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Topic: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian
Started by: Paganini
Started on: 10/11/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 10/11/2003 at 5:51am, Paganini wrote:
[TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

So, after Anonymouse's Donjon game it was still kind of early, so I volunteered to run TQB. The players voted for something on the serious side after our silly Donjon rompings. We whacked out an accord, and got started on characters, and it turned out they weren't kidding. It got real serious, real fast. In fact, we didn't even actually get started playing; the plan is to continue play tomorrow (today, actually, Sturday) at 10:00 PM central time. If everyone plays who expressed interest, this will be my bigest TQB game yet; some of the players are TQB n00bs, others are old pros. :)

I have three definite players, and three more possible ones. Lxndr, Anonymouse, and Dana Mun might join in (I'm hoping they will). The players I already have are Chris (Edwards), Trevis (Samachadriel) and Jason (Agent Fresh).

One of my favorite moments in this kind of game is the transition of mindset. It's so cool to watch players go from trying to decide what weapon to use, to trying to figure out how to add another relationship to their cahracters. The fact that its completely spontaneous is just too cool. Gradually, I start saying less and less as the players relize that *they're* defining the game. They stop asking me questions, and start discussing. "Now, this guy should have a relationship to your character. Oh, and this guy wants to kill this guy. And we should have this character..."

When I run TQB in a non-anthropomorphic setting (more on the specific setting in a minute) I always replace the free +1 Animal Form Motif Bonus by giving every character one free Relationship Motif Bonus. I *really* love it when players realize how cool and powerful Relationships actually are. I always stress them during pre-play, but it's still really neat to watch things go from "well... uh... my guy has a dad named Fred" to an intricate, complex relationship map that's completely player-generated.

The setting is a modern or near future recasting of the Arthurian myths. The technology level is vaguely cyberpunk - about like Neuromancer without the Matrix as one player said. Magic is low-key. There's also an undead element. Vampires plague the land, led by the evil Mordred. The vampires represent the blight that coincides with the decline of Arthur. Both sides search for the talisman that can rejuvinate Arthur and overcome the vampires - Arthur and the knights to cleanse the land; the vampires to destroy it and seal the fate of humanity, ushering in the age of vampires.

The existing characters are these:

Uther Drake (Chris - C. Edwards)

Haunted by dreams of an uncannily beautiful woman, Uther has forsaken the oaths of his order in his search to find her. He burns with the need to discover who she is and take her as his own. The soothsayer who told him where to find the object of his fey visions also warned him not to consumate his desire for this woman. Heedless of such warnings Uther has just entered the place where the haunting woman of his vision resides.. a vampire lair.


Relationship - Fey woman calls to him in his dreams. +2 (2 dice)
Rogue Knight +2 (4 dice)
Cunning and Desperate +2 (4 dice)
Sixth Sense +1 (2 dice)
Relationship - Hector's former mentor +1 (2 dice)

Pool: 6

Percival (Trevis - Samachadriel)

Percival is a geneticist doing post doc as an assistant to Dr Le Fay a famous geneticist. He got into genetics with the desire to work on the cures for various rampant diseases in the world. Percy is honest, brilliant, and compassionate. Percy discovered that Dr. Le Fay was sabotoging the the public work on viral mutators and keeping the real development secret in order to sell it to a megacorp.

He knows that the antidote was based on the genetics of a particular subject who is in the area but he doesn't know who she is. He has just walked into the lab and found Le Fay injecting his unconcious fiancee, Dierdre, who is also an assistant, with the experimental virus.


Wants to rescue the world from disease +1
Brilliant Geneticist +2
Relationship: Loves Dierdre + 3
Relationship: Love/Hate relationship w Hector, estranged brother +2

Pool: 6

Hector (Jason - Agent Fresh)

Hector didn't have much to live for before he met Uther and the knights.

He had just been released from his second stay in the State pen for armed robbery. He had gone out to celebrate with two of his homeboys. They pumped him full of free drinks until he couldn't see straight, and then led him into a back alley where they tried so extract some revenge for some half-remembered slight from before he'd gone to jail. The pair beat him savagely. He waited to die.

That's when Uther happened upon the scene and saved him.

Over the next few weeks as was nursed back to health by Uther and his men, he noticed the passion for justice and truth they had. The way that when you looked in Uther's eyes, there was something more than the hollow neediness he saw in his own eyes. There was hope. There was light.

He became a knight as soon as he was able and has been one of the orders most zealous members. He uses the physical prowess and experience he onced used for crime to fight the forces of evil and try to make the streets a safer place.

Hector was shattered when Uther left the Order. His role-model's departure has started to errode the foundation of his life that the Order had become. Once he found out that Uther had left to chase a woman, he became convinced that this woman had bewitched him. He, too, began to track her...and has seen her enter a known vampire lair on the same night for 3 weeks in a row.

He has positioned himself on top of said building. He is fully armed. He has enough explosives strapped to his body to bring down the block. Right before dusk, the time that she usually arrives, he will make his way down to break the spell she has on his liege, or die trying.

Relationship - His mentor Uther +2 (Freebie + 2 dice)
Physical Prowess +2 (4 dice)
Zealous member of the Order +3 (6 dice)
Former criminal experience +1 (2 dice)

Pool: 6

Message 8316#86560

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...started by Paganini which Paganini participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/11/2003

On 10/12/2003 at 6:40am, Paganini wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

Lxndr and Anonymouse decided to sit out, the dogs, but Dana is in, so I have four players. Woohoo! Here's her character, very grim:

Mortiza Candor

Mortiza Candor is the older sister to Percival. She too used to work with Dr. Le fey, but as a partner, not an assistant. Her role was the study of cadavers and anatomy, as well as the body after death. However, her employment ended when an "accident" mangled her hands. The accedent also claimed the life of her husband. She was forced to leave the lab, giving le fey total control. She suspects that Lefey was the one who staged the accedent, and has warned percy over and over again to get out of there. her warnings have not yet been heeded.

Mortiza also excelled in flesh craft and bio ware. she used her talents to reconsuct her hands into bioware tools and weapons. each finger, save for the thumb, has 2 scapel bladed embedded into it, one blade extends on the bottom of the finger form the tip to the first joint form the palm. these blades can only retract when Mortiza puts on her white button gloves. in additon, she has fingertip blades that can shoot out at an opponenet. her thumbs both have a longer scapel blade that she can willingly extend and retract.

Mortiza now lives her life as a medical examiner. she uses her handblades as the tools of her trade. in additi0n, as a combat weapon, she carres a large scapel like halberd, that has a self heating end to cauterize wounds on contact, thus preventing further healing. After her hosbands death, she let her own looks deteriorate. her apperel is typically a black labcoat, black pants, black boots, a blue shirt, and white buttoned gloves to hide her hands. She lives ina a cemetary, and has grown a strong attunement with the dead.if she touches a grave or remains and concentraits, she can see how they died or other info about them. she can also sense if someone has died in a given area.its called necromantic psychometry. she wears her husbands wedding ring on a necklace as her last connection to him, as per his last request.

Hook: Mortiza hears digging outside and wlask into the cemetary. there she sees Le Fey's minions robbign her husbands grave.


Bioware - scapel hands +2 (4 dice)
Attuned to dead - necromantic psychomentry +2 (4 dice)
Mourns lost husband +1 (2 dice)
Protective of little brother +2(freebie+ 2 dice)
Lonely +1 (2 dice)
Excellent knowledge of anatomy - knows where to strike. +1 (2 dice)

pool: 4

We did actual play tonight. Someone will be posting the log later. Dana was one of the n00bs, but she took right to it, like a duck coming home to her pond. This game is shaping up to be a real ride.

Message 8316#86612

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On 10/12/2003 at 7:00am, AgentFresh wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

And in the meantime, I'm left trying to figure out how to get a decent between session paragraph out of "fell into laundry hamper" and "must fight the urge to dance!"

Good game, though. I'm really enjoying The Questing Beast and seeing these folks on the channel becoming a gaming group.

Message 8316#86616

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...from around 10/12/2003

On 10/12/2003 at 7:08am, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

Few things are as satisfying as wasting some twisted monkey boy with combustible rounds while in pursuit of a hauntingly beautiful woman. Kids, this isn't your daddy's TQB.


Message 8316#86617

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...started by C. Edwards which C. Edwards participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/12/2003

On 10/12/2003 at 6:11pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

Here is the narration log from the first session. Typos have been left intact in order to embarrass the guilty. ;)

9:14 PM] <@The_Guide> TQB - Arthurian Vampires Session 1
9:14 PM] <@The_Guide> *
9:14 PM] <@The_Guide> *
9:14 PM] <@The_Guide> *
9:15 PM] <@The_Guide> Uther steps through the doorway and finds himself in a world of white.
9:15 PM] <@The_Guide> The floor is shining marble under his boots.
9:16 PM] <@The_Guide> White sheets drape the walls. There are probably windows around here too, but there are white sheets over them as well.
9:16 PM] <@The_Guide> It's like being inside the nest of a spider who weaves webs of linen.
9:16 PM] * Uther_6 wipes the sweat from his forehead.
9:17 PM] <@The_Guide> A long curving staircase spirals up out of site.
9:17 PM] <@The_Guide> A circle of short pillars rings the walkway to the staircase. Crouching atop each pillar is a different face, some fanged, some agonized, some sultry, some winged, some angry.
9:17 PM] <@The_Guide> They seem to be carved of alabastar.
9:19 PM] * Uther_6 touches his phosphorous pistol absently.
9:23 PM] * Uther_6 focuses on the vision of the woman he is here to find. The dead, musty air gathers about him making it difficult to breath.
9:24 PM] <Uther_6> <Without warning a searing pain shoots through his head. A cacacophony of voices fill his mind, leering, taunting.
9:24 PM] <Uther_6> <When Uther comes to his senses he is sitting on the floor, legs sprawled out in front of him. A trickle of blood runs from his nose.>

9:26 PM] <@The_Guide> . Cutting to Percival

9:27 PM] <@The_Guide> Percival goes through the swinging doors into the lab. It's been a long day, and looks like being a longer night yet.
9:27 PM] <@The_Guide> The lab is supposed to be deserted at this time of night, but Percival hears something coming from around the corner, from the testing area.
9:28 PM] <@The_Guide> Percival goes over to investigate.
9:28 PM] <@The_Guide> Morgan is there, leaning over a patient strapped down to the bed. She's just removing an empty syringe from the test subject... it's Percival's fiancee, Dierdre!
9:29 PM] * Percival_6 freezes
9:29 PM] <Percival_6> What the hell are you doing!!!
9:30 PM] <@The_Guide> Morgan looks up. She seems surprised at first, but that goes away quickly.
9:30 PM] <@The_Guide> "Hello Percy. What are you doing here so late?"
9:31 PM] * Percival_6 rushs over and grabs the discarded fluid container and reads the label
9:31 PM] <Percival_6> Oh my god!!
9:32 PM] <Percival_6> You've infected her!
9:32 PM] <Percival_6> Give me the antidote, NOW!
9:32 PM] <@The_Guide> "Now, Percy, don't get excited. It's for the good of the project. You didn't need to know."
9:32 PM] <@The_Guide> "I'm sorry it has to be this way, Percy."
9:32 PM] <@The_Guide> "You know I can't give you the antidote!"
9:38 PM] * Percival_6 grabs Morgan and shoves her roughly against the wall, knocking over a tray in the process. Morgan looks considerably surprised by the violence. Percy shakes her, hard, three times, banging her head against the wall. "Where is the antidote!" He yells hoarsly.
9:39 PM] <Percival_6> From behind him he hears a voice "Dr. Le Fay? What's going on?"
9:39 PM] <@The_Guide> Morgan gasps and grabs Percival's shoulders. For a second it looks like her fingernails glow green. A moment later the swinging doors bang open and two thin pasty guys dressed in black leather burst in. You could have sworn that part of the building was empty... you just came from there!
9:40 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
9:41 PM] <@The_Guide> Cutting to Hector
9:41 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
9:42 PM] <@The_Guide> Hector crouches on top of the building, enough explosives to launch a skyscraper into low orbit strapped around him.
9:42 PM] <@The_Guide> Five minutes ago, Uther entered the building below. But there has been no sign of life since.
9:43 PM] * Hector_6 breathes deeply. He didn't expect him to show up. This changes things.
9:43 PM] <@The_Guide> The building is a dark, gloomy place, almost like a castle. A short path winds through a weedy overgrown garden from the front gate to the door.
9:43 PM] <@The_Guide> Where Hector is, everything is very quiet.
9:44 PM] <@The_Guide> Even though on his way in a taxi rushed by him - honking loudly as it raced a yellow light - from here there are no sounds of traffic.
9:44 PM] <@The_Guide> The building is completely dark. No trace of light escapes its gothic windows.
9:45 PM] * Hector_6 gets up a walks over to his gear bag.
9:46 PM] <Hector_6> He brings out a boxe cutter, a small tool kit and a detonator.
9:46 PM] * Hector_6 cuts his duct-tape vest bomb loose with the cutter.
9:48 PM] <Hector_6> He wires the dentonator.
9:49 PM] <Hector_6> "We got 30 minutes, bro. May God be with us."
9:49 PM] <Hector_6> He sets the bomb for 30 minutes.
9:51 PM] <Hector_6> He unslings his 12 gauge and pumps it. He unsleaths his short sword. He mutters a prayer.
9:51 PM] <Hector_6> "Gotta go in quieter than I planned..."
9:56 PM] <@The_Guide> Hector sneaks quietly across the roof towards a massive heating duct that curls out like some technological claw.
9:56 PM] *** Hector_6 is now known as Hector_7
9:57 PM] <@The_Guide> He risks a brief flash from his electric torch. The light falls unto the face of a hideous gargoyle, it's voracious features seeming to leap out of the darkness at him.
9:57 PM] <@The_Guide> Hector leaps back, with a yell, and trips. It seems like he's falling. Bumping down stairs maybe, but they aren't hard. He rolls to a stop... seems like he's enveloped in something, but he can't see at all.
9:57 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
9:58 PM] <@The_Guide> Cutting to Mortiza
9:58 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
10:00 PM] <@The_Guide> Percy is sitting on a tombstone in Mortiza's front yard. It's a nice day, but Percy doesn't look happy. Mortiza is telling him something he doesn't want to hear.
10:00 PM] <Percival_6> I know she's weird sis, but the brilliant ones always are...
10:01 PM] <Percival_6> I can't beleive what you are accusing her of
10:01 PM] <Mortiza_4> percy....what have i told you about sitting on the tombstones.
10:01 PM] <Percival_6> well if you'd get some damn chairs...
10:01 PM] * Percival_6 gets up
10:01 PM] * Mortiza_4 points to a bench to the right on the momument, dead serious.
10:02 PM] <Mortiza_4> thats the problem with you. you can see three feet infront of you
10:02 PM] <Percival_6> and I spent all that money on laser surgery too...
10:03 PM] * Percival_6 paces impatiently
10:03 PM] <Mortiza_4> which is also a waste. theres nothing wrong with glasses.... as for morgan....
10:03 PM] <Mortiza_4> you saw what she did to me. I was the only one who could override her. she was afrid of me. so she got me disposed of
10:04 PM] <Mortiza_4> and the bitch took the one thing i cared for
10:04 PM] <Percival_6> It was an accident. Sis...don't you think you're being a little paranoid?
10:04 PM] <Mortiza_4>
10:05 PM] <Percival_6> That's what paranoid people always say *sighs*
10:05 PM] <Mortiza_4> i have seen the way you look at dierdre. i.. i don;t want you to end up like me. a shattered waste.
10:06 PM] <Percival_6> Look, I was there before you. IT was an accident. Morgan was miles away when it happened.
10:06 PM] <Mortiza_4> get out of there while you can. I know people percy - i can get you a job.
10:06 PM] <Mortiza_4> then she set up the equipment
10:06 PM] <Percival_6> Dierdre is...none of your business. Morti, you're CHOOSING to be a wreck. Just don't go blaming other people...
10:07 PM] * Mortiza_4 sighs and glares at him.
10:07 PM] <Percival_6> Look. If it makes you feel any better, I'll see what I can find out about what she's doing. I'll be careful. I'll prove to you that Morgan is harmless.
10:07 PM] <Mortiza_4> fine. see a plot that your fond of? cuz its gunna be your - or diedre's- funeral
10:08 PM] <Percival_6> And you wonder why I don't invite you for dinner any more...
10:08 PM] <Mortiza_4> i was always the better cook.
10:08 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
10:08 PM] <@The_Guide> Cutting to Uther
10:08 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
10:11 PM] * Uther_6 pushes himself to his feet, his head swimming. He moves towards the stairway as he trys to regain focus on his surroundings.
10:12 PM] <@The_Guide> A short figure is waiting for Uther at the top of the stairs.
10:13 PM] <@The_Guide> A small man, stands there, dressed in spotless evening wear. He's round like a monkey, and stooped. He seems even shorter than he is, because of the stoop. He's maybe four feet tall.
10:13 PM] <@The_Guide> His head is completely bald and shiny, and his eyes are beady coal black.
10:13 PM] <Uther_6> "Where is she?"
10:13 PM] <@The_Guide> A polished ebony cane, just his size, is held loosly in his right hand.
10:14 PM] <@The_Guide> "Now now, young fellow," he says in a squeaky, raspy voice.
10:14 PM] <@The_Guide> "Your enthusiasm does you credit, but we must be civilized. Yes, yes we must!"
10:15 PM] <@The_Guide> He cackles and rubs his gnarled hands together. The sound is a dry hiss in the silence.
10:16 PM] <@The_Guide> "If you want our lady to recieve you in her parlour, you must demonstrate your devotion. A task is set, the obstacle must be overcome. Find her you do, recognize her for true, then she will come to you!"
10:17 PM] * Uther_6 makes a lightning fast grab for his pistols.
10:20 PM] <Uther_6> <Before the wheezing little man's greasy smile can turn into a frown, four phosphorous rounds slam into his twisted little body.
10:20 PM] <Uther_6> <Greasy black smoke and green flame shoot upward like a roman candle>
10:20 PM] <Uther_6> <After a short while all is silent again>
10:21 PM] * Uther_6 wipes the sweat out of his eyes and continues up to the landing.
10:22 PM] <@The_Guide> The little man is clearly dead, but Uther suffers a nagging doubt. He could swear that the dapper gentleman gave a cunning wink a sly smile and a little wave, even as he ate glowing green death.
10:22 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
10:22 PM] <@The_Guide> Cut to Hector
10:22 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
10:25 PM] * Hector_7 struggles against whatever this is that's restraining him.
10:25 PM] * Hector_7 tries to make out his surroundings...
10:28 PM] <@The_Guide> Hector seems to have landed in a laundry room.
10:28 PM] <@The_Guide> Everything is white.
10:28 PM] <@The_Guide> There are sheets everywhere.
10:28 PM] <@The_Guide> And no furniture.
10:28 PM] * Hector_7 tries to get untangled.
10:29 PM] <@The_Guide> As far as he can make out, he tumbled through an unseen skylight.
10:29 PM] <@The_Guide> The room is well lit, but the skylight must have been carefully sealed, for no light shown outside.
10:29 PM] <Hector_7> "Skylight...or trap door...."
10:30 PM] * Hector_7 GETS untangled.
10:31 PM] <Hector_7> He checks to make sure that his weapons are still in place. Looks for his sword and shotgun.
10:31 PM] <Hector_7> Looks and listens for company while he does so.
10:32 PM] <Hector_7> Finds his blade. Stops and listens.
10:32 PM] <@The_Guide> There seems to be piano music coming from the next room over.
10:32 PM] * Hector_7 furrows his brow. Spots his scattergun.
10:33 PM] <Hector_7> Creeps over towards it and picks it up. and heads towards the door slowly.
10:36 PM] <Uther_6> <The door is slightly ajar, and Hector can see the source of the music through the crack>
10:37 PM] <Uther_6> <As he peers into the room and beholds an amazingly... beautiful doesn't even describe this woman.>
10:38 PM] <Uther_6> <She looks up from the piano and their eyes meet.>
10:38 PM] <Uther_6> <Suddenly, Hector is in the room, dancing across the marble floor with the woman in his arms, her smoldering eyes holding him captive.>
10:39 PM] <Uther_6> <Something in the back of Hector's mind is shaking him.. something is not right.. but.. but...>
10:40 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
10:40 PM] <@The_Guide> Cut to Mortiza
10:40 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
10:41 PM] <@The_Guide> Mortiza has been tossing and turning all night. There are just too many things... her mind won't stop.
10:41 PM] <@The_Guide> And she keeps hearing digging.
10:41 PM] <@The_Guide> Finally, she gets up and goes to investigate.
10:41 PM] <@The_Guide> Dark figures are clustered around an open grave, levering a coffin from the earth.
10:41 PM] <Mortiza_4> the hell could be up at this hour....
10:42 PM] <Mortiza_4> the..hell?
10:42 PM] <@The_Guide> Mortiza knows this grave well. She has spent many hours next to it... her husband's!
10:43 PM] * Mortiza_4 growls and starst heaidng over, an then stops behind a tree to see just whos messing witht he grave.
10:44 PM] <@The_Guide> One of the figures stops and pushes back his hood.
10:44 PM] <@The_Guide> The moonlight falls on his face, and he quickly puts the hood back up.
10:44 PM] <@The_Guide> But Mortiza recognizes him.
10:44 PM] <@The_Guide> It's one of LeFay's pale thugs.
10:51 PM] <Mortiza_4> Mortiza watches with a slight bit of glee as the thugs fall to their knees, their legs rended useless by the scapel blades embedded in their lower spinal cords.
10:53 PM] * Mortiza_4 walsk voer silently, the moonlight enhancing her already deadlike features. she picks up one of the thugs by his collar and holds him up to her face. her eyes narrow dangerously.
10:55 PM] <Mortiza_4> "so.. you little vermin, explain yourselF. NOW!!!!!!
10:55 PM] <Mortiza_4> "
10:56 PM] <Mortiza_4> vermin:"i...i tell you nuthink!! youa re not ze miztrez!"
10:59 PM] <Mortiza_4> vermin: " i vill be loyal vor...."*gugrle..spatter* the cireatues voice ceases after he downs in his own blood, whcih wa srelased when mortiza slit his throat. she drops the corpse and moves to the other.
10:59 PM] <Mortiza_4> " your going to be more cooperative then vladd junior over here?"
11:00 PM] <Mortiza_4> v2:" yes'sm....."
11:00 PM] <Mortiza_4> " good, now why are you defileing MY husbands grave and MY husbands BODY with your foul appendages and digits?"
11:02 PM] <Mortiza_4> v2: missis morgan. she wnated us to.. somethin bout dna or dana or danny or whatever. she siad get it. and bring it back. with the cofin, cuz you know, those things are REALLY hot on ebay nowadays..."
11:03 PM] <Mortiza_4> "i see. you got anyone waiting for you at home?"
11:04 PM] <Mortiza_4> v2: " no ma'am, just me. veetwo"
11:05 PM] <Mortiza_4> ".. you know.. you got a nice skull. i'll take it. it'll look good on the bannister"
11:06 PM] * Mortiza_4 SLICES the poor boys head off and sets it aside. she then throws the two bodies back into their truck, rebuires the casket, and walks of with va's head. she fails to notice the scared nerdthug whos seen the whole thign from behind another tree and now wnats to get back to homebase FAST to change his soiled skivies.
11:07 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
11:07 PM] <@The_Guide> Cut to Percival
11:07 PM3 <@The_Guide> ***
11:13 PM] *** Percival_6 is now known as Percival_4
11:15 PM] * Percival_4 hurls morgan at the goons, her body crashes into a shelving unit sending jars everywhere, scatting glass. The goons dodge to each side to get out of the way.
11:16 PM] <Percival_4> Percy grabs the gurney and starts his run out the door, just clearing it as shots are fired into the frame. Reaching the lobby he picks Dierdre up off the gurney and turns to go...and stops dead, Finding a tall sinister looking man with another group of goons blocking the way...
11:17 PM] <@The_Guide> ***
11:17 PM] <@The_Guide> End Session 1
11:17 PM] <@The_Guide> ***

Message 8316#86663

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...started by C. Edwards which C. Edwards participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/12/2003

On 10/12/2003 at 11:33pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian


Sorry I missed it....

Message 8316#86684

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...started by Bob McNamee which Bob McNamee participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/12/2003

On 10/25/2003 at 6:43pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

Here's the narration log from last night, our second session.


[7:10 PM3] <@Paganini> TQB - Arthurian Vampires - Session 2
[7:10 PM3] <@Paganini> *
[7:10 PM3] <@Paganini> *
[7:10 PM3] <@Paganini> *

[7:11 PM3] <@The_Guide> Uther - When last seen, Uther had just wasted a strange little monkey-man on the landing of the staircase. What naughty antics will our hero engage in next? Stay tuned!
[7:14 PM3] * +Uther_6 reaches the landing. Beads of perspiration sit like mourners on his forehead.
[7:15 PM3] <@The_Guide> There are two doors.
[7:15 PM3] <@The_Guide> One to the left, one to the right.
[7:16 PM3] <@The_Guide> Engraved into the surface of the right door is a sword, finely wrought, with precise detail, as though you could stretch out your hand and grasp it.
[7:17 PM3] <@The_Guide> The left door contains an equivalently artistic representation of a chalice.
[7:17 PM3] <+Uther_6> "Curse me for a fool.."
[7:17 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Choose wisely young hero!"
[7:17 PM3] * +Uther_6 moves towards the door bearing the chalice.
[7:18 PM3] <@The_Guide> The voice echos hauntingly, ending with a mad cackle.
[7:18 PM3] <@The_Guide> It's the voice of the strange twisted little man...
[7:19 PM3] * +Uther_6 narrows his eyes, looking through the surrounding gloom.
[7:19 PM3] <+Uther_6> "Laugh while you can, monkey boy."
[7:19 PM3] * +Uther_6 opens the door.
[7:20 PM3] <@The_Guide> The landing drops out from under Uther's feet and he falls into the gloom.

[7:21 PM3] <@The_Guide> * Scene cuts to Hector

[7:22 PM3] <@The_Guide> Hector comes to himself, humming a strange little tune.
[7:22 PM3] <@The_Guide> He was dancing with someone, he knew, someone beautiful and desirable, someone perfect, someone.
[7:22 PM3] <@The_Guide> ....
[7:23 PM3] <@The_Guide> Hector sits up
[7:23 PM3] * +Hector_7 rubs his eyes. Checks his watch.
[7:23 PM3] <@The_Guide> He's in the center of a circle of marble pedestals, each holding a hideous gargoyle face.
[7:23 PM3] <@The_Guide> There are stairs in front of him, and everything is white.
[7:23 PM3] <@The_Guide> There doesn't seem to be a piano anywhere.
[7:24 PM3] * +Hector_7 tries to clear the fog out of his head to remember how much time he has left before....BOOM.
[7:31 PM3] <+Hector_7> Hectors eyes widen as he realizes he has less than thirty seconds...
[7:32 PM3] <+Hector_7> His heart skips a beat, when he quickly rechecks his math. 15 minutes.
[7:32 PM3] <+Hector_7> "That'll give me time to find Uther...gotta shake the cobwebs out. Gotta get him out alive."
[7:33 PM3] <+Hector_7> "Might even get both of us out..."
[7:33 PM3] * +Hector_7 heads up the stairs.
[7:33 PM3] <@The_Guide> The stairs curve around up to the second floor.
[7:34 PM3] * +Hector_7 climbs them slowly, shotgun and sword drawn. Nerves like razors.
[7:35 PM3] <@The_Guide> The stairs end at a long hallway.
[7:35 PM3] <@The_Guide> There are several doorways along either side, and a window at the far end.
[7:35 PM3] <@The_Guide> The window is strange though, it doesn't seem to be letting in daylight, or moonlight.
[7:35 PM3] <@The_Guide> But there's definitely some kind of light.
[7:36 PM3] * +Hector_7 stops at the top of the stairs. Listens.
[7:36 PM3] <@The_Guide> A tall figure stands sillouhetted in front of the window, hooded and cloaked in black, booted rooted to the polished floor.
[7:36 PM3] <@The_Guide> booted FEET rooted
[7:37 PM3] <@The_Guide> The figure speaks in a low, rich voice.
[7:37 PM3] * +Hector_7 tenses his muscles.
[7:38 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I am the guardian. There is little time left, but it seems that the Lady respects your abilities. So I have been sent to occupy you."
[7:38 PM3] <@The_Guide> He shifts slightly, and Hector realizes he's holding a sword.
[$19our:$10i38u7:38 PM3 $24a7:38 PM3] * +Hector_7 says nothing. Raises both his blade and shotgun slowly.
[7:39 PM3] <@The_Guide> The figure eyes the shotgun.
[7:39 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I do not believe that will be effective here, but you're welcome to try."
[7:39 PM3] <+Hector_7> "Give me a reason..."
[7:40 PM3] <@The_Guide> The figure shrugs
[7:40 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I am content. Turn and go if you choose."
[7:40 PM3] <+Hector_7> "I don't leave with out the man I came for."
[7:40 PM3] <+Hector_7> "If I don't leave with him...none of us leave."
[7:41 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Then make your move. The Lady may be eternal, but I assure you, my patience is not. Stand and deliver, or turn and go. But let us not stand staring at each other light two fools viewing the new moon."
[7:42 PM3] <+Hector_7> "Black moves first."
[7:42 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Only in Go."
[7:42 PM3] * +Hector_7 spits.
[7:43 PM3] <+Hector_7> "The GO!"
[7:43 PM3] <+Hector_7> (Then GO!)
[7:47 PM3] <+Hector_7> Both stand there as the seconds tick away. Sweat beads on Hectors brow.
[7:47 PM3] <+Hector_7> All he can see is the second ticking by on the detonator.
[7:47 PM3] <+Hector_7> (seconds)
[7:48 PM3] <+Hector_7> Right before his patience gives in, the figure in black goes from a standstill to a diving leap in a half-breath.
[7:49 PM3] <+Hector_7> Hector's training kicks in. He ducks low as he trains his shotgun on the blur and pulls hte trigger at the right moment.
[7:50 PM3] <+Hector_7> The weapon vomits out a hail of shrapnel and jellied fire.
[7:50 PM3] <+Hector_7> The Guardin's cloak goes up in flames, he hits the floor, trying to rol himself out.
[7:50 PM3] * +Hector_7 jumps over him and continues down the hall...

[7:51 PM3] <@The_Guide> . Cut

[7:55 PM3] * +Mortiza_4 wlaks back inside her house, her mind racing. Lefeys gone too far. somethign has to be done...but what...?
[7:56 PM3] * +Mortiza_4 sit sin a chair for a moment, holding the head of the henchmen... she then quickly stands and puts it into a cotianer of flesh eathign bacteria to clean it to the bone.
[7:57 PM3] * +Mortiza_4 then decided.. mayeb tis time to ask omeone for help.. she take olhd of the ring on the chair around her neck and concentraits
[7:59 PM3] *** Mortiza_4 is now known as Mortiza_5
[8:00 PM3] <@The_Guide> The ring grows warm in Mortiza's hand. Gradually, she becomes aware of an insidious whispering, the infernal chittering of the damned.
[8:02 PM3] <@The_Guide> Mortiza sifts through the otherspace, searching aimlessly for that one familiar mind to bind it to her.
[8:02 PM3] <@The_Guide> But something seems to be stopping her. More power will be needed.
[8:03 PM3] <@The_Guide> She thinks of the Book. She swore not to use it, but...
[8:06 PM3] <+Mortiza_5> temptation is powerfull... the book would give her a boost, but then again, he husband would not approve.... desiscions, desiscions....
[8:07 PM3] <+Mortiza_5> however,.. despetare times.. desperate measures.... perhaps he'll forgive her.. there onyl a problem if she fails
[8:09 PM3] * +Mortiza_5 syands quickly... she walks over tot he book shelf and runs her fingers along the spine.., untill she find the old tome....
[8:11 PM3] * +Mortiza_5 plucks it formt he shelf and taps into its spiritual aura.. losing herslef in the daze untill she finally reaches the one she has sught for so long.
[8:12 PM3] <+Mortiza_5> ...""hello?"
[8:14 PM3] <@The_Guide> The Book flips open in Mortiza's hand, pages fluttering in a wind only they can feel. Strange runes and sigils glow from pages that she had not seen before. Mortiza feels a strange surge course through her... she gasps and drops the Book. It claps shut with a snap.
[8:14 PM3] <@The_Guide> There is a knock at the door.
[8:15 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I'm home..." calls a voice. Strangely familiar, yet raspy, dead...
[8:15 PM3] * +Mortiza_5 freezes... she doesn;t think thats what was suppsoed to happen...she places the book back on the shelf an then answers the door.
[8:15 PM3] <+Mortiza_5> " hello?
[8:16 PM3] <@The_Guide> Her husband stands there, grave dirt still clinging to his deteriorated body. For an instant, as the light catches his eyes, they seem to glow red, and something not quite right speaks from behind his voice.
[8:16 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I have come, as you have called."
[8:17 PM3] <@The_Guide> "You must ask me across your threshold. The night wanes, and we have much to discuss."

[8:17 PM3] <@The_Guide> . Cut

[8:18 PM3] <@The_Guide> Matthew has been tracking the vampire for two days.
[8:19 PM3] <@The_Guide> Standing at the entrance to the Tower Bridge, weapons in hand, he wonders what he's doing. This vampire is strange. Matthew knows about vampires and water... his research has told him.
[8:20 PM3] <@The_Guide> But this vampire is arrogant, mocking, inviting Matthew to follow with a sly grin and a flick of the head.
[8:20 PM3] <@The_Guide> It disappeared into the darkness of the bridge, over open water.
[8:20 PM3] <@The_Guide> But he saw it the night his son was... killed.
[8:22 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Matthew shakes his head. Regardless of the vampire's actions, the course is still clear. He
[8:22 PM3] <+Matthew_2> He thumbs off the safety of his revolver, and stalks warily onto the bridge
[8:24 PM3] <+Matthew_2> It has been a long time, but now is the time to settle the score. He raises the pistol, and fires several shots into the shadows that the vampire melted into
[8:29 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Sparks fly, and the phosphorus in the bullets starts burning brightly, illuminating three figures
[8:30 PM3] <+Matthew_2> "Shit. So, they decided to take me down. Well then, lets have some fun"
[8:31 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Matthew puts the pistol down on the ground carefully, and raises his hands
[8:31 PM3] <+Matthew_2> (shouting)I mean you no harm
[8:32 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Vamp 1: Not likely, my friend. Now, drop your bag, and come with us.
[8:33 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Matthew (confused): "Wait. Didn't he send you to kill me?"
[8:34 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Vamp 2: "Sure he did. But we have better...uses...for you"
[8:34 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Matthew "What in Sam's good hell are you talking about"
[8:36 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Vamp 1: "Your son, Matthew. He lives, after a fashion. He is the one that sent us to kill you, not Mordred"
[8:37 PM3] <@The_Guide> There's the soft whirr of tires on pavement.
[8:37 PM3] <@The_Guide> "That's enough boys."
[8:38 PM3] <@The_Guide> An old man wheels himself into the faint light.
[8:38 PM3] <@The_Guide> He's wearing tartan plaid, and a strange light seems to come from his eyes.
[8:39 PM3] <@The_Guide> Two of the vampires turn on him, but he just looks at them, and they don't seem to be there any more.
[8:39 PM3] <@The_Guide> The third vampire is down on his knees, retching on the pavement.
[8:39 PM3] <@The_Guide> The old man sighs painfully, and clutches one hand to his ribs.
[8:40 PM3] <@The_Guide> Matthew realizes that the old man has a fish in his other hand.
[8:40 PM3] <@The_Guide> Quite a large fish, but small for a salmon. Rainbow light reflects from the scales as water pours out of its mouth onto the remaining vampire.
[8:40 PM3] <@The_Guide> The vampire screams and sizzles. There's not much left of it.
[8:41 PM3] <@The_Guide> The old man holds the salmon up. He seems to be talking to it.
[8:41 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Thank you my friend. Again in time of need..."
[8:41 PM3] <@The_Guide> The old man tosses the salmon towards the edge of the bridge. It gives a midaire flip and dives into the Thames. There's a distant splash.
[8:42 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I appologize for that, but I could think of no other way to lure you too me, and, as you can see, my mobility is somewhat hindered of late."
[8:42 PM3] <@The_Guide> The man offers his hand to you.
[8:43 PM3] <+Matthew_2> Matthew stays several feet away. "Who are you?"
[8:44 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I have many names. None of them are important. But if it makes you feel better, you may use one of them. Pellam I think. Or perhaps Anfortas."
[8:44 PM3] <@The_Guide> The old man smiles.
[8:45 PM3] <+Matthew_2> "Then I'll call you Pellam. (Shakes hand). What is it you want with me Pellam?"
[8:47 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I'm afraid you tread a fine path, my friend. You have been caught up in an ancient struggle that few mortals have seen. But, as you can see, I am in a sorry state, and my domain has somewhat shrunk since the old times. I must employ any strategy at my grasp, even such a windfall as you. But there is always a choice. The path is dangerous, but you may yet turn from it.
[8:48 PM3] * +Matthew_2 bends down, picks up his revolver, and begins reloading it.
[8:48 PM3] <@The_Guide> "You will find that, if you accept this charge, when you leave the bridge, it will not be the place from which you entered it, but another place where a task must be done."
[8:48 PM3] <+Matthew_2> "What would you have me do? Where is my son?"
[8:49 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Your son, I fear, is beyond redemption, but, you may yet find a way. If you complete the task, the woman you find there may help you."
[8:50 PM3] <@The_Guide> "This night, an ancient evil is to be born anew, bringing great strength to our enemies. Even now, the dark ritual is prepared, that yet should never have been. Will you accept?"
[8:52 PM3] <+Matthew_2> "Old man, I do not know where you come from, or what your agenda is, but I feel that you can lead me to my son. Point the way, I will play the part of your vassal for now"
[8:52 PM3] <@The_Guide> The old man nods.
[8:53 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Very well. Follow the bridge back the way you came. And take this. It will aide you."
[8:54 PM3] <@The_Guide> He hands you a small ivory figurine, the shape of it is a strange beast, snake-like, with a distended belly.

[8:54 PM3] <@The_Guide> .Cut

[8:57 PM3] <@The_Guide> Uther is in a damp earthy place.
[8:57 PM3] <@The_Guide> Vines grow on the walls, which seem to be made of stone, but also of dirt.
[8:57 PM3] <@The_Guide> It's dark, but not unpleasant.
[8:58 PM3] <@The_Guide> There is a golden light shining a ways down.
[8:58 PM3] * +Uther_6 feels the hair on his neck bristle as he waits for his eyes to adjust.
[8:58 PM3] <@The_Guide> There's only one way to go... it seems like a dead end.
[8:59 PM3] * +Uther_6 starts to reach for his pistols, then changes his mind.
[8:59 PM3] * +Uther_6 goes towards the light.
[8:59 PM3] <@The_Guide> Uther's pistols don't seem to have come with him.
[8:59 PM3] <@The_Guide> In fact, he's wearing a completely different costume.
[8:59 PM3] <@The_Guide> Ancient and outlandish.
[9:01 PM3] * +Uther_6 studies his new garb, ponders the implications, wipes the sweat from his brow, and continues moving forward.
[9:01 PM3] <@The_Guide> The tunnel opens out into a warm cozy place, cavelike, but not large. There is a fire in a natural hearth, and a heap of rugs in the center of the floor.
[9:01 PM3] <@The_Guide> Angular runes march across the floor radiating away from the center.
[9:02 PM3] <@The_Guide> A small table is to one side, containing a flagon of wine, some cheese, dried fruits, nuts, and a joint of meat.
[9:02 PM3] <@The_Guide> The lady from Uther's dreams is taking her ease on the skins.
[9:03 PM3] * +Uther_6 's eyes narrow and his hands clench.
[9:03 PM3] <@The_Guide> Sitting near her is another lady, older, silver in her hair, slight lines at her eyes. She too is lovely, with a kind of ageless beauty. Sparks dangle from her ears, bobbing as she sips from a goblet.
[9:03 PM3] <+Uther_6> "I've looked long for you, milady"
[9:03 PM3] <@The_Guide> "So you have come at last Uther."
[9:03 PM3] * +Uther_6 bows to them both.
[9:03 PM3] <@The_Guide> The older lady speaks.
[9:03 PM3] <@The_Guide> "You made the right choice at the Doors. I was so afraid..."
[9:04 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Well."
[9:04 PM3] <@The_Guide> She stands, drawing the young dream-woman up with her.
[9:04 PM3] <@The_Guide> "This is Igraine... she is, my daughter."
[9:04 PM3] * +Uther_6 steps forward.
[9:05 PM3] <+Uther_6> "Why.. why have you haunted me, shadowing my thoughts and dreams?"
[9:05 PM3] <@The_Guide> Igraine looks at the Lady, who nods.
[9:06 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I have called you from across great distances. My mother helped me, as I asked her to. We saw in the stars, you and I, our fates entwined, the son of our love..."
[9:06 PM3] <@The_Guide> She blushes and falls silent.
[9:07 PM3] <@The_Guide> The Lady gets to her feat, coral earrings swinging.
[9:07 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I will leave you now. Do not fail me, my daughter, my knight."
[9:07 PM3] <@The_Guide> She sweeps past you, down the tunnel you just came from.
[9:07 PM3] <+Uther_6> "When it comes down to it, I am a simple man. The fire of combat and strife fill my veins. I know not about visions and prophecy.."
[9:08 PM3] * +Uther_6 takes another step forward.
[9:08 PM3] * *Igraine* takes a step forward.
[9:08 PM3] <+Uther_6> "I find my blood is also fired by thoughts of you. I have braved much to find you, milady."
[9:14 PM3] * +Uther_6 let's out a snarl as his mind is accosted with a vision of burning destruction. The sharp wing beats of a dragon fill his mind as he sees a spout of flame issue forth from its pitiless maw.
[9:14 PM3] <+Uther_6> "We... we must leave this place. There is no time to squander."
[9:15 PM3] * +Uther_6 takes Igraine's hand.
[9:15 PM3] <+Uther_6> "Quickly, let us fly, before my effort and your vision are for naught."
[9:16 PM3] * +Uther_6 and Igraine flee for an exit that Uther cannot see. The light fades around him and shadows fall across his vision, space, and time.
[9:18 PM3] <@The_Guide> They step from the chamber into an inferno of blazing fire, as the mansion burns around them.

[9:18 PM3] <@The_Guide> .Cut

[9:22 PM3] * +Hector_7 runs up the hallway, glancing out the window before he turns the corner...
[9:25 PM3] <@The_Guide> The window sparkles, and Hector's head spins. He sees streched out in front of him not the warren of London streets, but the web of time. Uther running from a dim room with a lovely maiden in tow, Mortiza locked in the embrace of a corpse, vampires stalking the dark streets, a strange man stroking a salmon, he sees himself, taking a sword, becoming the greatest warrior alive...
[9:26 PM3] <@The_Guide> Hector is knocked away from the window by a heavy blow.
[9:26 PM3] <@The_Guide> "That was not for you," grates the Guardian, singed, but still kicking.
[9:26 PM3] <@The_Guide> He seems angry now.
[9:26 PM3] * +Hector_7 is dazed.
[9:26 PM3] * +Hector_7 slashes with his blade.
[9:27 PM3] <@The_Guide> The Guardian cocks his head to listen. "You must go now! They are returning too soon. I do not know what will happen..."
[9:28 PM3] <@The_Guide> The Guardian hauls Hector to his feet and shoves him towards the stairs. "Hurry, fool!"
[9:28 PM3] <+Hector_7> Hector's mind reels.
[9:29 PM3] <+Hector_7> "Where is Uther?"
[9:29 PM3] <+Hector_7> "I don't leave without him."
[9:29 PM3] <@The_Guide> "He is coming, but it is too soon! Too soon! You must go, now, or all is lost. He will follow!"
[9:30 PM3] * +Hector_7 flips the shotgun in the air. Catches it and pumps it with one hand. Flips it again and catches the pistol grip.
[9:31 PM3] <+Hector_7> "I leave WITH UTHER or this place goes up in flames!"
[9:32 PM3] <@The_Guide> "It's too late!" cries the Guardian. He turns back down the hallway, but he is indeed correct. The bomb on the roof detonates.
[9:33 PM3] <@The_Guide> The concussion shakes the mansion, sending Hector tumbling down the stairs.
[9:34 PM3] <@The_Guide> The ceiling goes down behind you, there's fire everywhere.
[9:34 PM3] <@The_Guide> Uther is at the bottom of the stairs, bending over a cowering girl, surrounded by white light and flames.

[9:35 PM3] <@The_Guide> .Cut

[9:37 PM3] * +Mortiza_5 blinsk in surprise... she smiels a little.
[9:38 PM3] <+Mortiza_5> " i.. this.. wans;t what i had intended..but it'll work... welcome home dear.." she takes his hand sand leads him inside..
[9:38 PM3] <@The_Guide> "I cannot stay long. My hold on this mortal coil will be shed at dawn. But we have until then..."
[9:40 PM3] <+Mortiza_5> ' yes... i had called you here for soem advice but i had been intending for a spirirt... but now that your back psysically..
[9:41 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Yes, a corporeal form was essential for my needs."
[9:42 PM3] *** Matthew_2 is now known as suffusion_log
[9:42 PM3] * +Mortiza_5 smeisl and then hugs him very tightly so happy hes returned...
[9:43 PM3] <+Mortiza_5> " lefay... the bitch, she tries to take your body away"
[9:45 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Yes, but she could not succeed." The corpse reaches up a hand to stroke Mortiza's head.
[9:46 PM3] <@The_Guide> "Come, for one night your Nicholas will hold you again."
[9:46 PM3] <@The_Guide> He draws her towards the bed.

[9:46 PM3] <@The_Guide> .Cut

[9:47 PM3] <@The_Guide> Matthew steps off the bridge and the world shifts around him.
[9:47 PM3] <@The_Guide> It seems like he's moving through a cemetery, and yet...
[9:48 PM3] <@The_Guide> A door opens before him, into a small cottage.
[9:50 PM3] <@The_Guide> A woman lies there, chained to her bed, surrounded by lines of blue fire. Her belly is distended. She moans as it writhes. Matthew smells the smell of death, and sees the corpse of Nicholas Candor seated patiently to one side.
[9:50 PM3] <@The_Guide> "You are too late, mortal," it says. "The rite has been consummated, the offspring brought to term. He was a fool to have sent you, twice fool you to have come! Watch now, and see!"
[9:51 PM3] <@The_Guide> His eyes gleam red in anticipation.
[9:52 PM3] <@The_Guide> Mortiza's belly shifts and rolls, the skin stretching, distending, outlining a struggling shape within. A head appears, reptilian, snakelike, pushing, stretching, trying to escape.
[9:52 PM3] <@The_Guide> At last it passes through the skin, sliding to the floor in a gleaming, slimy heap.
[9:53 PM3] <@The_Guide> It is long, like a dragon, but wingless, and it has the feet of a cat. It's belly hangs like a loose sack, folded flesh slack and empty.
[9:54 PM3] <@The_Guide> It raises its head and howls out a mad crie.
[9:55 PM3] <@The_Guide> "The tale is not yet done! The tale is not yet done! Two score yet must quest and cry the cry before sated I may lie!"
[9:55 PM3] <@The_Guide> *
[9:55 PM3] <@The_Guide> *
[9:55 PM3] <@The_Guide> *
[9:55 PM3] <@The_Guide> End Session 2

Message 8316#88083

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by C. Edwards which C. Edwards participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/25/2003

On 10/25/2003 at 8:41pm, Dana_mun wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

Hehe- that was one of the more twisted gaming session i have played in a long while. though what happened wasn't what i was expecting. that doesn't mean i didn't like the result however.

my thought went along like this: since there was so much talk of unborn children and all, and given uther was authers father in the legend, i thought his union would result in auther, and that since traditionaly the candors were the guardians of gwenivere, their little.. romp as it were would result in some sort of gothy gwen. that was just in my head though.

anyway, with matt's last part - what that an alternate dimention, or a vision, er what? that confused me a little.

Message 8316#88090

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...from around 10/25/2003

On 10/26/2003 at 7:01am, suffusionofyellow wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

Yeah, if you wouldn't mind explaining that a bit more, so I know whats going on in the next session. And, if you want me to, I can do a little writing in character to link the two events Matthew was in.

Message 8316#88120

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by suffusionofyellow which suffusionofyellow participated Actual Play
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...from around 10/26/2003

On 10/26/2003 at 2:43pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: [TQB] Non-anthropomorphic Arthurian

Well, as with anything else in TQB, you guys can interperate it as you will via your MoVs. But my intent with the cut scene was that Mortiza's birthing of the Questing Beast was the event that the Fisher King wanted Matthew to stop. But good ol' satan was just a little too quick on the draw for him, so now you've got a problem. The Questing Beast is rampaging around looking for 40 souls to eat. Basically, just a big bang.

Message 8316#88128

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Paganini which Paganini participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/26/2003