The Forge Reference Project


Topic: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.
Started by: Trevis Martin
Started on: 10/22/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 10/22/2003 at 2:05am, Trevis Martin wrote:
MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

Here follows the second session narration log for our MLWM game.

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Ref: MLWM, Meat for the Machine, Session 2
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Ref: Old Hanse
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OldHanse_M: "So, now that Lucano has gone on his way, can we talk Herr Smith?"

Ref: "Breifly my man, I've a family to get home to. How can I help you?

OldHanse_M: "Well, I've just admired your work, and wondered what makes a man like yourself work so hard? What's your secret?"

Ref: Pride and passion, fellow. I love the forge and my work is the best in the region. There is nothing like making something permanenet in the world and helping others as you do. Plus I am sustained by the love of my family.
Ref: but I'm afraid I must get on my man, It's getting late and I have home to attend to.

OldHanse_M: "Work and family? That is all? Come now, surely you must have some vice. Even a man as virtuous as yourself needs something to fill the void from time to time?"

Ref: The blacksmith pauses as he looks at you. "Well if in good company I can, accidentally, mind you, get into an excess of thanksgiving. But no harm has come of it, and it doensn't affect things dear to me."
Ref: No harm in enjoying the bounty of life after all.

OldHanse_M: "Well, certainly not."

OldHanse_Mike gives him a warm smile, sharing his little secret.

Ref: Suddenly you are distracted by a shouts from outside. The villaige bell starts ringing. A large man bursts in the door and yells "Benno! something has happened at the clockmakers shop! Come!"

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Ref: Lucano
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Lucano_1: The Clockmaker stands and stares at the destruction in horror. Lucano catches sight of Alekos disappearing into the coming darkness.
Lucano_1: "NO! He's all I had! MARTIN! MARTIN!"
Lucano_1: The Clockmaker runs out onto the streets, raising the alarm.
Lucano_1: Lucano weezes and watches helplessly through the broken window.
Lucano_1: "What have we done?"
Lucano_1: Lucano makes his way back to the ship...

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Ref: Horror Revealed (Alekos)
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Alekos: Jaergan, the innkeeper and tavern-master of the Red Wheel, leans heavily upon his brass staff in the cool night air. His ears strain, picking up the sound of the rising alarm, and begins to hobble towards the commotion. Several of the local townsfolk join him along the way, and the small band is soon prowling the woods behind the Clockmaker's house.
Alekos: It's not long before one of the men catches a glint of light from his torch; gripping pitchforks, the group moves towards it, then stops in their tracks at what they behold.
Alekos: Before them, of clockwork body and four spider-like metal legs, is a creature with the head of a child, standing all of two feet tall. Jaergan gasps at the sight: it is Burna, his daughter! Burna, who disappeared three months ago! As the thing turns to face the innkeeper, its click-clacking is echoed all around; there are more such things: on the trees, around the men, in the bushes. All with the heads of children lost, dead, or missing.
Alekos: "Daddy!" Burna cries. And leaps for his face.
Alekos: The creatures fall on the men in a swarm, eating the flesh from their bodies as locusts in the fields.
Alekos: "Daddy!"
Alekos: "Daddy!"
Alekos: "Daddy!"

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Ref: Hanse
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Ref: Old Hanse sits in the Koingsgarten pub. Many villagers are here muttering darkly to each other and peering out the windows. Suddenly the doors burst open and a group of men torn and bleading from several wounds run in and slam the doors and begin to shove the furniture against them.
OldHanse_M: "Vat is wrong?"
Ref: "Monsters!" one of the men yells "Monsters in the woods have taken the clockmakers child.!"
Ref: The tavern collectivly gasps
OldHanse_Mike shakes his head, and returns to the bar where Edna the wife of the owner of the Konigsgarten absently wipes the surface clean repeatedly as she listens to the news. "Don't fret Frau, we men will keep you safe."
*** OldHanse_Mike is now known as OldHanse_Mike_1
Ref: Edna looks at Hanse and somehow takes comfort in his old face. "Thank you sir, if anything can stand against the evil in the forest our faithful men can." pats his hand. Let me get you something to drink or eat sir."

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Ref: Lucano
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Ref: After a desperate journey with a heart full of sorrow, Lucano finally arrives back at the boat. Stepping on its iron decks again causes his miserable lungs to calm themselves. He breathes deeply and heads below. As he creeps past the Masters door he hears the Master's voice call for him. Cringing he goes inside. The master is at his repast. The maid Tibelda is serving his dinner. "Well Lucano, do you have your parts? How quickly may it be built?"

Lucano_1 swallows.
Lucano_1: "These things, they take time. Like the teeth of the gears. You must wait for them to come around. These people, they are weak and slow. It will take them time to produce the parts we need."

Ref: The master glares at him. "You could not get the parts? Incomptence. You took long enough about it. What kept you so long if they weren't available?"

Lucano_1 looks around before speaking in a lowered tone.
Lucano_1: "I found Hanse at the Smith's. He seemed to be up to something, but he stopped talking when I came in."
Lucano_1: "And...there was...the commotion at the Clockmakers."
Ref: "Which you waould not have been part of had you not chosen to dawdle! I take it you found nothing about what Hanse was up to?"
Lucano_1 lowers his eyes.
Lucano_1: "No. But he did stop talking when I arrived. May be a bad sign..."
Lucano_1 feels a dull pain in the pit of his stomach thinking of poor Martin.

Ref: "Useless. Well perhaps if you had not been distracted by the "Haven of your Soul" The master sneers, "you would at least be ready to do your work. Tomorrow you will return to the clockmakers and steal the parts you need. Then you will burn the shop to the ground."

Lucano_1 's eye widen.
Lucano_1: "I will get the parts...but...burning the shop will be counter-productive. Our parts, will dry up. And *swallow* the man, he is weak...he has suffered so much...his only son, ripped from his home. He will be too sick with worry to be of much use to us...burning the the shop would just...kill him."
Ref: Lucano's face feels the sharp hard impact of the masters clockwork arm and suddenly he is on the floor with the master standing over him, eyes burning. "You DO NOT question me! Do as you are told. In fact do it RIGHT NOW! Get OUT of my sight"

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Ref: Alekos
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Ref: After a miserable night feeling his way through the woods the sun finally dawns enough for Alekos to see where he is going. He makes his way back to the Dreadnaut with his half concious prisoner in his arms. Alekos brings the boy to the Master's chamber. The master looks up at
Ref: Alekos from his writing desk where he is scribbling on various parchments. "You were told to be back last night...explain yourself."
Ref: The master's eyes glint in the light from the porthole

Alekos: Alekos attempts to straighten from his habitual hunch. "Sir, misjudged window of operation, sir. Fell outside operational conditions, sir."

Ref: "Bunglers. Lucano should make you a mechanical mind. At least you would have something more efficient. You were also told not to be seen and you failed that as well. Were my instructions too simple for you? Perhaps you paused for a story?"

Alekos: "Sir, no sir. Sir did not allow me enough operational time for anything except the mission, sir."

Ref: Nevermind. At least you have brought what I asked. Take him below and stow him there, once you have done so, continue your chores. This evening I want you to go back out and make sure the Clockmakers shop is burned to the ground. Watch Lucano do it and report to me his sucess. If he does not, then you do it. Again I expect your return before nightfall.

Alekos: "Sir." Alekos bows and does as told.

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Ref: Old Hanse
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Ref: Old Hanse stands in the Masters stateroom. The Masters batman Ingel, an extremely tall bony fellow in a faded and patched uniform is helping the Master change from one uniform to another. "Report!" The Master's voice is sharp and crisp "What have you discovered? And who are my new candidates?"

OldHanse_M: "Well, sir, I can't really discern any real weaknesses in the Smith. He does drink, and cares for his family. But that's all fairly typical, no?"

Ref: "All too typical." The master snorts. "And other candidates for the program?"

OldHanse_M: "Well, I was at the pub, and there were many men. But they were all fleeing form some altercation. None seemed particularly suitable....It seems to me that this sleepy little village hasn't much in the way of heroes." Winces.

Ref: "Incomptence yet again!" the master shouts in fury, narrowly missing Hanse with his mechanical arm.. "I trust you with simple instructions and yet you fail. Fortunately you are not the only one I sent looking. I have chosen another subject. He is a strong fisherman in this village, named Jakob, and he will do well. We begin to test his mental toughness. You will go and find his daughter and lull her into your confidence. Once you have done so you will have her drink this." He holds a vial with a green liquid. "It will cause her to expire. It should be an excellent test."

OldHanse_M: "Yes, sir..." HAnse takes the vial and looks at it hesitantly. Then he leaves solemnly.

Ref: Take the elder daughter...the younger one is still in our service.

OldHanse_M: Hanse looks back over his shoulder, "Yes...sir."

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Ref: Lucano
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Ref: Lucano stands in the surf breathing the sea air, the water rushing over his feet. He tries to let the horrible things the master said slip out into the sound of the ocean surf. He can hear it singing to him. Wait! He suddenly realizes that sound IS singing. Human singing. He turns to see a lithe figure in simple peasent clothes walking up the beach.

Lucano_1 stands still..."It's her." He doesn't want to frighten her.
Lucano_1: The heaviness of his heart lifts a bit as he hears her song.

Ref: The song continues until she is almost on top of him, though she is further up the beach into the sand. Suddenly her song stops...she looks around as if she hears something. "Is someone there?" her sweet voice calls

Lucano_1 thinks. "Not much of anyone."
Lucano_1: "Yes...sorry. I'm sorry if I frightened you."
Lucano_1 takes in a deep breath.
Lucano_1 waits with baited breath to see if she will speak or run away.

Ref: She hugs herself protectivly and peers into the dark towards Lucano. "Who are you sir?"
Ref: "Do I know you?"

Lucano_1: ", I don't think so. I walk down here you do. I've never spoken, as I didn't want to frighten you as I have said."
Lucano_1: "I have seen you walking here...and heard your songs."
Lucano_1 is glad the darkness hides his unworthy face from her gaze.

Ref: Won't you come out into the moonlight where I can see you?

Lucano_1: "Of course..."
Lucano_1: He slowly steps the edge of the water.
Lucano_1 averts his eyes.

Ref: "Don't be shy," She says. "I've not met anyone else who prefers such solitude. Come on out?"

Lucano_1 hesitates. He tries to breath calmy and deeply, steeling himself to emerge from the water.
Lucano_1 walks towards her, his chest tightening with each step.
Lucano_1 coughs. "Pardon me..."
Lucano_1 weezes a bit. "Is this better?"
Lucano_1 feels tarnished and guilty in her presence.
Lucano_1: "Why do you walk alone?"
Lucano_1: "If...*cough*...I am...not...too forward in"
Lucano_1 feels lightheaded. He pats his chest with his right palm.

Ref: My mother used to take us here long ago, she's dead now and this place makes me feel happier when I'm sad. My sister still comes out here to do the maid service for the odd man aboard that ship.

Lucano_1 's heart drops.
Lucano_1: Lucano can't believe his own voice as he says the following words....
Lucano_1: "I'm sorry...I must go...but...beware. There is danger. Tell...your beware."
Lucano_1: "I must go...I am not...long for Keep safe...keep singing..."
Lucano_1 swims away in desperation...wishing he could do more...
Ref: The maiden looks after him curiously...

Lucano_1: "BEWARE!"

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Ref: End Session 2

Message 8428#87688

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On 10/22/2003 at 2:34am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

So our second session of MLWM happened last night in indie-netgaming. It picked up a bit, the Master got nastier and started going after connections more directly, though so far Jason(Lucano) was the only one to attempt to resist. He did a lovely job of sincerity in his scene with the Master which exposed him even more.

Poor Mike Holmes(Old Hanse) was consistantly interrupted at attempts to gain love but finally did gain a point from the tavernkeeper's wife. Lucano was set up for haveing several contacts severly threatened by the Master and Alekos(the other Mike) was sent along to make sure Lucano did his duty though Lucano successfully resisted the command.

Of the several nice moments though Mike(Alekos) got to do the first Horror Revealed of the game...and came up with the spider babies. Truly creepy. Mike(Alekos) seems to be poised to do a lot of Horror revealed's. He has yet to request a connection scene and he chose to give Alekos a Self Loathing of 3 and a Weariness of 0 in a game where Reason is only a 2. Hence every successful Violence of Villany will in a Horror Revealed. He seems to be angling to become the new Fear in the endgame.

Finally Lucano(Jason) gained a second point of love with a desperation die.

I've become more comfortable in running the system. There was a bit more dialogue in this session, but things did go along swimmingly. The spider babies were very creepy and I'm definately looking forward to seeing what develops.



Message 8428#87691

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On 10/22/2003 at 6:03pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

Yeah, the spiders were very atmospherically effective. One of the best elements so far for concentrating the esthetic we're going for. Kudos.

Old Hanse is up for some distinctly soul wrenching moments coming up, I think. Looking forward to it. :-)


Message 8428#87768

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On 10/22/2003 at 11:45pm, AgentFresh wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

I've already threatened Mike (Alekos) with a call from my lawyer if any of those Spiderbabies show up in my dreams...screaming "daddy" or otherwise.

As for the future of Poor Lucano, the most reluctant of minions, I fear that the swift a furious wrath of the Master will soon come crashing down on him.

Should be interesting.

Message 8428#87801

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On 10/23/2003 at 3:35am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

What is up with Mike and spiders? (see Actual play: Castle of Spiders)

MLWM just brings it out in him, I guess.


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Message 8428#87819

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On 10/23/2003 at 3:41am, Lxndr wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

I thought it was the OTHER mike who did the spiders...

Message 8428#87821

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On 10/23/2003 at 5:54am, AgentFresh wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

It was the OTHER Mike (the player of Alekos) AKA Anonymouse.

Maybe there's some sort of freaky spider/Mike imagination cross-pollenation thing going on.

At any rate, our quota of Mikes and spiders in Actual Play has been reached.

And creepy babies, too.

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Topic 8032

Message 8428#87831

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On 10/23/2003 at 2:57pm, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.

AgentFresh wrote: It was the OTHER Mike (the player of Alekos) AKA Anonymouse.

Apologies, I should have been referring to Mike Goins as Mike Goins rather than the 'other' Mike. :) It was Indeed Mike Goins(Alekos) who did the spider babies.



Message 8428#87856

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On 10/23/2003 at 5:01pm, anonymouse wrote:
RE: MLwM: Meat for the Machine 2: Revenge of the Spider Babies.


I mean, ahem. Yes, 'twas me.

Took me awhile to hit that HR. Clockwork evil genius is a bit harder to do freaky things for. Glad everyone liked/loathed it, though.

Message 8428#87882

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