The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Addiction
Started by: DaGreatJL
Started on: 10/20/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 10/20/2003 at 10:41pm, DaGreatJL wrote:

Okay, I have this problem. There are some people around here who are under the impression I'm a good GM. Whether or not they are correct is not something I will comment on at this time, as it doesn't matter; the fact that they think this is all. Now, I like these people, and when they ask me to GM, I can't help but give in.
I have found that I cannot handle GMing when I am not under the influence of caffiene. I have tried it; things just don't seem to connect with me without some strong soda. Why is this a problem? I don't like drinking caffiene. I wish to stop my addiction; however, I cannot GM without feeding it, and my friends expect me to GM. What can I do?

Message 8422#87587

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On 10/20/2003 at 11:00pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Addiction

You're kidding, right?

"They want me to do X."

"I don't do X well without doing Y."

"I don't want to do Y."

Their flattery about your skills at X are supposed to make you put aside your dislike at Y?

You'll have to work this ethical dilemma out on your own. But I should point out that it's a clear case of a group bullying an individual into doing what they want, for their purposes.

X and Y could be anything: sex, crack, watching pigeons, bowling, or homework. The logic still applies.


Message 8422#87593

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On 10/21/2003 at 12:13am, Piratecat wrote:
RE: Addiction

As an alertness/fatigue consultant, I know a lot about caffeine. What in particular are you having trouble with when you aren't caffeinated?

Message 8422#87602

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On 10/21/2003 at 12:18am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Addiction

I'm constantly amazed by the various skill sets to be found in members of this board!

Me...I know ductwork...and sheet metal.

Message 8422#87604

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On 10/21/2003 at 4:51pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Addiction

I used to do a lot of caffeine. There was a point where I was drinking over a gallon of Mountain Dew every day. Actually I have no idea how much really, as I worked at a place where I just had a 32 oz cup that I refilled constantly. Might have been several gallons some days. Just silly amounts of caffeine.

Then I started having stomach problems and had to quit (think all that soda had anything to do with it?). I didn't miss it. In fact, what I found was that I felt better all the time. When on caffeine it was like I was either tired or more or less OK, depending on how much caffeine I had in me. As soon as I got off it, I felt OK all the time.

My point is that I can't imagine what effect that caffeine has that makes "things connect" for you. Unless your body chemistry is very strange, it seems to me that the effect is psychological. If I were you, I'd play without it, and get my confidence up to the point where I didn't feel that I needed the substance. If you have a cruddy session in the meanwhile, no big deal. Just keep your eye on the ball. Prep well. Play easy games to run (try InSpectres to make you feel good about your GMing skills). Concentrate on improving the skills that you can improve. I'm guessing that the need for caffeine will go away as soon as you forget it.


Message 8422#87645

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On 10/21/2003 at 5:30pm, Marco wrote:
RE: Addiction

I ... was (am) going to suggest decaffinated drinks as a sort of placebo ... but there's a real expert here so I'll shut up. No I won't, I'm posting this.

Damn, that's kinda existential really (no, it's not).


Message 8422#87649

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On 10/21/2003 at 6:04pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Addiction

All right, this is getting silly.

JL, if the issue is caffeine as a substance, you're going to have to seek help elsewhere. Everyone else, fun as it might be, please take any discussion about that to private mail.

This thread's closed.


Message 8422#87652

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