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Topic: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.
Started by: BirdMan
Started on: 10/16/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 10/16/2003 at 5:32pm, BirdMan wrote:
Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

So anyway, I feel kind of silly asking this, but try as I might, I can't readily discern the answer.

Let us say that Bob (he of Account Temps fame) has a Sorcery Pool of 14. Let us furthermore say that he is casting a modest spell, for which he uses 10 dice. In addition, let us understand that the spell has a CTN of 6.

My quandry is this: After he casts the spell (assuming he is successful and withstands the effects of aging), my reading leads me to believe that his Sorcery Pool is now 14, and will be so for the next hour (when it will refresh at a rate of 1pt/hr), unless he casts one of the Summoning Mana spells.

Is this correct? Have I interpreted the rules properly?

Message 8373#87107

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On 10/16/2003 at 6:04pm, Ben wrote:
Re: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

BirdMan wrote: ...Sorcery Pool of 14...
...uses 10 dice... reading leads me to believe that his Sorcery Pool is now 14, and will be so for the next hour (when it will refresh at a rate of 1pt/hr), unless he casts one of the Summoning Mana spells.

Is this correct? Have I interpreted the rules properly?

Maybe. I can't tell if that second 14 was supposed to be 4 or not. If it was, then you are quite correct.

Message 8373#87111

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On 10/16/2003 at 6:21pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

4, not 14, but you're otherwise right. Sorcerers in TROS can't just throw spell after spell like they can in other games (unless they're prepared to eat a chunk of aging by casting repeated mana spells).

On the other hand, in TROS, one spell is usually enough...


Message 8373#87114

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On 10/16/2003 at 7:28pm, BirdMan wrote:
Thanks! :-)

***mutter, mutter... Silly typing fingers... bugger all.... ***

Thanks guys! Appreciate the help. By the way, I've been lurking here for a few months and, MAN, are you guys nice!

Makes coming back that much more appealing.

But anyway... Thanks again.

Message 8373#87127

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On 10/16/2003 at 8:36pm, kenjib wrote:
RE: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

One thing a sorcerer can do to get more mileage out of his spell pool is to embed lots of spells in objects are people that will be around him when needed. This also makes for the cool imagery of a wizard having his staff or amulet and really losing lots of power if seperated from it.

Message 8373#87144

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On 10/16/2003 at 9:26pm, Spartan wrote:
Re: Thanks! :-)

BirdMan wrote: By the way, I've been lurking here for a few months and, MAN, are you guys nice!

Excellent, he's fallen for it. He hasn't yet figured out what pricks we really are... ;)

Oh, I'm sorry, did I say that out loud? :P

Welcome aboard, BirdMan! We're all pretty dedicated fans around here, and we do try and help the newbies as much as possible. Be sure to check the forum directory, there's links to dozens of informative TROS threads in there. :)

Have fun!


Message 8373#87156

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On 10/26/2003 at 1:26am, Andrew Ciotti wrote:
RE: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

If I am not mistaken SA help as well if you have a number of your SA going at the time then SA can be used for spell casting and/or resisting aging. Therefore the game is "tiltiled" (did not know how else to say that) to use Sorcery when it really matters to your PC...not just because you can "cast" a light spell or you don't want to "waste" the spell.

Sorcery is another way to bring in SA which are the centerpeice of the game.

Of course if I screwed up lease let me know if I have that wrong...


Message 8373#88107

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On 10/26/2003 at 8:19pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

No, you're absolutely right.


Message 8373#88154

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On 10/26/2003 at 10:03pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.


You guys have no idea how happy this thread makes me. Do you realize how many freakin' posts and draggin' people back from misconceptions it took back in the early days of this forum? Yeesh. And now it's all painless and well-explained and friendly.

Go sorcerers! I'm looking forward to hearing about how a player really hammers his or her character's theme home with 25 SA points firing behind the magic, at the Kurosawa Ragnarok climax of an entire game.


Message 8373#88162

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On 10/27/2003 at 12:22am, LordSmerf wrote:
RE: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

Ron's post really strikes a chord with me since i have a character concept that just begs to be executed (and will be once our first campaign begins). The sorcerrer who's family has been killed and he seeks revenge. But not just death for his tormentor(s) but their utter humiliation and destruction as well. Even when his SAs are involved he doesn't even bother to resist aging, he's on a suicide mission... I'm really excited...


Message 8373#88172

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On 10/28/2003 at 2:41am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Heh. About The Sorcery Pool.

One mechanical aspect you'll want to keep in mind, Smerf, is that the more you age, the more likely you are to go down like a glass-jawed boxer. If that happens at the wrong time, you really will have committed suicide, so all you'll have on your hands is a corpse, a frustrated character concept, and a handful of Insight.

The driven sorcerer succeeds on a mixture of daring and caution.

Message 8373#88334

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