26/2001

On 10/26/2001 at 8:15pm, unheilig wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?

Is it just a system, or designed with a specific genre/setting in mind?


Message 812#7282

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On 10/26/2001 at 8:21pm, unheilig wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?


be sure to tell us what you are trying to accomplish.

Where are you trying to fit in to the GNS model (read Ron's essays).

what kind of feel do you want it to have?

This way, we can give advice towards YOUR goals, and not just give advice based on the kind of systems WE might like.


Message 812#7283

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On 10/26/2001 at 8:21pm, Time wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?

At this point it's just a system. I want it to work well in both fantasy and modern day settings.

I'm not concerned with how it would be used in a Supers setting as I'm not a big Supers rpg fan. If you look it over and a setting type jumps out at you, let me know.

Well, I'll start a new post with the first section of the system so have at it!


Message 812#7284

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...started by Time which Time participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 10/26/2001

On 10/26/2001 at 8:38pm, Time wrote:
RE: System I'm working on - Anyone willing to beat it up a bit?


I'd forgoten to answer you question so I tacked it onto the first post of my system. If you have more questions on what I'm trying to acomplish let me know.


Message 812#7288

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...started by Time which Time participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/26/2001