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Topic: Basic newbie questions
Started by: chade0
Started on: 10/12/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 10/12/2003 at 9:20am, chade0 wrote:
Basic newbie questions

How does these affect your combat:

1. Drawing a weapons (assuming you were surprised and you did not have a weapon in your hand)?

2. Standing up from prone (After you are hit down etc)?

3. Picking up an object, weapon, etc?


4. The activation cost of faint-and-cut? 1 cp?

5. Is this correct: fighting prone/sitting gives you only 1/3 cp?

6. Can you really use Full Evasion to dodge missile fire? sounds easy...

I could not found these from the book... or I just didn't understand (I'm not an expert in English) :/


Message 8322#86624

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On 10/12/2003 at 9:45am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

could you post my PM on here, I forgot to copy and paste it here before sending... but to answer the last one, only if you are aware that the shot is coming at you and by full evade I interprate that to mean getting the hell away from where you were post haste which can be most disruptive sometimes and impossible at other times. Like if you are going down a narrow hall way you are not full evading unless you dive face first on to the ground. and then on top of that you have the added complication of other people that may want to kill you or not even nknowing that you are being shot at etc...

Message 8322#86625

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On 10/12/2003 at 9:53am, chade0 wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

Sure, here's what Ashren Va'Hale has answered:


1. How does these affect your combat:

1.1 Drawing a weapons (assuming you were surprised and you did not have a weapon in your hand)?

terrain roll, I use 2 opponents for short length, 3 for medium etc, an by opponents I mean which column I am choosing the target number from on the chart. read up on terrain rolls as they are extremely usefull for adlibbing unusual circumstances like this.

1.2 Standing up from prone (After you are hit down etc)?
assuming you want to get up I just allow it to happen if you survive that time you are at a fraction of your CP. if you wanted you could do a terrain roll based on number of opponents or terrain once again.

1.3 Picking up an object, weapon, etc?
Same anser as 1.1 but based on distance from me and other circumstances,

1.4 The activation cost of faint-and-cut? 1 cp?
yep, basically for faints what I do is allow you to declare an attack, defender declares what portion to use to defend and then I let the attacker declare a feint, select the new region and attack type then add one die to the attack for every 1 die removed from the pool to pay for it. so I have a cp of 12, I attack for 6, you declare a ddefense of 8 dice, I the declare a feint, I then use my last 6 paying 1 for 1 to add 3 more dice to my roll - total 9 to your 8, then we roll and resolve as normal.

I hope that answers your question.

1.5 Is this correct: fighting prone/sitting gives you only 1/3 cp?

I some times say 1/2, depends on my mood and how the PC ended up on the ground. If its a fall on his butt situation I allow 1/2, but a face plant gets only 1/3 to 1/4 depending on severity

Note, alot of this is my own houserules evolved from lots of play time. I hope it helps out and in the mean time, enjoy the game, its a great one!


Thats it.

Message 8322#86628

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On 10/12/2003 at 9:56am, chade0 wrote:
about terrain rolls

Btw, about terrain rolls.

The book says that a character engaged in combat is assumed to be "Normal" when defending (and Hurried/Sprinting while attacking). Does this mean that no roll is needed against multiple opponents? Can you always move enough to face only one?

Message 8322#86630

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On 10/12/2003 at 10:02am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

if you want to face one but two are trying to face you then you must roll against the terrain number. I prefer to always roll against hurried if I am actually maneuvering the character for position.

Message 8322#86632

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On 10/12/2003 at 6:30pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

Hey Ashren, your PM's alwaysw stay in your sent items, so you can retrieve them later whenever you want (eventually your sent itels fills up and the oldest ones get deleted, but that takes a while).

Just a couple of things I do differently from Ashren (YMMV).

1. Drawing a weapons (assuming you were surprised and you did not have a weapon in your hand)?

I don't require a terrain roll for this, seems a bit harsh as you could easily fail, where as realistically it's not that hard to draw a weapon. I simply charge an "activation cost" of 2 dice to draw the weapon, it takes 1 exchange, and during that exchange you can only use evasions.

2. Standing up from prone (After you are hit down etc)?

The same way as 1. except no activation cost. Although of course until you have stood up you only have 1/2 or 1/3 dice in your CP (I use 1/2 for on the ground but active, or 1/3 for "knocked on your ass").

3. Picking up an object, weapon, etc?

Duck and Weave defense. You get the item whether the defense is successful or not but are likely to be hit, and you don't gain the usual benefit of duck & weave's follow on attack.

4. The activation cost of faint-and-cut? 1 cp?

Ashren is basically right here but forgot the activation cost. It costs you 2 dice per 1 you want to add to the feinted attack, but it also costs you a single die activation cost to have done the feint in the first place. In his example, 6 die attack with 6 saved over, out of the extra 6, one is spent on activation, then you can spend 4 to add 2 to your attack, and you have 1 final one that you can't do anything with. The next time you use a feint against that same opponent, that activation cost is 2, then 3, etc.

5. Is this correct: fighting prone/sitting gives you only 1/3 cp?

Half for being prone/sitting, 1/3 if you have been knocked down by the hook maneuver or similar. So usually IMC that means 1/3 as soon as you GET knocked down, but 1/2 for subsequent rounds if you're still down there.

6. Can you really use Full Evasion to dodge missile fire? sounds easy...

Depends on the situation. I actually wrote a clarification of this for TFOB (only a draft so far). Basically, in an open field with plenty of cover and/or ditches to leap into etc, yes. In more cramped situations, use the partial evasion TN. In really cramped situations where you have nowhere to go (like a narrow hallway) use Duck & Weave's TN. YMMV vary of course.


Message 8322#86665

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On 10/12/2003 at 10:39pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

Actually, I just changed my mind on #1. Ashren is right, drawing a new weapon during combat (or a weapon at all if you don't have one) should be a terrain roll, basing the TN on how accessable the weapon is.

Something like:

Small weapon (e.g. dagger) in belt or sheath; TN6
Larger weapon (e.g. sword) in belt or sheath; TN7
Small weapon in boot; TN7
Weapon in back sheath or strapped to back; TN8

I like that much better.


Message 8322#86678

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On 10/12/2003 at 11:40pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

note for realism buffs though, if you have a weapon of medium length or longer on your back it will be HELL to get out of its sheath. back sheaths were used iirc for travelling on horse back etc and you have to take it off your back first then draw it so the TN brian mentioned may be a bit off. But I bow to those with more knowlege so correct me if I am wrong on that guess.

Message 8322#86686

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On 10/13/2003 at 1:10am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

That was off the top of my head :-) You're right though, so maybe:

Small weapon (e.g. dagger) in belt or sheath; TN6
Larger weapon (e.g. sword) in belt or sheath; TN7
Small weapon in boot; TN7
Weapon in back sheath; TN8
Long (or longer) weapon in back sheath or strapped to back; TN9


Message 8322#86691

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On 10/13/2003 at 1:46am, kenjib wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

What happens if you fail the terrain roll when drawing a weapon?

Message 8322#86695

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On 10/13/2003 at 1:56am, Salamander wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

Ashren Va'Hale wrote: note for realism buffs though, if you have a weapon of medium length or longer on your back it will be HELL to get out of its sheath. back sheaths were used iirc for travelling on horse back etc and you have to take it off your back first then draw it so the TN brian mentioned may be a bit off. But I bow to those with more knowlege so correct me if I am wrong on that guess.

I can draw a longsword from scabbard, on the belt, not in hand and get into guard in about a second. If the scabbard is in hand, I will fire the scabbard at you as I draw the weapon. Neat trick, that, Milan showed me.

Message 8322#86697

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On 10/13/2003 at 2:36am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Basic newbie questions

kenjib wrote: What happens if you fail the terrain roll when drawing a weapon?

You had to jump around so much that you didn't manage to actually get it in hand yet. Try again next exchange.


Message 8322#86702

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