The Forge Reference Project


Topic: MLWM rule interpretation
Started by: jrs
Started on: 9/29/2003
Board: Half Meme Press

On 9/29/2003 at 1:11pm, jrs wrote:
MLWM rule interpretation

I have a couple questions about the die mechanics in MLWM after running our first session yesterday.

In the rules, there is the stipulation that a roll that would result in a negative pool would include 1 die. I assume that this also applies to zero die pools. Basically, there is always at least 1 die in a pool. I also want to make sure that the Intimacy, Desperation, or Sincerity dice are never rolled alone; there will always be at least one other d4 in the pool. Is this correct?

Ties. We had a tie in a Connection overture. I was not certain how to play this out. I decided to be strict in the tie interuption rule and decreed that although Self-Loathing did not increase, no Love was gained either. So, Pater Hode never noticed Minerva's shy attempt at conversation because Herr Gloeckl had rushed in hysterical over baby Inga's illness. Should I have granted Love anyway?

Cool game. I'm looking forward to our next session.


Message 8161#84859

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On 9/29/2003 at 3:24pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: MLWM rule interpretation

Hey Julie,

In the rules, there is the stipulation that a roll that would result in a negative pool would include 1 die. I assume that this also applies to zero die pools.

I'm not following the question. I think it's the "also" that's throwing me off. The rule is:

Some conflicts require a subtraction to determine the size of one of the opposed pools (e.g. Love minus Weariness). If a subtraction would result in a negative pool, that side of the conflict rolls a single die.

What other kind of zero die pool would you have?

I also want to make sure that the Intimacy, Desperation, or Sincerity dice are never rolled alone; there will always be at least one other d4 in the pool. Is this correct?

Yes...because of the above rule.

We had a tie in a Connection overture....I decided to be strict in the tie interuption rule and decreed that although Self-Loathing did not increase, no Love was gained either. So, Pater Hode never noticed Minerva's shy attempt at conversation because Herr Gloeckl had rushed in hysterical over baby Inga's illness. Should I have granted Love anyway?

No. You handled it exactly right. And beautifully, I might add.


Message 8161#84877

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On 9/29/2003 at 4:06pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: MLWM rule interpretation

The distinction is that zero is not a negative number, Paul. So a pool with zero dice is not technically a negative pool, but a pool with no dice. Since in Real Life you can't have a negative number of physical objects, a negative pool would also be zero dice, but hey, this is math we're talking about... :)

Message 8161#84883

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On 9/29/2003 at 4:22pm, jrs wrote:
RE: MLWM rule interpretation


What Ethan said. Zero is just ... zero. I must be reading the rules too literally; damn that math education! I think you did answer my question: always roll at least one d4. When the calculated pool size is 1, 0 or -2; still roll 1 d4.

And thanks for affirming my decision in the overture tie, I was starting to second guess myself there.


Message 8161#84886

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On 9/29/2003 at 4:35pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: MLWM rule interpretation

I think you did answer my question: always roll at least one d4.

Ah...cripes. There's my first errata.


Message 8161#84888

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