The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Artists: Adept Press is looking for you
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 10/13/2003
Board: Connections

On 10/13/2003 at 4:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Artists: Adept Press is looking for you


I have some projects that need some art.

Check out the Trollbabe site to see the series so far. I have a few stories for which the illustrators seem to have vanished, so I need folks fast.

Trollbabe illustrators don't get paid, but (a) neither do I, and (b) you do own the art/strips for your own commercial purposes. Make t-shirts, publish them as mini-comics, whatever.

Yup, Elfs is going to hard-copy format (h'mm, not the best choice of words). It will be a digest-sized soft-cover, in black and white - in fact, I'm looking for a "graphic" or "logo" type image rather than a traditional illustration. Set it up as black on a white background panel, which will be set on a black cover.

This one'll be paid, say, um, $50. As always, if you draw it, you own it.

This is for people who really like the setting I presented in Sex & Sorcery, the insectoid Heavy-Metal fantasy stuff. I'd like to put together a gallery for the website, and I'm not sure about payment or anything like that. This might be a kind of "fan art contribution" section.


Message 8339#86764

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On 10/13/2003 at 5:11pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Artists: Adept Press is looking for you

I'm also interested in illustrations for Black Fire and Mongrel, the two alpha game-designs I wrote for my Gamism and Simulationism essays, respectively. Please check out the games first.

Payment for these will not follow the Adept Press $100 rules, but are cut down to $50 instead.

Oh, and if you have any questions about the art for this thread, post them here, but if you're just offering to be be included, then contact me privately.


Message 8339#86768

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On 10/15/2003 at 6:28pm, cns1138 wrote:
Re: Artists: Adept Press is looking for you

Mr. Edwards,

I am interested in helping you out on the projects you mentioned. I am mainly concernerd with paying work. Please contact me if you still need a hand.

Christian N. St. Pierre

Message 8339#86959

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On 10/15/2003 at 11:57pm, Colin the Riot wrote:
RE: Artists: Adept Press is looking for you

I'm interested as well. I've done work for Paul Czege's "My Life With Master" and *Luke Crane's "Burning Wheel".

Ask them about me, or check out some samples on my site at

The digital art section's not complete yet, but the site's only 2 days old.

You can contact me via that site, or PM me here.

Message 8339#87020

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