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Topic: [Donjon] Some not-heroes on IRC.
Started by: anonymouse
Started on: 9/27/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 9/27/2003 at 6:41am, anonymouse wrote:
[Donjon] Some not-heroes on IRC.

Tonight was mostly just a bit of setup. Three out of the four players hadn't played it before, and two of those didn't have the book, so time was spent explaining and enlightening. I haven't played any Donjon games for a month, and had to refresh myself with the rules a bit as well.

Lxndr is Grignr, sorcerer wizard magic guy. Focus on more mental magics. Can Read Omens, which is a good adventure-starter, but I didn't pull off his attempt with as much finesse as I would've liked.

Paganini is Snarl, the assassin of doomy doom! He kills things! Or would, if his target didn't have 10 dice to soak damage with. His hook is he's been hired to kill one of the PCs, but doesn't know which yet. His main ability is Kill Victim (I think? will have to check). Might be good to limit that to any kind of tests against a designated assassination target, not sure. Oo! Roll Provisions to pull out Assassination Mission Scrolls from a pack. If he finds one, he gets to use KV on it. Hmm..

Dana is Groblat the beholder. Yes, the beholder. With a Main of Telekinesis, and Sups of Negotiation for Items, 360 Degree Vision, Swallow Whole, and something else I forget. I stuck it to her good with the negotiation; she wanted a baby dragon, but as it's for Items, and not Pets, well, no dice! So she picked up a dragon egg instead.

AgentFresh is the Wildman, a lives-in-the-hills sort. My favourite ability of his is Fashion Crude Implements, which is basically a stone-age MacGuyver thing, something to add to Provisions rolls when making low tech jury rigs. I think it's neat.

The game is taking place in an Ice Age-type world. D&D-level civilisation, but all.. icy. We started out in a little hunting and fishing village of about 400, out in the White Wastes, with a Markup of just 1 (because I'm always generous at the first village, so people can kit up a little).

*Wildman bought some Worth 3 rope after a failed attempt at a Bag o' Crude Stuff (which would've helped with MacGuyvering).
*Grobbie snagged her Worth 3 dragon egg.
* Grigner picked up a Worth 4 ice lizard.
*Snarl bought a DR 3 dagger.

I made a quick rule that the pets were treated as Items for purposes of stats. I didn't want to give mini-characters to everyone, primarily because it'd take too much time, and how many points does something that's W4 have? So they just get abilities, and can use those abilities either on their own, or to assist their owners somehow. We'll see if this was wise or not. I haven't had companions crop up in Donjon before.

The "heroes" were headed off to the mountains and an Ice Cave, for various reasons which have yet to be completely hammered out (or have been, and are just different for each character)

Grigner Read Omen in the clouds to see that the entrance to a cave was just over the next ridge, and that in it lived a horrendous beast what loved to eat unborn dragons.

The first combat came pretty quickly.

Snarl heard ice cracking and that it signalled the approach of an ice snake with his roll. As it burst through the ice, Glob noticed a crystalline, near-invisible ice shelf rising up behind it, somehow having melded in with the trackless environment. the Wildman heard something even louder, bigger, and meaner burrowing its way through the ice towards themselves and the snake.

Then we flurry!

*Snarl had an ineffectual attack on phase 20. It hit, but no damage.
*Grigner went twice on phase 19, and first Gathered Magical Energy to the tune of 9 dice. Second was a spell of Thought of Chaos, charming the snake and the two indistinct riders on its back to ignore the party, and attack the coming danger, instead.

...end of flurry! And end of session. Took a long while to get going, and it was running late for people, so hopefully we'll pick back up in a week or two and get some regular gaming out of this, as everyone seemed pretty interested.

Message 8141#84702

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On 9/27/2003 at 3:13pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: [Donjon] Some not-heroes on IRC.

Dunno about everyone else, but *I* had fun (except at the end where my connection dropped and I missed 90% of the flurry! :)

This game is pretty much exactly what I've been in the mood for; I look forward to continuing it next (next) Friday. For general interest, Snarl's main ability was Kill Victim, but I hope you don't decide to limit it to assasin targets, because that would make it more of a supporting ability. I just added the "victim" on there for color - it kind of goes along with his character concept, don't you think? I.e., any thing he decides to kill is his VICTIM! :)

Snarl's supporting abilities were cribbed right out of the BD&D Theif class: Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Hear Noise. Hear Noise isn't the best "notice things" skill - Grignr's "read omens" is way cooler - but it makes sense for the character, and it comes in fairly useful.

If only I'd gotten more successes on that Hear Noise roll (I only got 2 dagnabit) I'd have used them to drop the party down into a maze of ice tunnels where my sneaking and hiding abilities would be more useful.

I like the idea of using director stance to set up situations that favor your character's effectiveness. Instant protagonizations! :)

Message 8141#84715

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On 9/27/2003 at 5:04pm, anonymouse wrote:
RE: [Donjon] Some not-heroes on IRC.

My only concern with KV is that for a main ability, a combat ability should be all attacks, or all damage, but not both. So you'll either have to decide which that applies to; or, if you still want both attack and damage, I think the scrolls would be a good way to do that. That was mostly my goof when we were getting set up, I didn't even think to ask. =/

Message 8141#84717

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On 9/27/2003 at 6:50pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: [Donjon] Some not-heroes on IRC.

anonymouse wrote: My only concern with KV is that for a main ability, a combat ability should be all attacks, or all damage, but not both. So you'll either have to decide which that applies to; or, if you still want both attack and damage, I think the scrolls would be a good way to do that. That was mostly my goof when we were getting set up, I didn't even think to ask. =/

Ah, of course. Let's just say it adds to damage, since damage is what actually KILLS the victims. :)

Message 8141#84728

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On 9/28/2003 at 6:56am, Dana_mun wrote:
RE: [Donjon] Some not-heroes on IRC.

well I know for my first time, I had fun... and I'm still waiitng for a chance to swallow stuff.... and my other sub was strike fear in enemies, I believe

Message 8141#84764

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