The Forge Reference Project


Topic: realms magic system
Started by: realms_creator
Started on: 10/16/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/16/2003 at 7:22am, realms_creator wrote:
realms magic system

Tell me what you think.

The Magic System

Character Information

The world of Rock Mornon holds many secrets. One of the greatest is the Great Tower of Magicks. All that is magical has a written history in the great brick tower within the walls of the inner castle. Within, new apprentices study along side great sorcerers in the search and study of spells.
This is not the only place in the realm to study. Before the invasion, there were two other towers of such knowledge. There has been no word since the sealing of the gates on the fate of the other two libraries of wizardry.
The ancient story told to children is that, in the beginning, man was given the gift of magicks by an ancient society. These beings lived in a mystical place not known to any but a chosen few.
The Alphabet of the Arcane was given to man and to the Elvani. Entrusted with this power, there were to use it to protect and defend themselves against the dark creatures that stalk the world. The darkness that lived in man and Elvani prevailed, and soon after the alphabet was deciphered. The powers of man expanded and the Elvani were more adapt at using the magicks.
The wizard professions were created and so began the battles of the most powerful mages in the known realms of man and Elvani. The system was stolen, and given to the Dwarvani, and even some of the more intellectual creatures were using the magicks. Now, it is wild and free to any with the ability to study and understand the letterings and their meanings.

Player Information
All wizard and mage classes are assigned spell points to determine how many spells a day can be cast. Every class is different, and advancement of points may differ as well. Every spell has a spell cost. Spell users may use as many spells as their spell points will allow. If spell points are not used, they are lost and cannot be carried over to the next day.
Importance of sleep- A spell casting character class must have a certain amount of sleep per day or they will suffer a loss of spell points. Once a spell-caster starts the sleep process, the spell points on the following table will determine the amount of points they have to use.

1 minute-4 hours of sleep 15 points gained
4 hours – 6 hours of sleep 25 points gained
6 hours – 8 hours of sleep Total points allowed gained

If a spell caster has 15 or less spell points normally, subtract half of their spell points if their sleep is disrupted, or if they get less than 6 hours total.


All mages and wizards will use a point system of spell use. Any wizard may cast any spell from their element as long as he has enough spell power. Spell power will vary from character to character.

Base Spell Power per Element

Earth Wind Water Fire
30 40 40 50

As the magic user gains levels, their magic points will increase by their Knowledge attribute.

• Spell range and area affected—spells cast can be increased or strengthened by spending more spell points. For example, magic user casts Ice Dagger. Normally, the damage it does is 1d6 per level of caster, and costs 10 spell points. Spend 20 spell points, and the damage increases to 2d6.

Spell Failure VS. Sidestep


During combat, a spell caster may want to avoid being hit by an attacker in the middle of casting a spell. All casters are trained to deal with this by using a move called the SIDESTEP.

The SIDESTEP- the spell caster moves away from the attacker and continues to cast spells at the same time. Every action the spell caster has equals the number of sidesteps that can be done every rotation. Using a side-step does not use the player characters action.

For example: Gretchen the Battle Mage has two actions per rotation. A fighter with two actions attacks Gretchen. She may use two sidesteps to avoid being hit, then cast 2 spells, use a spell and draw a weapon, or any other two actions.

If Gretchen is casting a “big” spell that takes two actions, she is still able to use the side-step while casting, but she runs the risk of spellfizzle.

Spell Fizzle

There is a chance for a spell to fail and fizzle when using the side-step while casting. This means the spell has failed and nothing has happened. This is due to lost concentration while casting, and that something was mispronounced or a phrase was altered enough to change or ruin the spell.

If a successful roll has been made, the caster sidestepped the attacker and the spell was correctly cast.

Spell Fizzle Chart

Life Level % chance of failure
1 90%
2 80%
3 70%
4 60%
5 50%
6 40%
7 30%
8 20%
9 10%
10 0%

Message 8368#87051

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On 10/17/2003 at 3:16pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: realms magic system

I'll respond to this one of the two. The moderators may note that there's redundant post with the same title.

The system looks pretty standard. I'll start with a standard question then. What game is this for (link?)? What role do you see magic having in the scope of the game?

What's your name (so I don't have to refer to you as RC)?


Message 8368#87232

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On 10/20/2003 at 2:29pm, realms_creator wrote:
Magic user classes in the realms

What game is this for (link?)? The game is called Realms of Adventuring. The website we are working on and I will post later on in the next few weeks. The website is being design at this time and I will post the link when it has been created.

What role do you see magic having in the scope of the game? Magic is going to be a major part in our game. There are a total seven classes of Magic. Here is a brief run down.

The towers of elemental wizards. They cast spells based on their element knowledge that they were trained in.
You have four orders elemental wizards.
• Fire
• Earth
• Wind
• Water

Then there is the holy class of magic users

• Missionary
• Bishops
• Arch Bishops
• Battle Clerics
• Knights of the true cross

Then there is a fighter class of magic user

• Battle mages

Then there is the dark magic user from the tower of Necro

Necrodancers are trained in the art of all things dead.

As you can tell magic users have a great role in our game. We have a total of 16 classes and 10 races in our game world.

If you want to know more feel free to email us at

Message 8368#87487

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...started by realms_creator which realms_creator participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 10/20/2003